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The FAO Project

The FAO Project. Phase I: April 1998 - October 2001 Assistance in Institutional Strengthening and Agricultural Policy Phase 2: November 2001 - October 2003 Assistance for Capacity Building through Enhancing Operations of the National Agricultural Policy Center. GCP/SYR/006/ITA.

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The FAO Project

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  1. The FAO Project Phase I: April 1998 - October 2001 Assistance in Institutional Strengthening and Agricultural Policy Phase 2: November 2001 - October 2003 Assistance for Capacity Building through Enhancing Operations of the National Agricultural Policy Center GCP/SYR/006/ITA Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  2. Objectives & components • 1. Institutional Development: enhancing the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform (MAAR) in the field of agricultural policy • 2. Agricultural Policy Analysis:support the technical capacity to undertake comprehensive review and analysis of agricultural policies, strategies and programs • 3. Training: establishing a cadre of policy analysts • 4. Statistical Information: facilitating access to available statistics for economic analysis of agriculture Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  3. Phase I: Institutional Development • Two studies providing proposals for A) improving the organizational structure of the MAAR (by Adballa, Sudan) B) establishing a specialized institution in applied economic analysis of agricultural policies (by Barbero, Italy): the National Agricultural Policy Center has been formally established by the Syrian Government and started operations in 2001 Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  4. Phase II: Institutional Development Enhancing institutional and managerial capacity of the NAPC • Equipment and training • Supply Equipment • Provide training for NAPC management and support staff • Establish a specialized library • Support functioning of Steering Commission and Scientific Committee of the NAPC Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  5. Phase II: Institutional Development • Sustain NAPC to perform independently • Support elaboration of NAPC Work Plans for short and medium term activities • Support monitoring and management of NAPC Workplan implementation Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  6. Phase I: Policy Analysis 1 • (A) Policy Studies: 14 studies carried out by international and national experts in order to • 1) increase awareness and deliver advises on policy issues • 2) provide analytical background for the elaboration of the Agricultural Development Strategy • 3) provide on-the-job training of national expertise • (B) Agricultural Development Strategy: a comprehensive vision on agricultural policy making • Preparatory work (by De Benedictis, Italy) • Analytical work (by Sarris, Greece) produced the final document interacting with national experts Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  7. Phase I: Policy Analysis 2 1) Olive Oil Subsector (by Malevolti, Italy) 2) Citrus Subsector (by Westlake, GB) 3) Marketing of Agricultural Product (by Rama, Italy) 4) Livestock (by Cummins, Australia) 5) Food Security (by Hamdi, Egypt) 6) Strategic Crops (by Westlake, GB) 7) Input Markets Liberalization (by Parthasarati, India) 8) Land Tenure (by Forni, Italy) 9) Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Practices (by Jones, GB) 10) Association Agreement with the EU (by Coque, Spain) 11) Promoting Investments in Agro-Industry (by Maletta, Argentina) 12) Water Use in Agriculture (by Valera & Sagardoy, Spain) 13) Rural Credit (by Parthasarati, India) 14) Taxation & Subsidization of Agriculture (by Wehrheim, Germany) Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  8. Phase II: Policy Analysis 1 Supporting NAPC to perform as research center and policy forum • Promote public awareness on policy issues • producing and disseminating publications • establish task forces for policy studies • Follow up to agricultural strategy • Establish a Forum on agricultural policies: annual Policy Workshops and bimonthly seminars Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  9. Phase II: Policy Analysis 2 • Support NAPC elaboration of studies • Policy analyses A. Periodical Reports, e.g. “The State of Food and Agriculture in Syria”, “Syrian agro-food trade” B. Occasional Studies, e.g. “Promoting export to EU”, “Comparative Advantages” • Pre-feasibility studies and investment profiles • e.g. Establishment of a Market Information System • Acting as national counterpart for cooperation activities involving sub-sector or feasibility studies Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  10. Phase I: Training 1 • Established a cadre of policy analysts through an intensive program in 3 phases • 1. Basic training:6 courses over 7 months, for 80 trainees • 2. Specialized training:13 courses over 18 months, for 50 trainees delivered by highly qualified international trainers • 3. Individually Tailored Training • 49 trainees in 8 teams supervised by 5 international experts in elaborating research reports on agricultural policy issues • 8 trainees as visiting scholar in 5 Italian Universities for 3 months for research, field visits, contacts with institutions, etc. Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  11. Phase I: Training 2 Phase 1 Basic Training practical abilities and theoretical background needed for specialized training in policy analysis Phase 2 Specialized Training theoretical and applied training on issues, concepts methods and tools for policy analysis Phase 3 Tailored Training team working for carrying out policy researches PLUS 3 month fellowships in Italian Universities Complementary activities participation in project’s activities (seminars, studies, field work) and ad hoc training sessions for filling emerging gaps Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  12. Phase I: Training 3 In-class training delivered Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  13. Economics of Agricultural Markets Agricultural Policies Applied Agricultural Policies(4 modules) Farm Level Assessment of Policy Impacts Agro-industrial Policies Macroeconomic, Agriculture and Vulnerable Groups Trade and Domestic Policies in Open Economy Sustainable Agriculture and Water Policies (2 modules) Decentralisation and Food Security (2 modules) Cost Benefit Analysis Comparative Agricultural Policies Phase 2: Training 4 Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  14. Phase II: Training 1 Enhance human resource in policy analysis • Further training for NAPC specialists • Masters Programs in USA for 5 staff members • Short stages abroad for other staff members • On-the-job training by working as research and training assistants • Specialized seminars and intensive courses Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  15. Phase II: Training 2 • New cadre of agricultural policy analysts Full time intensive training program in 4 phases: 1. Preliminary English Language training 2. Basic training in Computer, English, Economics and Data Analysis for 60 trainees 3. Specialized training: 12 course in agricultural economics and policy analysis for 50 trainees 4. Individually Tailored Training: to experiment research work in Syria and Italy Short intensive courses for a wider audience Producing teaching materials Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  16. Phase I: Statistical Information • Facilitating access to available statistics for agricultural policy analysis. 2 outputs: A. Electronic Database on CD-ROM B. The Policy Analysis Data Handbook: a printable version of the Database • Data coverage General Economic and Agricultural data. Detailed Production Data by Governorate and agro-ecological zone for winter and summer crops, fruit and forest trees, livestock products. Crop budgets for main field and tree crops. Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

  17. Phase II: Statistical Information Enhance the Database and enable NAPC staff to update it • Update and upgrade the database • Support NAPC staff in updating the database and extending data coverage • Enhance database electronic support and interface • Disseminate the Database • Deliver training on quantitative techniques Project GCP/SYR/006/ITA - 2nd National Agricultural Policy Worpshop, Damascus 12 Janury 2002

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