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P resentation: SCPD Orientation Redesign

P resentation: SCPD Orientation Redesign. by Eric Bailey Cassidy Puckett Kihyun Ryoo Gregory Umgelter Paula Wellings. O verview. Background and Findings Online Orientation Community Orientatio n Summary. B ackground. The Assignment:

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  1. Presentation:SCPD Orientation Redesign byEric Bailey Cassidy Puckett Kihyun Ryoo Gregory Umgelter Paula Wellings

  2. Overview • Background and Findings • Online Orientation • Community Orientation • Summary

  3. Background The Assignment: Re-envision the SCPD Faculty and TA orientation program to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of online learning courses. What we did first:

  4. What we found : The Challenge Faculty and TAs need knowledge and motivation to provide effective instruction and support to online students. Faculty and TAs are challenged to provide: • Effective responses to problems online students have. • Meaningful connections that support online students learning.

  5. The Challenge from Four Different Perspectives It’s difficult to connect with remotely located Industry Students Industry Students are demanding and unqualified We must influence faculty/TAs to provide quality learning experiences I want high-quality content in a convenient format

  6. Identified Goals for the New Faculty & TA Orientation • Increase empathy for Industry students. • Understand how to connect with Industry students in distributed learning environments. • Provide useful models for informing the future online practices of Faculty and TAs. • Motivate Faculty and TAs to take on new teaching and learning practices.

  7. Online Orientation Map Home 1. New Landscape 2. People & Places 3. Planning Your Course Industry People Document Exchange SCPD Places Online Community Broadcast/Webcast Quick Logistics

  8. 1. The New Landscape Home 1. New Landscape 2. People & Places 3. Planning Your Course Industry People Document Exchange SCPD Places Online Community Broadcast/Webcast Quick Logistics

  9. 1.The New Landscape

  10. 1.The New Landscape What Faculty and TA’s need to understand about the online learning landscape: • The larger context in which they work and exert influence • How the SCPD produces and delivers online courses---from the physical classroom to online learning • New models of learning and teaching with online learning technologies

  11. 2.People & Places Home 1. New Landscape 2. People & Places 3. Planning Your Course Industry People Document Exchange SCPD Places Online Community Broadcast/Webcast Quick Logistics

  12. 2. People & Places

  13. 2. People & Places What Faculty and TA’s need to know about the people and environments of the SCPD: • The needs and experiences of Industry students, faculty, TAs • Guidance on how to best address the needs of off-campus students • The affordances and constraints of SCPD teaching and learning environments

  14. 2.People & Places

  15. 2.The People What Faculty and TA’s need in order to identify with individuals involved in SCPD: • Personal accounts of teaching, supporting and learning in distributed learning environments • Effective models of online practice • Artifacts that support the development of empathy for Industry students

  16. 3.Planning Your Course Home 1. New Landscape 2. People & Places 3. Planning Your Course Industry People Document Exchange SCPD Places Online Community Broadcast/Webcast Quick Logistics

  17. 3.Planning Your Course

  18. 3.Planning Your Course What Faculty and TA’s need to prepare and administer a SCPD course: • Models to understand the structure and mechanics of a SCPD course • Logistical information about the exchange of ideas, information, and documents

  19. 3.Broadcast/Webcast Training

  20. 3.Broadcast/Webcast Training What Faculty and TA’s need to execute an effective course: • Procedural model for teaching and supporting a distributed course • Awareness of potential problems and pitfalls

  21. Community Orientation

  22. Community Orientation

  23. Community Orientation

  24. Summary The online and community orientations: • Increase empathy for Industry students. • Understand how to connect with Industry students in distributed learning environments. • Provide useful models for informing the future online practices of Faculty and TAs. • Motivate Faculty and TAs to take on new teaching and learning practices.

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