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Church History

Church History. John Oakes, PhD Moscow, July, 2016. Why Study Church History?. 과거의 실수로 부터 배움 → 피할것인가 ? 역사로부터 배우지 못하는 사람은 실수를 반복한다 . 우리의 뿌리 찾기 (Restoration Movement, Campus Ministry, ICOC) 시계추 운동에서 부터 벗어나기 은혜 ↔ 율법주의 교리 ↔ 열심 , 감성 , 마음 금욕주의 ↔ 자유.

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Church History

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  1. Church History John Oakes, PhD Moscow, July, 2016

  2. Why Study Church History? • 과거의 실수로 부터 배움→ 피할것인가? 역사로부터 배우지 못하는 사람은 실수를 반복한다. • 우리의 뿌리 찾기(Restoration Movement, Campus Ministry, ICOC) • 시계추 운동에서 부터 벗어나기 • 은혜 ↔ 율법주의교리 ↔ 열심, 감성, 마음금욕주의 ↔자유

  3. Church History: How Should we “do” Church? • Is David Bercot Right? Are Viola and Barna Right? • Will the Real Heretic Please Stand Up! • Pagan Christianity. • 가정: If they did it, we need to do it. • House Churches, Pacifism, Withdrawal from worldly entertainment, Musical Instruments, Baptism • No! 부정확한 추정 만들기. • 어떤 것들은 편리주의였다. • 어떤 것들은 문화적 현실반영. • 믿음으로 우리는 말씀을 믿는다 • But!!! We can learn a lot from their good examples.

  4. How is True Christianity Lost? • 커지는 분열, 잘못된 가르침과 이단의 등장 • Gradual drift of the “진정한 교회” from biblical practice for good and sincere reasons.

  5. 초기의 종파주의와 이단들 • Judaizers legalism Gal 1:8 • Ebionites Denied deity of Jesus • Gnostics Deny humanity of Jesus, deep knowledge • Docetism Jesus not a physical person • Marcionites Jehovah an evil god. Established canon. • Montanists Charismatics, modern-day revelation • Novatianists Division over discipleship • Arians Denied deity of Jesus

  6. Another way to lose it: The Church Drifts • Orthodoxy(바른신앙) vs Orthopraxy(바른행동) • Heterodoxy(다른신앙:이단) vs Heteropraxy(다른행동) • Theme: Almost all these examples of drift from Orthopraxy started out as a reasonable and seemingly wise response to a real problem (heresy) at the time! • Irenaeus: 이단에 대응하기 위해“교회 전통”사용, 믿음의 규칙, 사도직 계승의 권위.

  7. The Apostolic Church Drifts… • Leadership/Church Organization • Doctrine of Baptism • Asceticism, Monasticism • Creeds • Sacerdotalism(성직주의)/Priesthood clergy and laity • Lord’s Supper becomes a sacrifice • Sacramentalism(성례전주의): Liturgy, Church Calendar • “성자” 숭상 • 해석학 • 은유적해석vs 역사적/분석적 접근

  8. Creeds • A second century Roman creed (said at baptism) • I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, and in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord, and in the Holy Ghost, the holy church and the resurrection of the flesh.

  9. Lessons Learned From the Early Church • Avoid convenient but unscriptural organizational structure. • Resist the trend toward ritualism in our worship. • Do not overreact to false doctrines. • Avoid relying on creeds to defend truth. • Do not overemphasize the importance of physical sacrifice, prayer or any other good spiritual activity • Watch for tendency to develop a clergy/laity division • Stress good methods of Bible exegesis

  10. Highlights in 3rd and 4th Centuries • Persecutions • Decius 249-251 Valerian 253-260 • Diocletian 303-304 Galerain, Licinius • Edict of Milan 313 Toleration of Christianity • Constantine, Emperor of all Rome 323 • Beginning of “Christendom” • Council of Nicaea • Arianism • Nicene Creed • Julian the Apostate

  11. Augustine (354-430) The Sovereignty of God • Laid groundwork for Christendom, Medieval Christianity and Reformation theology • The City of God, Christendom, Church and State • Original Sin(원죄론): Mankind totally depraved • Predestination(예정론) • Sacramentalism Baptism, Ordination etc ex opere opero (사효적(事效的) • Transubstantiation(화체설) • Immaculate Conception(성모무염시태: 원죄없는 잉태) • Reacted against Donatists • Reacted against Pelagius, Pelagianism

  12. Augustine: 354-430 Sovereignty of God Total depravity Monoergism(단동설:單動說) Predestination(예정설) Original Sin(원죄) Infant baptism for salvation Sacramentalism Transubstantiation City and State: Christendom Opposed Donatists Opposed Pelagius Augustine of Hippo (from 6th century)

  13. Pelagius AD c. 354-430 Works Salvation?

  14. True Christianity in the Middle Ages? • Paulicians 650-900’s Asia Minor • Albigenses, Cathars 1000’s-1200’s Southern France • Henry the Monk 1100 • Arnold of Brescia 1155 Italy • Peter of Bruys 1140 Northern Italy • Waldensians 1175-1500’s Peter Waldo, Switzerland

  15. Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 Aristotle Revelation by reason Scholasticism Arguments for existence of God Natural Theology “Summa Theologica(신학대전)”

  16. Thomas Aquinas: 그러므로 하나님은 자연적/자원적으로 움직이게 하시는 첫 번 째 원인이시다. 그리고 자연적 원인을 움직이게 하는 것과 마찬가지로 그 행동을 금지하지 않으며 자원적 원인을 움직임으로 우리의 행동의 자원성을 박탈하지 않는다. 그러나 그는 우리 안의 동인의 원인이시며 모든 피조물의 본성에 따라 작동하게 하신다. 다른 말로 아퀴나스는 자유의지를 믿었으며 엄격한 단동론자는 아니었다.

