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Part 2 34 problems. Each problem is read by the test administrator. No explicit statement about calculators on this part of the test.Page 4 of the Complete Battery Test Directions says, ?The decision whether or not to use calculators should be based on standard practices." An explic

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    4. TABE 9/10 Level E-M-D-A Mathematics Math Computation There are 40 problems. The time limit is 24 minutes. Calculators are not allowed. Applied Math There are 50 problems. The time limit is 50 minutes. Calculators are allowed

    5. Operation sense measures an understanding of math operations and the ability to match appropriate operations with given situations. Operation properties, on the other hand, gets at an awareness of the properties of operations, such as the commutative property of addition and multiplication. These sub-skills are not new, but there naming is more accurate now.Operation sense measures an understanding of math operations and the ability to match appropriate operations with given situations. Operation properties, on the other hand, gets at an awareness of the properties of operations, such as the commutative property of addition and multiplication. These sub-skills are not new, but there naming is more accurate now.

    6. Operation Properties vs. Operation Sense Operation Property 5 × 3 = ? × 5 Operation Sense 5 ? 3 = 15 Operation Property addresses an understanding of the nature of the arithmetic properties, such as commutative, shown here on the left, associative, distributive, and the operation identities. Operation Sense, on the other hand, gauges an ability to identify an appropriate operation for a given situation.Operation Property addresses an understanding of the nature of the arithmetic properties, such as commutative, shown here on the left, associative, distributive, and the operation identities. Operation Sense, on the other hand, gauges an ability to identify an appropriate operation for a given situation.

    7. Money is about being able to count money. Can you determine the value of given coin and bill combinations? Can you select coins and bills to total a given amount? Can you compare different coin and bill combinations and determine which is greater? This sub-skill is only at the E and M Levels on TABE 9/10. My last slide shows a good Steck-Vaughn resource for E Level practice.Money is about being able to count money. Can you determine the value of given coin and bill combinations? Can you select coins and bills to total a given amount? Can you compare different coin and bill combinations and determine which is greater? This sub-skill is only at the E and M Levels on TABE 9/10. My last slide shows a good Steck-Vaughn resource for E Level practice.

    10. Counting is simply being able to count a collection of displayed items. Counting is simply being able to count a collection of displayed items.

    11. Number and Number Operations Counting How many blocks are shaded in the figure? a. 4 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9 What number comes before 1321? In addition to the problem shown, this question also could be used to assess the Counting sub-skill for TABE 9/10. The last slide contains a Steck-Vaughn resource for this skill. What number comes before 1321? In addition to the problem shown, this question also could be used to assess the Counting sub-skill for TABE 9/10. The last slide contains a Steck-Vaughn resource for this skill.

    12. Conclusions from data is essentially the same as the conclusion sub-skill of the Reading Test, except with numerical data presented in a table.Conclusions from data is essentially the same as the conclusion sub-skill of the Reading Test, except with numerical data presented in a table.

    13. Data Analysis Conclusions From Data Based on the following table, which statement is true? all 5 people are over 40 b. only 2 people are over 30 c. none of the people is under 25 d. 3 of the people are between 20 and 40

    14. Probability and statistics has matured on TABE 9/10 and is now an objective with its own sub-skills. It has a greater presence on the new TABE, but the same skills are being measured. Informal language is used at the E Level, and the terms ‘likelihood’ and ‘most often’ are used rather than ‘probability’ and ‘mode’.Probability and statistics has matured on TABE 9/10 and is now an objective with its own sub-skills. It has a greater presence on the new TABE, but the same skills are being measured. Informal language is used at the E Level, and the terms ‘likelihood’ and ‘most often’ are used rather than ‘probability’ and ‘mode’.

    15. Geometric pattern assesses the ability to recognize a pattern in an arrangement of geometric elements and then to predict the next element(s) in the pattern.Geometric pattern assesses the ability to recognize a pattern in an arrangement of geometric elements and then to predict the next element(s) in the pattern.

