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Attitudes toward American brands and Brand America in three Pacific Rim countries

Attitudes toward American brands and Brand America in three Pacific Rim countries. Fullerton, J.A., Kendrick, A., Chan, K., Hamilton, M., and Kerr, G. American Academy of Advertising Asia Pacific Conference May 2007. Jami Fullerton, Oklahoma State University.

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Attitudes toward American brands and Brand America in three Pacific Rim countries

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  1. Attitudes toward American brands and Brand America in three Pacific Rim countries Fullerton, J.A., Kendrick, A., Chan, K., Hamilton, M., and Kerr, G. American Academy of Advertising Asia Pacific Conference May 2007

  2. Jami Fullerton, Oklahoma State University Alice Kendrick, Southern Methodist University Matthew Hamilton, Oklahoma State University AAA Brand US

  3. Reason for this study • International public opinion polls revealed an increase in anti-Americanism (in Europe and Asian countries). • The rise of anti-Americanism is of concern to American global marketers. • Difference in perception about American policy vs. American products/people/values. AAA Brand US

  4. How will this anti-Americanism impact upon American Brands? • American brands contribute to 62 of the top 100 most valuable brands worldwide. • Business leaders met to develop a platform to restore “Brand America”. AAA Brand US

  5. Brands we love and brands we loathe • Tim Love (vice chairman international of Saatchi & Saatchi) believes that there are brands we love, he calls “lovemarks”. • Alice Kendrick suggests that there are also brands we loathe and coined the opposing term “loathemark”. • Love called for sensitivity in international advertising. • International advertising studies showed that connecting products to America may have changed from a brand asset to a negative strategy. AAA Brand US

  6. Research Questions • What are the prevailing attitudes toward America among students in Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore? • Which brands do they most like/dislike? • What is the degree of preference for US brands? • Any relationship between US brand likeability and attitude toward America? AAA Brand US

  7. Methodology • Sample of 556 undergraduate and graduate students in Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. • Attitudes toward US government and US people on a 4-point scale. • Preference for US brands on a 5-point scale. • US brands they liked/disliked the most (open-ended). AAA Brand US

  8. Sample AAA Brand US

  9. RQ1:What are the prevailing attitudes toward America among students in Australia, Hong Kong, and Singapore? Rated on 4 point scale where 1 = very unfavourable and 4 = very favourable. AAA Brand US

  10. RQ2: Which American brands do they like the most? Least? AAA Brand US

  11. RQ3: What is the degree of preference for US brands? Rated on 5 point scale where 1 = no preference and 5 = preference. AAA Brand US

  12. Not really voting with their wallets • Majority of respondents stated they did not care whether a brand is US when they make a purchase. • None refused to buy US brands. AAA Brand US

  13. RQ4: Is there any relationship between US brand preference and attitude toward America? • In Australia – no relationship between attitude towards US government or US people and preference for US brands. • In Hong Kong and Singapore – Significant positive relationship between attitude towards US government and preference for US brands, but not between the US people and US brands. AAA Brand US

  14. Discussion • This study confirms the findings of other surveys that attitude towards US government is lower than attitude towards US people. • However, this study demonstrated the attitude towards the US government could have a significant positive relationship on preference towards US brands. AAA Brand US

  15. Differences between countries • Significant positive relationship was found in both Hong Kong and Singapore between attitude towards the US government and preference for US brands. • Only 2% of Australians compared to 12-15% of their Asian neighbours preferred to buy Australian brands. AAA Brand US

  16. Differences between countries • Perhaps US government’s embodiment of democratic ideals or business enterprise play a stronger role in Asian countries than in Australia. • Perhaps as an outpost of American culture and commerce, Australians associate the US government with the actions of the current administration. AAA Brand US

  17. Love me or Loathe me? • Three brands identified as the most liked US brands – Coke, McDonalds and Nike – are amongst those rare international brands that Saatchi& Saatchi decreed lovemark status. • This study suggests they may also qualify for loathemark status amongst the same demographic group. • Do the same aspects of a brand cause it to be both loved and loathed? • Might anti-Americanism be a reason? AAA Brand US

  18. The “So what” mark? • “I do not care if the products that I buy are from the US or not, I choose the products that I like best, regardless of the national origin of the brand” • Australia 87% • Hong Kong 74% • Singapore 79% AAA Brand US

  19. Limitations and Future Research • Doubtful that the student groups are representative of their respective countries and any generalizations must be viewed with caution. • Important pilot data that may signal trends that can subsequently explored. • More research, larger samples, more countries to help understand the love/ hate relationship with Brand America. AAA Brand US

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