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Regional Learning Partnership

Regional Learning Partnership. Regional Strategic Planning, Local Delivery. RLP Partners. Local Government Higher Education Further Education Third Sector Private Sector / Work Based Training Across 6 County Areas. Partnership Ambitions.

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Regional Learning Partnership

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  1. Regional Learning Partnership Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  2. Regional Strategic Planning, • Local Delivery Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  3. RLP Partners • Local Government • Higher Education • Further Education • Third Sector • Private Sector / Work Based Training • Across 6 County Areas Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  4. Partnership Ambitions • Provide package of support for the learner and better progression routes • Promote equality of access and quality standards • Improve linkages with employers / regeneration partnerships / sector skills council and the ability to share market intelligence Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  5. Partnership Ambitions • Enable the RLP to develop a holistic plan focusing on specific sectors within the region • Greatly enhanced planning, leading to shared services and delivery giving better value for money • Increased responsiveness to regional needs • Allow training providers to specialise in what they do best Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  6. What does the RLP do? • Regional Strategic Planning, Local Delivery • 3 Key Pillars • Partnership, Brokerage & Development • Regional Learning & Skills Observatory • Regional E-Portal Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  7. Pillar 1 Partnership Brokerage & Development • The partnership’s collective response to the region’s skills challenges • Regional Approach to the development and delivery of ACL • HE / FE Regional Strategy • Engagement with Sector Skills Councils • Regional Apprenticeship Mapping • Regional Economic Regeneration Strategies • Convergence Funded Projects Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  8. Apprenticeships Report Current picture of Apprenticeships in the region • Historical data • Current provision • Projection data Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  9. Pillar 2 Regional Learning & Skills Observatory • Continues to be a central interactive online information system providing data and intelligence to support evidence based policy and improved decision making in the areas of regeneration and education • Focus on learning and skills, employment and economic development • Aspiration to evolve from a repository of data to an intelligence unit • providing analysis and interpretation of data • populated with additional data sets and intelligence Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  10. Data Sources • Adding local data into existing national sets • Local, Regional and National data sources e.g. • Census • ONS • NOMIS • StatsWales • Welsh Government • Uploaded to RLSO on release • Additional data sources eg • Forecasting Data - Cambridge Econometrics • Education Data • BRES • Census 2011 Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  11. At a Glance Fact Sheets ‘At a Glance’ fact sheets providing the latest core indicators focusing on learning, skills and the labour market for the region and by county ‘At a Glance’ fact sheets for each sector are also planned Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  12. LMI Reports Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  13. Pillar 3 Regional E-Portal • Pilot in Swansea (Swansea Regeneration Area) • One Stop Shop for skills, employment and education matters • Future rollout regionally Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  14. …Transforming training, skills and employment Inform Swansea contains information on where an individual can find courses, jobs, apprenticeships and volunteering opportunities. Inform Swansea allows an individual to find all the advice they need in one location as opposed to searching though many different websites or via a generic internet search. The request training feature allows for direct interaction between Advisers and Training Providers which ensures that the right training is delivered in the right place at the right time. www.informswansea.co.uk

  15. Moving forward • Funding secured to December 2015 via the Welsh Government’s Regional Collaboration Fund • Continue to deliver the 3 pillars • Facilitate the development of a Regional Delivery Plan for Employment and Skills for South West and Central Wales • The Plan will be developed to implement Strategic Aim 2 of the SWW Economic Regeneration Strategy and also align to priorities in the Ceredigion and Powys strategies Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  16. Welsh Government Employment and Skills Delivery 2014 – 2020 Integrated portfolio of projects responding to identified and evidenced need Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  17. DfES Footprint Consultation Document • July 2013 – DfES circulated a discussion document outlining the WG’s strategic approach to the delivery of employment and skills support for both individuals and businesses which will provide a basis for future utilisation of European Structural Funds • 3 key drivers behind developments (i.e. more simplified model of delivery; articulation of ‘footprint delivery’; need for a more integrated referral service for businesses and individuals) • 3 Tier Approach – National, Regional and Local • Document outlines a suggestion of the anticipated delivery arrangements and associated activities across the three tiers • Views and input on the Footprint document are sought Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  18. Provision Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  19. Regional Delivery Plan for Employment & Skills Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  20. Structure of Regional Delivery Plan Development Welsh Government (DfES) Regional Delivery Plan for Employment & Skills South West & Central Wales Task & Finish Group Co-ordinated and facilitated by RLP Remit: Facilitate the development of the Regional Development Plan Employment & Skills South West Wales Pilot Steering Group Co-ordinated and facilitated by DfES Remit: Gather evidence to support business case Employment & Skills South West Wales Pilot Operational Group Co-ordinated and facilitated by RLP Remit: Research of existing ESF projects Swansea Bay City Region Economic Regeneration Strategy Powys Regeneration Strategy Ceredigion Economic Regeneration Strategy

  21. The plan will aim to address the following issues: • Baseline assessment of the region • Identification of gaps in provision • Proposed activities to address the above • Consideration of sectors • All levels of provision • Partnership control and oversight of activity in the region Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  22. Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  23. Policy Considerations • National – WEFO’s Economic Prioritisation Framework & DfES’ “National Footprint Document” • Regional –Swansea Bay City Region • Powys and Ceredigion Regeneration Strategies Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  24. Practical Considerations • Strategic priorities of the respective regional economic regeneration strategies • Strategic local priorities around skills and employment • Wider stakeholder representation and engagement Partner ‘buy in’ • Role of other networks and sectors Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  25. PresentersElid Morris emorris@carmarthenshire.gov.ukBridget Moseleybridget.moseley@colegsirgar.ac.ukNick McNeillesfpolicybranch@wales.gsi.gov.uk Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

  26. Do the contents of the document align with current sectoral thinking / developments?Is there anything specific to the region’s needs that should be factored in / included at this stage?How can we ensure that the Delivery Plan is developed with the full engagement and influence of key stakeholders, especially considering the diversity and geographical spread of this network?How will the wider stakeholders practically engage in the process? Discussion Regional Strategic Planning ~ Local Delivery

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