    18. Appropriate unit checks to see if you can select a measurement unit that is fitting for the dimension and size of an object to be measured. For instance, miles would be appropriate for distance between cities, rather than feet or gallons. The problems are for both the Metric and Customary Systems. Steck-Vaughn has a good resource for this sub-skill, and it’s listed on the last slide.Appropriate unit checks to see if you can select a measurement unit that is fitting for the dimension and size of an object to be measured. For instance, miles would be appropriate for distance between cities, rather than feet or gallons. The problems are for both the Metric and Customary Systems. Steck-Vaughn has a good resource for this sub-skill, and it’s listed on the last slide.

    21. Use ruler, at the E Level, targets the ability to read the measurement of an object’s length with a ruler, Customary or Metric. At the M Level the focus is on, not only the ability to read the ruler, but to take 2 readings and compare them.Use ruler, at the E Level, targets the ability to read the measurement of an object’s length with a ruler, Customary or Metric. At the M Level the focus is on, not only the ability to read the ruler, but to take 2 readings and compare them.

    24. This is good practice for proper fraction measurements.This is good practice for proper fraction measurements.

    25. This is good practice for mixed number practice.This is good practice for mixed number practice.

    26. Spatial reasoning assesses the ability to use reasoning to predict the outcome of some type of physical manipulation, such as cutting, conjoining, or repositioning, of a geometric shape.Spatial reasoning assesses the ability to use reasoning to predict the outcome of some type of physical manipulation, such as cutting, conjoining, or repositioning, of a geometric shape.

    29. The solid figures sub-skill is not at E Level on TABE 7/8, so students at that level now need to be familiarized with terms such as cube and cylinder.The solid figures sub-skill is not at E Level on TABE 7/8, so students at that level now need to be familiarized with terms such as cube and cylinder.

    32. Problem solving has moved from under the Computation in Context umbrella of TABE 7/8. It has also acquired a revised name, Problem Solving and Reasoning. Various types of problem situations are presented in this objective. Students’ abilities to discern if an information item is extraneous, if there is insufficient information, what additional information is needed, and to get the solution are all measured. There are also problems to select solution-yielding expressions for the problem situation.Problem solving has moved from under the Computation in Context umbrella of TABE 7/8. It has also acquired a revised name, Problem Solving and Reasoning. Various types of problem situations are presented in this objective. Students’ abilities to discern if an information item is extraneous, if there is insufficient information, what additional information is needed, and to get the solution are all measured. There are also problems to select solution-yielding expressions for the problem situation.

    36. Number line measures an ability to identify values on a number line and to understand relationships between various numerical values when represented on a number line.Number line measures an ability to identify values on a number line and to understand relationships between various numerical values when represented on a number line.

    38. Appropriate data display measures the ability to select a data display construct (line graph, picture graph, table, etc.) that is best suited for a particular purpose. Students should be able to determine from the context which display would be most appropriate.Appropriate data display measures the ability to select a data display construct (line graph, picture graph, table, etc.) that is best suited for a particular purpose. Students should be able to determine from the context which display would be most appropriate.

    43. Note the reduction in percent problems.Note the reduction in percent problems.

    44. Sampling is a technique used to collect statistical data from a small representative portion of a larger group, such as a state’s population. The more representative the sample group, the more reliable the data collected. The 2 sampling problems at the D Level check to see if one can distinguish the most representative sample group from the given choices. As an example, a sample group which includes non-residents of a city would not be as good as a sample group composed exclusively of residents of the city. This would be relevant if a survey of eligible voters in an upcoming city election is to be taken.Sampling is a technique used to collect statistical data from a small representative portion of a larger group, such as a state’s population. The more representative the sample group, the more reliable the data collected. The 2 sampling problems at the D Level check to see if one can distinguish the most representative sample group from the given choices. As an example, a sample group which includes non-residents of a city would not be as good as a sample group composed exclusively of residents of the city. This would be relevant if a survey of eligible voters in an upcoming city election is to be taken.