  17. The Reformation • John Wyclif England, 1324-1384 • John Huss Bohemia, 1374-1415 • Martin Luther Germany, 1483-1546 • Ulrich Zwingli Switzerland, 1484-1531 • William Tyndale England, 1494-1536 • John Calvin France, 1509-1564 • John Knox Scotland, 1505-1572

  18. John Wyclif 1324-1384 Translated Vulgate into English Opposed indulgences, idols, priesthood The Pope is the antichrist Followers known as Lollards Declared heretics 1401

  19. John Huss 1374-1415 Bohemia Influenced by Wyclif Bible the only authority Only God can forgive sin Burned at the stake Hussites virtually wiped out by the Inquisition Brethren and Moravian Churches

  20. John Huss Burned at the stake, 1415

  21. Martin Luther 1483-1546 Augustinian Monk 95 Theses in Wittenburg 1517 Studied Romans Grace Through Faith Only Scripture Only Predestination Book of James a “book of straw.” Kept much of Catholic worship practices

  22. Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) Swiss Reformer More radical than Luther Rejected almost all Catholic forms of worship. “Four bare walls and a sermon.” Differed on the Lord’s Supper Lord’s Supper and Baptism are “symbolic ceremonies.” His influence led to the Anabaptists Principle influence on John Calvin Died as a soldier fighting a Catholic Swiss canons.

  23. The Anabaptist Movement (1525 and later) The Radical Reformation Menno Simmons 1496-1561 Martyrdom of Anabaptists

  24. 재침례파 운동 (cont.) • 구원을 위해서는 믿음의 고백후 받는 성인의 침례가 필요 • 성경이 유일한 권위 • 교회와 국가의 분리 • 삶과 가르침을 모두 강조 • 평화주의 (일반적으로) • 많은 순교자 • 전도에 열정적이었으나 배타적/내향적으로 변함 (Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites) • 분파적이 되기 쉬움

  25. John Calvin 1509-1564 • Followed Zwingli • Most influential theologian of the Reformation • Emphasized Historical/Covenantal Theology • Wrote Institutes of Christian Religion • Established an autocratic theocracy in Geneva • Best known for his strong emphasis on predestination/monergism. • God has two wills: his revealed will (1 Tim 2:3-4) and his secret will: foreordination of souls • Calvinist denominations: Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, Puritan, Baptist, Anglican(?)

  26. TULIP John Calvin • Total depravity of mankind • Unconditional election • Limited atonement • Irresistible grace • final Preservation of the saints

  27. Jacob Arminius (1569-1609) • “Arminianism” • Semi-Pelagianism? • Opposed supralapsarianism(타죄이전설 반대) • Prevenient grace(선행적 은총). 하나님은 미리 아시지만 미리 결정하시지 않음 • 칼빈주의는 하나님의 죄의 창조자로 만듬 • 감리주의, 환원운동

  28. Jonathan Edwards “A Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God.” How do we know we are of the elect?

  29. 1800’s America: Predestination LightOnce Saved, Always Saved • Preservation of the Saints • Believer’s Prayer. • Once God saves you, in is impossible to lose your salvation, no matter what.

  30. Pietist and Revivalist Movements • John (1703-1791) and Charles (1707-1788) Wesley • 거룩, 경건, 하나님과의 개인적 관계를 강조함 • 알미니언 신학 • Reformer of Anglicanism • Strong organizer: “Methodism” • George Whitehead Revivalist Preacher • Friend of Wesley, but differed on Calvinism. • Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakening (1730s and 40s) • “A sinner in the hands of an angry God.” • Sought an outward sign of God’s grace.

  31. The Stone/Campbell Movement Restoration or Reformation?

  32. Influences • Francis Bacon and inductive logic(귀납주의): the scientific approach to the facts of the Bible. • John Locke: the “Christian Philosopher” • The Scottish school of Common Sense Philosophy (Adam Smith, Thomas Reid, etc.) • The Seceder Presbyterians(장로교 분리주의), the Sandemanians and other radical restorationist sects.

  33. James O’Kelly We are “Christians simply”

  34. Rice Haggard 1769-1819 한가지 내가 아는 것은 비본질적인 것들이 공동체를 정의하게 되면 그것은 반드시 그리스도의 교회를 흩어지고 분열하게 하는 경향이 있다.

  35. Barton W. Stone 1772-1844The heart of the movement The Cane Ridge Revival The Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery “기독교의 하나됨이 우리의 북극성이 되게 하라.” “I do, so far as I see it consistent with the word of God.”

