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Update on Rome Results

Agenda A eff Fall-off past 10 GeV V3R3P7 Classification Trees Covariance Scaled PSFs Pair Energies. Update on Rome Results. A eff Fall-off. No Cuts - Not "NoCal". After "GoodEnergy" Cut. After PSF("CORE") Cut. A eff Post New Cts. No Cuts - Not "NoCal".

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Update on Rome Results

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda Aeff Fall-off past 10 GeV V3R3P7 Classification Trees Covariance Scaled PSFs Pair Energies Update on Rome Results

  2. Aeff Fall-off No Cuts - Not "NoCal" After "GoodEnergy" Cut After PSF("CORE") Cut

  3. Aeff Post New Cts No Cuts - Not "NoCal" After "GoodEnergy" Cut After PSF("CORE") Cut

  4. Energy Cts NoCal: < 2 r.l. or < 5 MeV LowCal: < 350 MeV MedCal: < 3500 MeV HighCal: > 3500 MeV CAL Energy Def's and Good/Bad Breakdown

  5. Energy Cts Summary Plot SR Cut ForV3R3P7

  6. Thin VTX/1Tkr Tree Energy Selection: GoodE.Prob > .20 + Standard Cleaning (See Rome Talk)

  7. Thin VTX Core

  8. Thin VTX Regression - Prediction

  9. Rome: Thin PSF's - Integrated over FoV 4 Combinations of Cuts (CORE/Pred) Cuts: 2/1 Cuts: 1/1 Meets SR Events Eff.: 94.5% Ratio 95/68 > 3 Cuts: 3/4 Cuts: 3/2 Events Eff.: 52.3% Events Eff.: 19.1%

  10. Post-Rome: Thin PSF's - Integrated over FoV 4 Combinations of Cuts (1-CORE/4-Pred) Cuts: 2/1 Cuts: 2/2 Cuts: 2/4 Cuts: 2/3

  11. Covariance Scaled PSF's (from Covariance.ppt presentation to Analysis Group, July, 2003) A bit of math then shows that: and Definitions: Where all the variables come from the Merit-ntuple. (See my covariance ppt for details on Tkr1ThetaErr and Tkr1PhiErr - these are derived from the covariance matrix elements event-by-event)

  12. Scaled PSFs: Energy Dependence Comment: Works well except in regions where energies fed to Kalman Filter are in-accurate. Specifically below 50 MeV and above 10 GeV 18000 < E < 56000 56000 < E < 180000 5600 < E < 18000 1800 < E < 5600 560 < E < 1800 180 < E < 560 56 < E < 180 18 < E < 56

  13. Scaled PSFs: Angle Dependence McEnergy < 10000 MeV -.4<cos(q)<-.2 -.6<cos(q)<-.4 Edge of FoV -.8<cos(q)<-.6 -1<cos(q)<-.8 On Axis

  14. Universal PSF Curve??? 1) Scale Factors adjusted to 2.38 & 3.36 Thin / Thick respectively 2) IMcoreProb > .2 & IMpsfErrPred < 3. (SR cuts) 3) Energy cut: .5 <Tkr1ConEne/EvtEnergySumOpt < 1. Note: This cuts out almost 1/2 the data !!!! (44.4%)

  15. Pair Energies: The Missing Half Only Valid Region: [.5, 1.) Optimization done in

  16. Pair Energies: The Missing Half (2) Optimization done in & Consraint to QED

  17. Post Rome: Next Steps 1) Use EvtEnergySumOpt for constraint energy 2) Try 1/E optimization - shouldn't be worse then the present situation. 3) Fit Shower Model Leakage parameters out past 180 GeV.

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