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Masses By : Nermeen Al Othaimeen

Masses By : Nermeen Al Othaimeen. I tried my best to do this presentation comprehensible. I answered the questions in the best way I can , my sources were the net, and doctors .

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Masses By : Nermeen Al Othaimeen

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MassesBy : Nermeen Al Othaimeen • I tried my best to do this presentation comprehensible. • I answered the questions in the best way I can , my sources were the net, and doctors. • The pictures in this presentation are not the ones came in the previous exams we just took the questions from the students and we put similar pictures from net. • Please if you find any mistakes or even you find better answers don’t hesitate to tell me or Nojod Al amri

  2. Station 1 Man with a big swelling in the back of his head of few months duration a) List 3 things u can see them by inspection: b) DDx: c) 2 early or immediate – local – complications of the surgery

  3. 1-List 3 things u can see them by inspection: *Round or spherical mass *well defined *smooth surface *intact skin 2- Give DDx: • Lipoma • Sebaceuos cyst • Abscess • Lymph nodes • Heamatomas • Sarcoma • Osteoma

  4. 3- Give 2 early or immediate – local – complications of the surgery : { dr. Kurdi gal el so2al maloosh ma3na :D } 1- wound infection 2- bleeding 3- excessive skin removal. 4-heamatoma 5- chyle leak 6- sutures dehiscence

  5. Station 2 Q.describe?Q.give 3 D.D?

  6. 1- Describe what you see • Round facial mass • In the right cheek • Smooth surface • Mention the size • Mention the skin changes ( redness,discharge…etc) 2- give 3 D.D • Salivary glands enlargement( tumors, inflammation, stones..) • Teeth abscess • Mumps • Lipoma ??

  7. Station 3 describe? D.D?

  8. 1- Describe what you see? • Red mass in the head • Spherical in shape • Mention the size • Mention skin changes 2- What is your D.D? • Hemangioma • Hematoma • ???

  9. Station 4 give DDx? Examine ??

  10. DDX : Lipoma ,, Abscess Trauma-induced edema/hematoma Insect bite Examination: 5ps ( present your self , have permission, proper exposure, privacy, position of the patient) By inspection : site size shape symmetry skin changes

  11. By palpation : • Temperature • Tenderness • Mobility (assessed in 2 planes) • Contour ( defined or nor) • Consistency ( firm , hard , soft , rubbery) • Tethering and attachment to underlying skin and subcutaneous tissues • Confirm what you see by inspection. By Percussion: resonance and dullness By auscultation :Bruits Special tests: Fluctuation ( done in 2 perpendicular planes) • Fluid thrill , resonance and dullness , trans-illumination test ( done in dark room or with cone)

  12. Acronyms 3ashan la Tensoon

  13. Station 5 Examination of supra-clavicularregion • Ma adriweshyebi el so2al :D But I would do a complete neck examination concentrating on lymphadenopathy.. • Ensure the 5 p’s By inspection : • Symmetry • Skin changes • Scars • deformity • Visible masses • Any thing you see abnormal in that area describe it, or even in the neck 

  14. By palpation: • Stand behind the patient • Bend patient’s neck to the left if u want to palpate the left Supra-clavicular region and vice versa with the right region , the aim is to make the area flexible not tense • Feel any palpable lymph nodes and their composition. • Temperature • Tenderness By percussion : • Percuss over the supra-clavicular region • Clavicle • Sternum • Lungs By Auscultation : • Auscultate for any possible lung apices cancer with bell and diaphragm of the stethoscope

  15. Station 6 *give differential diagnosis? • Sebaceous cyst • Carbuncle • Folliculitis • Lipoma • Sebaceous carcinoma Pic of Swelling appears in the scalp in between the hair

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