  36. The Presbytery of Springfield, sitting at Cane Ridge, in the county of Bourbon, being, through a gracious Providence, in more than ordinary bodily health, growing in strength and size daily; and in perfect soundness and composure of mind; but knowing what it is appointed for all delegated bodies once to die: and considering that the life of every such body is very uncertain, do take, and ordain this our Last Will and Testament, in manner and following,…. And with that the Springfield Presbytery no longer existed and the Stone movement began.

  37. Thomas Campbell 1763-1851 Emigrated to Pennsylvania 1807 Suspended by Presbyterian Church The Declaration and Address 1809 Principles for unity of Christians.

  38. Alexander Campbell 1788-1866The mind of the movement Joined Thomas from Scotland 1809 Believers only baptism 1812 Campbell/Walker Debate 1820 The Millennial Harbinger 1830 Bethany College 1840

  39. Walter Scott (1796-1861) First evangelist in the movement “Restored the gospel” in 1827 The five step “plan” of salvation Scott’s: faith, repentance, baptism, remission of sins, Holy Spirit CoC today: hear, believe, repent, confess, be baptized

  40. The crowning event of the early years: 1824 Stone and Campbell met for the first time • Decided to form a unified movement Problems: • Christian (Stonites) or Disciple (Campbellites) 2. Emotional vs intellectual movements (preachers vs teachers) • Teaching on baptism • Ordination of ministers 5. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

  41. Hermeneutics of the Movement “Command, Example and Necessary Demonstrations.” “Where the Bible speaks, we speak, where the Bible is silent, we are silent” Sought Bible “facts.” Weak on principles. Tended toward legalism.

  42. The Turning Point: Were they a unity movement (a reformation) or a restoration movement? Stone and Campbell favored reformation (example; the Christadelphians: 그리스도형제파의 사람) Walter Scott, Benjamin Franklin, Tolbert Fanning, David Lipscomb and others moved toward restoration. Sought “the perfect pattern.”

  43. The Dominating Influences in the Movement • The Colleges (Bethany College, David Lipscomb College, etc.) • The Periodicals (editor/bishops) (The Millennial Harbinger, The American Christian Review, The Gospel Advocate, Firm Foundation, etc.) • These were forces for unity and for division

  44. Points of disunity/division • Evangelism and inter-church organization (the Missionary Society) • The Civil War: pacifism, slavery, etc. (The Missionary Society supported the North) • The “instrument.” Moses Lard: “No preacher should enter a church where an organ stands.” • Daniel Sommer and David Lipscomb. • 1906 US Census acknowledged two separate groups: The Church of Christ and the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ.

  45. David Lipscomb (1831-1917) “Father” of the Church of Christ Founder of Lipscomb University Editor of the Gospel Advocate 1866-1917 Daniel Sommer “Watchdog(경비견:감시인)” for the brotherhood. “Daniel Sommer was a militant who left a legacy of legalistic wrangling and divided congregations.”

  46. Other Controversies • One cup, Sunday School, “anti” churches • Premillennialism(천년이 지나기전에 재림예수주장) • For the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ; The Ecumenical Movement. Open Membership. • UCMS (United Christian Missionary Society) vs. NACC (North American Christian Convention) • Two denominations by about 1950

  47. Lessons to be learned • 하나됨은 강한 위계적 구조없이는 매우 유지되기 어렵다. • 본질적 문제와 비본질적 문제를 구분하는 일은 생각보다 어렵다. • 강한 위계적 구조가 없는 운동은 하나됨을 유지하기 위한 도구가 필요하다. • 장기적인 성장과 하나됨을 위해서는 신학,교회구조와 역사에 대한 신중한 사고가 필요함. • 우리가 동의하지 않는 그룹에 대해 과민반응하지 않는 것이 매우 어렵다.

  48. Book Recommendations: Reviving the Ancient Faith (Hughes) The Stone Campbell Movement (Garrett) Into All Nations (Foster Stanback) The Search for the Ancient Order (West)

  49. Crossroads/Boston/ICOC Movement • 1960’s “College Chairs” Within CoC • 1967 Chuck Lucas 14th Street CoC (Crossroads CoC) • Soul talks • Prayer partners • Emphasis on evangelism • After 1975 “campus ministries” • Tom Brown, Andy Lindo, Kip McKean, etc… • Many church splits resulted • 1979 Kip McKean, Lexington/Boston CoC • “sold out” disciples only in the church • Amazing growth • Emphasis on world evangelism • Vertical discipling trees, uniformity and simplicity of methodology

  50. Boston/LA/ICOC movement (cont.) • Chuck Lucas resigns at Crossroads CoC 1985 • Official split with CoC 1986 • Who’s fault was it? • Church Reconstructions 1988 • You are in or you are out • Evangelization Proclamation 1994 • Kip McKean removed as world evangelist/head of the movement November, 2001 • Kreite letter/ICOC structure falls apart Feb 2003 • Attempts at para-church organization, the “unity letter”

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