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Explorers and Colonies. Road to Revolution. American Revolution. Native Americans. Hodge Podge. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 5 pt. 10 pt. 10 pt. 10 pt. 10 pt. 10 pt. 15 pt. 15 pt. 15 pt. 15 pt. 15 pt. 20 pt. 20 pt. 20 pt. 20 pt. 20 pt. 25 pt. 25 pt. 25 pt. 25 pt.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Explorers and Colonies Road to Revolution American Revolution Native Americans Hodge Podge 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt

  2. True or False- Colonization was a result of Columbus discovery of the New World

  3. What is TRUE?

  4. Explorer who in 1521 conquered and destroyed the Aztecs

  5. Who is Hernando Cortez?

  6. First successful and permanent English settlement in North America

  7. What is Jamestown?

  8. Spaniards who explored and conquered the Americas

  9. Who are conquistadors?

  10. Colonial region made up of settlers from different nations and of different religions

  11. What is the Middle Colonies?

  12. Citizen soldiers who promised to be ready to fight in a moment’s notice

  13. Who are minutemen?

  14. This documents basic idea stated the power to govern a nation comes from the people

  15. What is the Declaration of Independence?

  16. Main author of the Declaration of Independence

  17. Who is Thomas Jefferson?

  18. Why the British government begin taxing the colonies after 1763

  19. What is debt from the French and Indian War?

  20. Meeting of delegates to protest the Intolerable Acts- established militias

  21. What is the First Continental Congress?

  22. Location of the 1777 winter camp where Washington and his troops endured terrible suffering, lacking decent food, clothing, and shelter.

  23. What is Valley Forge?

  24. Battle that convinced the British to surrender the war

  25. What is the Battle of Yorktown?

  26. True or false- the Treaty of Paris of 1783 established the Appalachian Mountains as the western boundary of the United States

  27. What is FALSE? (The western boundary was the Mississippi River)

  28. American ally that provided war materials and money to fight the British

  29. Who was France?

  30. American fighting style where small bands of Patriots used surprise hit and run techniques

  31. What is guerrilla warfare?

  32. The first Americans walked across this land from Asia, formed during the Ice Age

  33. What is Beringia Land Bridge?

  34. Corn, beans, and squash

  35. What is “the three sisters”?

  36. Homes of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois); could hold 8-10 families

  37. What is a longhouse?

  38. Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga, and Cayuga joined together for peace

  39. What is the Iroquois Confederacy?

  40. The main reason Native Americans developed many different cultures

  41. What is their different environments?

  42. First hand account of history Example: Letter, interview, photograph, diary

  43. What is a primary source?

  44. In Stamp Act and Tea Act, the word ACT means

  45. What are laws passed by Parliament?

  46. The part of a map that explains the symbols

  47. What is a key or legend?

  48. Your total surroundings

  49. What is your environment?

  50. Synonym for agriculture- (how 90% of the colonist made their living)

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