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CHEWING GUM. ALEX BERARDUCCI. What type of tree is used?. Chewing gum is made from a product of the Manilkara zapota tree, commonly known as the sapodilla tree. . Chicle. Chicle is a major by-product of the sapodilla tree. It is a latex material containing 15% rubber and 38% resin.

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  2. What type of tree is used? • Chewing gum is made from a product of the Manilkarazapota tree, commonly known as the sapodilla tree.

  3. Chicle • Chicle is a major by-product of the sapodilla tree. • It is a latex material containing 15% rubber and 38% resin.

  4. Chicle Info • Chicle is tasteless and harmless • Obtained by tapping trees in Yucatan, Belize, and Guatemala.

  5. Chicle Info • The sap is then cooked over a fire, dried, and then poured into block molds for export. • The dried latex was chewed by the Mayas and was introduced in the united states in 1866.

  6. Alternatives • In the middle 1900s, chewing gum manufacturers created synthetic gum base out of rubber, wax, and plastic.

  7. How gum is made • Processing of chicle includes drying, melting, eliminating foreign matter, combining with other gums, resins, sweeteners and flavorings. • It is then rolled into sheets and cut to size.

  8. How gum is made • In the manufacturing process, the gum base is mixed with softeners to help the gum retain its moisture, and sweeteners like sugar and corn syrup to improve taste.

  9. How gum is made • The mixture is then sterilized and melted in a steam cooker and pumped through a machine that removes bits of dirt and bark.

  10. How gum is made • The gum mixture is then rolled into sheets and powdered sugar is sprinkled on both sides to prevent the gum from sticking to the rollers.

  11. How gum is made • When the gum cools and hardens, it is cut into sticks or pieces.

  12. How gum is made • Some types of gum are candy coated • Other machines package the sticks of gum

  13. Bubble gum • Bubble gum was introduced in 1928 • It is made in a similar way, except the gum base is more rubbery.

  14. History • American indians in New England introduced colonists to chewing gum which they made.

  15. Where is it sold? • Chewing gum can be found at most grocery stores and convenience stores as well as other locations.

  16. Works cited • "How is Chewin Gum Made?." bigsiteofamazingfacts.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov 2011. • "Chicle and Rubber-producing Plants." waynesworld.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov 2011. <http://waynesword.palomar.edu/ecoph13.htm>. • "Sapodilla." hort.purdue.edu. Purdue, n.d. Web. 9 Nov 2011. <http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/sapodilla.html

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