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Principals as Human Capital Manager

Capturing Our Learning. Principals as Human Capital Manager. Overview. Purpose: To support principals in expanding their capacity to manage teacher talent more effectively for student results Key Elements of Principals as Human Capital Managers Developing Principals as Human Capital Managers

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Principals as Human Capital Manager

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  1. Capturing Our Learning Principals as Human Capital Manager

  2. Overview • Purpose:To support principals in expanding their capacity to manage teacher talent more effectively for student results • Key Elements of Principals as Human Capital Managers • Developing Principals as Human Capital Managers • Providing Data to Principals' Human Capital Management • Working with Principal Supervisors to Support School-Level HC Management • Targeting Support to Principals of High-Needs Schools See the Teacher ABC Tool and Executive Summary of the Teacher Puzzle Pieces for additional information Urban Schools Human Capital Academy

  3. Key Research • “School administration” is the single greatest factor in teacher retention • 40% of teacher who left cited dissatisfaction with school leadership Boyd, et al., 2009 • 80% of Principal’s current HR work is dealing with administration or the lowest performers Milanowski & Kimball, 2010 Urban Schools Human Capital Academy

  4. Metrics Key metrics to understand performance in this function include: • Percentage of Principals satisfied with HC management learning opportunities and overall satisfaction with HR services (IX.A) • Percentage of Principals satisfied with data support for HC management (IX.B) Urban Schools Human Capital Academy

  5. Key Content Principals as HC Managers

  6. Our perspective IF we want all principals to be great human capital managers, we should first define what it means for principals AND we as a district should understand how to build an environment for them to succeed in their role THEN we will be more effective in recruiting, selecting, hiring, retaining, performance managing, and developing principals as great human capital managers

  7. The Face of Human Capital Management “The Principal is not only responsible for many day-in, day-out interactions with staff that influence their decisions to stay or leave and their choices about how they will direct their efforts, but s/he is responsible for translating district management actions that become what teachers experience as human capital management. Thus, the principal is a key link in district strategic talent management efforts.” – Odden, Milanowski & Kimball, 2010

  8. Strategic HC isn’t an add-on, it’s an enabler “Instructional leadership is only a part of a principal’s responsibilities for the strategic management of teacher talent.” – Kimball, 2011 SOURCE: Kimball, 2011, p.14

  9. How do we enable or constrain our principals? “…the school principal (and other school leaders) must make explicit the competencies and expectations for teaching effectiveness and must center them on both instructional leadership actions and the human capital functions of recruitment, selection, induction, mentoring, professional development, performance management, and compensation and recognition. All of these functions are, in many cases, enabled or constrained by district policies and collective bargaining agreements. But the effective principal works in or around the policies to build the best staff for the school.” - Kimball, 2011

  10. Expectations and reality

  11. What creates an environment for principals to be great human capital managers?

  12. Part of an overall human capital strategy Expectations Environment Execution SOURCE: Odden, 2008

  13. Strategies to support principals as HC managers EXAMPLE: Identify that setting a deadline for teachers to state their intent to retire with incentives can support early notification and thus more effective and timely hiring EXAMPLE: Position key HR/HC roles such as Recruitment, HR Partners and Performance Management to provide timely support and data to principals SOURCE: Kimball & Milanowski, 2010.

  14. How can we create an environment for principals to be great HC managers?

  15. Condition 1: Coherence Around KeySchool Level HC Decisions Do we expect principals to own decisions, or do we expect them to inform decisions? Where do our expectations diverge from reality? Are we effective at supporting these decisions at the school level? Key HC Decisions Made at the School Level: Anticipate turnover and proactively communicate staffing needs Execute a rigorous selection process that meets school needs Assign teachers strategically & equitably Assign mentors and induct new teachers Budget, schedule & design job embedded PD Recommend PD to teachers based on need Recognize and reward high performers Evaluate staff and rate effectiveness Renew / non-renew probationary teachers Make strategic decisions on who to retain Exit / dismiss low performing staff

  16. Condition 2: Aligned supports Roles Supporting Principals with HC: • Principal Manager, ILD • HR Partner • Recruitment team • Performance Management team • PD / C&I • HR Lead • Others? How do these roles help principals be great HC Managers? How do the roles coordinate and align efforts to ensure coherent support to principals? Where do they conflict with one another?

  17. Condition 3: Policies that help, not hinder Policy Areas: • Federal, State and Local • Labor contracts • “Past practice” • District policies • Mutual consent • In-building and subject seniority • Early hiring • Transfer windows • Incentives • Others? Which policies most help or hinder the principal as an HC manager? Is there one we should take on and change above others?

  18. Condition 4: Complementary Tools & Services Are the right resources being provided? Are we helping us and them work smarter and not harder? Tools and Services: Data reports Dashboards and scorecards Templates Training Technology and self-service

  19. Tools and Activities

  20. Tools • Creating an Environment for Principals to be Great HC Managers • Provides a process to help HR/HC teams and Principal Supervisors to identify key roadblocks and develop an action plan to help Principals become great HC managers • Sample Principal Survey Items • Assists USHCA districts in collecting and analyzing metrics in the Teacher and Principal ABC Tools to gauge principal satisfaction with key HR/HC policies, tools and systems. Information from the survey will help HR/HC departments understand how principals view their policies, tools and systems in order to provide best possible service to schools • Principal’s Human Resources Bill of Rights • Outlines what principals should expect and demand in regards to human capital support and services • Challenge Scenario: Principal Autonomy • Provides a scenario on how to manage principals as HC managers • What a Difference a Focus Makes: The Emerging Role of the HR Partner in the District • Offers a case study of an effective HR Partner to support principals • Sample Scorecard – HR Partner • Provides a sample scorecard for the HR Partner role based on the book Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street Urban Schools Human Capital Academy

