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Project Planning for your End-of-Course FINAL PROJECT

Project Planning for your End-of-Course FINAL PROJECT. Year in review…. In Global Studies, you were asked to investigate many different global issues, including: World Population Global Economy Diversity Human Rights Global Security Protecting the Environment.

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Project Planning for your End-of-Course FINAL PROJECT

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  1. Project Planningfor your End-of-CourseFINAL PROJECT

  2. Year in review… • In Global Studies, you were asked to investigate many different global issues, including: World PopulationGlobal Economy DiversityHuman Rights Global Security Protecting the Environment

  3. What topics do you see there that were significant for you? Which ones inspired you to make changes in your life? How have they helped you to become better global citizens? Which ones do you feel passionate about to share with others so they can help make a difference?

  4. ~ Final Project Instructions ~

  5. The Rubric

  6. Your creativity is important in this final project.  I encourage you to also explore these online webtools to see how best to showcase your abilities in your final project.Glogster:  http://edu.glogster.com/ Prezi: http://prezi.com/ Empressr: http://www.empressr.com/*** tutorial video : http://www.screencast.com/users/asage3/folders/Jing/media/64edaa9d-bb6b-42c3-82cd-e05464b770bb Photo Story 3: (for PC): http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/photostory/default.mspx YouTube: www.youtube.com SmileBox:  www.smilebox.com XtraNormal:  www.xtranormal.com OneTrueMedia:  www.onetruemedia.com Slide:  www.slide.com*** tutorial video : http://www.screencast.com/users/asage3/folders/Jing/media/fb1ca900-db06-4eea-bce9-7811db3b415a Animoto: www.animoto.com CREATIVITY COUNTS!

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdztV9ey_pI http://youthforbetterhumanrights.blogspot.com/ SUPER STUDENT SAMPLES

  8. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/2305071/gnn-presentation http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=6c488c15e906639ab7a8bc&skin_id=701&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=text_url

  9. http://secure.smilebox.com/ecom/openTheBox?sendevent=4f446b314e5451344d3377784f446b774f5451334d513d3d0d0a&sb=1&campaign=email_receipt_directurl_makeyourownhttp://secure.smilebox.com/ecom/openTheBox?sendevent=4f446b314e5451344d3377784f446b774f5451334d513d3d0d0a&sb=1&campaign=email_receipt_directurl_makeyourown

  10. What questions do you have?

  11. Contact Information Rich Benedict Global Studies Instructor Florida Virtual School 813-699-0104office

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