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Microbiology: A Systems Approach, 2 nd ed.

Microbiology: A Systems Approach, 2 nd ed. Chapter 19: Infectious Diseases Affecting the Nervous System. 19.1 The Nervous System and Its Defenses. Two component parts to the nervous system CNS PNS Three important functions Sensory Integrative Motor

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Microbiology: A Systems Approach, 2 nd ed.

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  1. Microbiology: A Systems Approach, 2nd ed. Chapter 19: Infectious Diseases Affecting the Nervous System

  2. 19.1 The Nervous System and Its Defenses • Two component parts to the nervous system • CNS • PNS • Three important functions • Sensory • Integrative • Motor • Brain and spinal cord: made up of neurons, both surrounded by bone, encased with meninges • PNS: cranial and spinal nerves

  3. Defenses of the Nervous System • Mainly structural • Bony casings • Cushion of CSF • Blood-brain barrier • Immunologically privileged site

  4. Figure 19.1

  5. Figure 19.2

  6. 19.2 Normal Biota of the Nervous System • No normal biota • Any microorganisms in the PNS or CNS is a deviation from the healthy state

  7. 19.3 Nervous System Diseases Caused by Microorganisms • Inflammation of the meninges • Many different microorganisms can cause an infection • More serious forms caused by bacteria • If it is suspected, lumbar puncture is performed to obtain CSF • Typical symptoms: headache, painful or stiff neck, fever, and usually an increased number of white blood cells in the CSF

  8. Neisseria meningitides • Gram-negative diplococcic lined up side by side • Commonly known as meningococcus • Often associated with epidemic forms of meningitis • Causes the most serious form of acute meningitis

  9. Figure 19.3

  10. Figure 19.4

  11. Figure 19.5

  12. Streptococcus pneumonia • Referred to as the pneumococcus • Most frequent cause of community-acquired meningitis • Very severe • Does not cause the petechiae associated with meningococcal meningitis- useful diagnostically • Small gram-positive flattened coccus that appears in end-to-end pairs

  13. Haemophilus influenza • Tiny gram-negative pleomorphic rods • Sensitive to drying, temperature extremes, and disinfectants • Causes severe meningitis • Symptoms: fever, stiff neck, vomiting, and neurological impairment

  14. Listeria monocytogenes • Gram-positive • Ranges in morphology from coccobacilli to long filaments in palisades formation • Resistant to cold, heat, salt, pH extremes, and bile • In normal adults- mild infection with nonspecific symptoms of fever, diarrhea, and sore throat • In elderly or immunocompromised patients, fetuses, or neonates- affects the brain and meninges and results in septicemia

  15. Figure 19.6

  16. Cryptococcus neoformans • Fungus • More chronic form of meningitis • More gradual onset of symptoms • Sometime classified as a meningoencephalitis • Headache- most common symptom; also nausea and stiff neck • Spherical to ovoid shape and a large capsule

  17. Figure 19.7

  18. Figure 19.8

  19. Coccidioides immitis • At 25°C forms a moist white to brown colony with abundant, branching, septate hyphae • Hyphae fragment into arthroconidia at maturity • Usually begins with pulmonary infection

  20. Figure 19.9

  21. Figure 19.10

  22. Viruses • Aseptic meningitis • Majority of cases occur in children • 90% caused by enteroviruses • Generally milder than bacterial or fungal meningitis

  23. Neonatal Meningitis • Almost always a result of infection transmitted by the mother, either in utero or during passage through the birth canal • Two most common causes • Streptococcus agalactiae • Group B strep • Escherichia coli

  24. Meningoencephalitis • Encephalitis: inflammation of the brain • Two microorganisms cause meningoencephalitis (both amoebas) • Naegleria fowleri • Acanthamoeba

  25. Naegleria fowleri • Small, flask-shaped amoeba • Forms a rounded, thick-walled, uninucleate cyst • Infection begins when amoebas are forced into human nasal passages as a result of swimming, diving, or other aquatic activities • Amoeba burrows in to the nasal mucosa, multiplies, and migrates into the brain and surrounding structure • Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM)

  26. Figure 19.11

  27. Acanthamoeba • Large, amoeboid trophozoite with spiny pseudopods and a double-walled cyst • Invades broken skin, the conjunctiva, and occasionally the lungs and urogenital epithelia • Granulomatous amoebic meningoencephalitis (GAM)

  28. Acute Encephalitis • Encephalitis can present as acute or subacute • Always a serious condition • Acute: almost always caused by viral infection • Signs and symptoms vary but may include behavior changes, confusion, decreased consciousness, seizures

  29. Arborviruses • Borne by insects; most feed on the blood of hosts • Common outcome: acute fever, often accompanied by rash

  30. Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE) • Appears first in horses then in humans • Carried by mosquito • Extremely dangerous to infants and small children

  31. Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) • Eastern coast of North American and Canada • Usually appears first in horses and caged birds • Very high case fatality rate

  32. California Encephalitis • May be caused by two different viral strains: California strain and the LaCrosse strain • Children living in rural areas: primary target group

  33. St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE) • May be most common of all American viral encephalitides • Epidemics in the US occur most often in the Midwest and South

  34. West Nile Encephalitis • Increasing in numbers in the United States

  35. Herpes Simplex Virus • Can cause encephalitis in newborns born to HSV-positive mothers • Prognosis is poor

  36. JC Virus • Infection is common • In patients with immune dysfunction, cause progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)- uncommon but generally fatal

  37. Subacute Encephalitis • Symptoms take longer to show up and are less striking • Most common cause: Toxoplasma

  38. Toxoplasma gondii • Flagellated parasite • Most cases go unnoticed • In the fetus and immunodeficient people, severe and often fatal • Asymptomatic or marked by mild symptoms such as sore throat, lymph node enlargement, and low-grade fever

  39. Figure 19.13

  40. Measles Virus: SubacuteSclerosingPanencephalitis (SSPE) • Occurs years after an initial measles episode • Seems to be caused by direct viral invasion of neural tissue

  41. Prions • Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs): neurodegenerative diseases with long incubation periods but rapid progression once they begin • Human TSEs • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) • Gerstmann-Strussler-Scheinker disease • Fatal familial insomnia

  42. Figure 19.14

  43. Rabies • Slow, progressive zoonotic disease • Characterized by fatal encephalitis • Average incubation time: 1-2 months or more • Prodromal phase begins with fever, nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, and other nonspecific symptoms • Furious rabies • Periods of agitation, disorientation, seizures, and twitching • Spasms in the neck and pharyngeal muscles lead to hydrophobia • Dumb rabies • Patient is not hyperactive but is paralyzed, disoriented and stuporous • Both forms progress to the coma phase, resulting in death

  44. Figure 19.15

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