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Today's program

Today's program. The Utz et al. Paper Our follow up survey Related matters from research question to research question selection effects ( and what to do about it ) Multi-level analysis on such kinds of data. The Utz et al. paper (and follow up questions).

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Today's program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Today's program • The Utz et al. Paper • Our follow up survey • Relatedmatters • from research question to research question • selectioneffects (andwhatto do aboutit) • Multi-level analysis on such kinds of data

  2. The Utz et al. paper(and follow up questions)

  3. [show Utz summary and follow-up questions]

  4. New questions should really follow-up on the scientific discussion, not just “be related”. For instance: Do the results still hold: (1) when the weaknesses are taken into account? (2) under slightly different circumstances? (3) given different kinds of respondents? But you have to have a reason why you think this might be so! An this potential difference should be interesting. In Utz et al, for instance: come up with a reason why we do not replicate the Kim finding.

  5. Our follow-up survey • Take our follow-up survey (now)… • Concentrate, don’t interact with others • … also because these will be the data that you will work with at the exam • … and because you will need to invite other people to participate

  6. http://tue.nfshost.com/index.php?ref=StudentID&p=ParticipantIDhttp://tue.nfshost.com/index.php?ref=StudentID&p=ParticipantID For your own run, use your own StudentID and p=000 For your invitations use your own StudentID and different p-values per invitation!

  7. <go through the survey here>

  8. Selection effectsMy sample might not be representative for the populationThat is: for which group of people are my results supposed to hold?

  9. Selection effects Kiezen van de doelgroep vs non-response. • eBay vs non-eBay users • computer literatevsnot • ... • thosewhoparticipateandthosewhodon't • carefullyconsiderwhat the differencemightbe • compare the earlywith the late responders • ask something to the non-participants

  10. Selection effects (cont’d) • And ... what was so good about experiments again? ... • ... non-response might screw that up!

  11. To Do • We'regoingto run the survey youjustcompleted • Come up with 15 persons to invite. Vary the characteristics. When you did not submit follow-up questions you have to come up with 25 (use the Excel template online) • Createaninvitation list. Do not invite anyoneyet. Submitthis list to CS on Thursdaylatest. Start invitingthis Friday. • We will keep track of who indeed participates, andwho does not • These data canalsobe part of the exam data

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