    45. The 2 linear equation problems on Form 10 are of a harmless sort, and students only need to know how to substitute values for variables and then do the indicated arithmetic. The one on Form 9 has a lot more algebra bite to it. A linear equation is an equation which shows a relationship between no more than 2 different variables (letters). TABE 7 and 8 do not assess this sub-skill at as high a level of algebra as the new TABE. We are moving closer to the point where teachers must be able to have some level of proficiency with algebra topics.The 2 linear equation problems on Form 10 are of a harmless sort, and students only need to know how to substitute values for variables and then do the indicated arithmetic. The one on Form 9 has a lot more algebra bite to it. A linear equation is an equation which shows a relationship between no more than 2 different variables (letters). TABE 7 and 8 do not assess this sub-skill at as high a level of algebra as the new TABE. We are moving closer to the point where teachers must be able to have some level of proficiency with algebra topics.

    46. This is just to give you an idea of the kind of skill one of the TABE 9/10 linear equation problems will measure.This is just to give you an idea of the kind of skill one of the TABE 9/10 linear equation problems will measure.

    48. The Geometry and Spatial Sense objective contains a new sub-skill, Point/Ray/Line/Plane, which measures a knowledge of the basic geometry terms point, ray, line, and plane, and their relationships. Contemporary’s Exercise Book for Geometry, pages 4-5, is a good resource.The Geometry and Spatial Sense objective contains a new sub-skill, Point/Ray/Line/Plane, which measures a knowledge of the basic geometry terms point, ray, line, and plane, and their relationships. Contemporary’s Exercise Book for Geometry, pages 4-5, is a good resource.

    51. Transformations makes its debut as a sub-skill of the Geometry and Spatial Sense objective and has only 1 problem at the D level and 1 at the A level. A transformation is the resulting view of an object after a geometric operation has been performed on it. The 3 major geometric operations are reflection, rotation, and translation. In Microsoft Word there is a Draw command which has a Rotate or Flip subcommand, and the menu items for this subcommand will allow you to practice with rotation and reflection. Transformations makes its debut as a sub-skill of the Geometry and Spatial Sense objective and has only 1 problem at the D level and 1 at the A level. A transformation is the resulting view of an object after a geometric operation has been performed on it. The 3 major geometric operations are reflection, rotation, and translation. In Microsoft Word there is a Draw command which has a Rotate or Flip subcommand, and the menu items for this subcommand will allow you to practice with rotation and reflection.

    55. As with TABE 7/8, Applied Math percent problems do not appear until Level D. There are no percent problems with D Level Computation in Context and there is only 1 other percent problem at D Level Applied Math, in Number and Number Operations. They also have a lesser presence at A Level Applied Math.As with TABE 7/8, Applied Math percent problems do not appear until Level D. There are no percent problems with D Level Computation in Context and there is only 1 other percent problem at D Level Applied Math, in Number and Number Operations. They also have a lesser presence at A Level Applied Math.

    56. The Numeration and Number Theory objectives have been reduced from 12 sub-skills to 5 at the A Level of Applied Math.The Numeration and Number Theory objectives have been reduced from 12 sub-skills to 5 at the A Level of Applied Math.

    61. Suggested Resources for Selected TABE 9/10 Sub-skills Money—Working With Numbers, Level B, Unit 3 (Steck-Vaughn) Counting—Working With Numbers, Level B, Unit 1 (Steck-Vaughn) Appropriate Unit—Math Matters, pp. 11, 14, 17, 20, 60, 61 (Steck-Vaughn) Use Ruler–Math Matters, p. 13 (Steck-Vaughn) Point/Ray/Line/Plane—Cambridge Exercise Books – Geometry, pp. 4-5

    66. Data Analysis Conclusions From Data Based on the following table, which statement is true? all 5 people are over 40 b. only 2 people are over 30 c. none of the people is under 25 d. 3 of the people are between 20 and 40

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