  21. Activity: Assessment and Action Planning Step 1 - Assessment • Step through each of the 4 conditions as a team • Use guiding questions to assess if you are helping or hindering Step 2 - Action Planning • Write down 2things that you want to take on this year thatwould support a principals ability to lead as a HC Manager • Write down 1 insight you gained during this session thatyou want to go back and share with your district Step 3 - Post Up on Chart Paper • Your greatest strength / asset / innovation in creating an environment for principals to be great HC managers • Your greatest opportunity for improvement this year • One insight you gained during this session that you want to go back and share with your district

  22. Activity: Discussion of a School Site VisitExpectations vs. reality • What do we expect our principals to do as effective HC managers at their schools (written or unwritten)? • What do our competencies, rubrics or evaluation tools say principals should spend their time on related to human capital? • What is the reality on the ground? • What do the school visit and our experiences show us about our principals’ reality when it comes to protecting the time and space to focus on human capital? • What canthey control around human capital? • What can’tthey control?

  23. Activity: School Site Group Recap What did you identify as the difference between expectations of principals as HC managers and what is actually being asked of principals? What was your principal’s “reality” on your site visit? What can we do to bridge the gap between our expectations and reality?

  24. Additional Academy Materials

  25. Key Questions Digging Deeper into Your HR Supports for Principals • What are the most effective ways HR supports principals to do their human capital work? • What data, tools, and supports does HR provide to differentiate supports to principals in human capital work? USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  26. Refresher: Principal as HC Manager The Principal Is the Centerpiece of Teacher Quality Work Teacher Puzzle Pieces USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  27. Refresher: Principal’s HR Bill of Rights One-stop shopping Data provided often on their staff School visits at least twice a year Collaboration between HR and Principal Manager Online access to pool of strong candidates 24/7 No forced placements All vacancies filled for school opening Streamlined processes all online Support to improve or exit low performers Annual satisfaction surveys to get principal’s feedback USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  28. Baseline Principal Rights by Power Metric Area Get the Best Talent Consistently Deploy Them Deliberately Retain & Develop Strategically • Support to improve or exit low performers • No forced placements • Online access to pool of candidates 24/7 • All vacancies filled for school opening Principal Bill of Rights Deliver HR Services Effectively • One-stop shopping • Data provided often on staff • School visits at least 2x/year • Collaboration between HR & Principal Mgr. • Streamlined, online processes • Annual satisfaction surveys Principal Bill of Rights USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  29. Team Reflection Principal’s Bill of Rights • Which of the “rights” feel like an, OF COURSE!? • Which might run counterto your current practices? • Which 1-2 “rights” might best address the concerns you heard from principals inyour pre-work? USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  30. Going Beyond the Basics Digging Deeper into Your Supports • Principal’s Bill of Rights is just the starting point of how HR delivers services • HR can and must do more to support principals as HC managers • Providing tools, data, and supports on the ground is essential • How you organize is as important as the supports you provide USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  31. Analyzing Your Team’s Support to Principals Tools, Data, Supports, & Differentiation • Principals take many actions and make many decisions as HC managers: • What are the key supports you provide to assist principals? • How do you differentiate? • What Power Metric area should you prioritize for improvement? USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  32. Take the Assessment Where Are Your Gaps? What Do You Want to Prioritize? Using the Assessing HR’s Supports to Enable Principals as HC Managers Tool: • Complete the Green & Purple portions of the tool • Discuss gaps on the chart • Considering your data and intention, which Power Metric area should you prioritize for additional supports? Why? USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  33. Toolkit for Enabling Principals as HC Managers Deploy Them Deliberately Retain & Develop Strategically Get the Best Talent Consistently Tools • Top Strategies for Recruiting a Diverse, Effective Workforce • Teacher Offer Letter – Early Hire • Scorecard – Teacher Position • ERS – School-level Data – For Discussion • Using Your Evaluation Data to Drive Decision Making • Targeted Retention Strategies • School-level Retention Mapping • Letters of Reprimand - Sample • Support to improve or exit low performers • No forced placements • Online access to pool of candidates 24/7 • All vacancies filled for school opening Principal Bill of Rights Deliver HR Services Effectively • One-stop shopping • Data provided often on staff • School visits at least 2x/year • Collaboration between HR & Principal Mgr. • Streamlined, online processes • Annual satisfaction surveys • Principal’s HR Bill of Rights • Principal Survey - Sample • School-level HR Planning Tool – Sample 1 • School-level HR Planning Tool – Sample 2 Principal Bill of Rights Tools USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  34. Team Activity Explore the Tools • Explore the tools in the Power Metric area you selected for improvement • Consider: • How could we use these tools to enable our principals as HC managers? • Which 1 tool or “Right” holds the most promise for us to improve our supports based on our intentions? USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  35. Moving to Action Team Planning Time • What results do we want? • Why do we want them? • When do we want them? • What are 1-2 HC supports we can provide to principals? • What steps can we take to get there? • Howcan our USHCA Partner support us? Spend 30 minutes working through how to improve supports to principals USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  36. Example Plan What:Help principals identify high quality candidates to interview Why:Principals report spending too much time sorting through low-potential candidates and struggling to identify high-potential candidates with hiring teams When:For upcoming hiring season - at least by February 1st What 1 or 2 Supports:Teacher Scorecard Steps: USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

  37. Final Reflection Team Time Based on how we plan to improve supports to principals: • How does it impact how we organize our work? • Where do we want to allow flexibility in our priority area? Where do we want to ensure consistency? USHCA Academy | May 2016 | Day 1

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