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Freedom High School Rising Freshman Parent Night

F.  Wednesday, January 30, 2013 7:00 p.m. J.M. Lunsford Middle School Auditorium. Freedom High School Rising Freshman Parent Night. CLASS OF 2017!. WELCOME TO FREEDOM!!!. Your feedback is important…. INDEX CARDS EXIT SURVEY. Mr. Doug Fulton Principal Freedom High School

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Freedom High School Rising Freshman Parent Night

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  1. F  Wednesday, January 30, 2013 7:00 p.m. J.M. Lunsford Middle School Auditorium Freedom High School Rising Freshman Parent Night


  3. Your feedback is important… • INDEX CARDS • EXIT SURVEY

  4. Mr. Doug Fulton Principal Freedom High School douglas.fulton@lcps.org Mr. Fred LeMaster 9th Grade Assistant Principal william.lemaster@lcps.org Dr. Michelle Luttrell Assistant Principal - Special Education and 504 Plan Contact Michelle.luttrell@lcps.org Introducing some FHS LEAD EAGLES

  5. introductions Ken Christopher, Director of Guidance Counselors: Mrs. Kirsten Heffernan Mrs. Cristi Goldberg Ms Colleen Hurley Mrs. Ann Barrett Dr. Carly Fuhrman (& Bailey)

  6. School counselors…What we do Academic, Personal/Emotional, and Career • Classroom Guidance • Individual Student Planning • Responsive Services • System Support • We work directly with students, but collaborate with… • Parents • Teachers • Administrators • Community

  7. Graduation Requirements Class Options – take the most difficult classes that you can take, yet still have a life EXPUNGING GRADES – August 15, DEADLINE Electives – take what interests you. Not what friends might take. Get involved early!! Preparing for college; Preparing for AP Classes AGENDA FOR TONIGHT

  8. High School Diploma Options

  9. In Virginia, diploma options available to all students beginning with the Class of 2015: • Advanced Studies Diploma • 26 Credits/9 Verified Credits • Standard Diploma • 22 Credits/6 Verified Credits High School Diploma Options

  10. Credit = pass the class Verified credit = pass the class and the SOL Full year course = 1 credit Half year course = .5 credit

  11. Advanced Diploma Standard Diploma

  12. CTE Certification • Online course requirement Diploma changes for rising 9th graders

  13. hmmm…what classes do I sign up for next year?

  14. “Block” scheduling Sample schedule

  15. Keep in mind…Think about yourstudent’s interests & abilities • Consider academic strengths and weaknesses • Review previous grades, test scores, reading level • Consider interests • Consider work ethic

  16. All courses are offered at two levels: • Academic • Honors or Pre-AP • Strongly consider teacher and counselor recommendations English, Social SCIENCE, & Science options:

  17. Biology/Honors in Grade 9 • A small number of 9th grade students elect to take Biology/Honors instead of Earth Science. • This course requires the completion of a substantial Independent Science Research project. This project is started in Honors Earth Science, so students who skip Earth Science must be prepared to complete extensive summer workto be ready for the demands of the Honors Biology class. FOR STUDENTS WHO EAT, BREATHE, & SLEEP SCIENCE

  18. Math in Grade 9


  20. Health/Physical Education • Students must complete two years of Health, Family Life, and Physical Education. These courses are normally completed in grades 9 and 10. • The Driver’s Education curriculum is taught as a part of Health/PE 10.

  21. Room for one elective!

  22. Expunging high school credits and grades taken in middle school Other Things You Need to Know

  23. Students entering the ninth grade for the first time have a one-time chance to remove high school classes/credits that are earned in middle school. Students/parents will be given a form later this year by the middle school to complete if they want to take advantage of this opportunity. Form must be returned no later than August 15, 2013. Once high school begins, this opportunity ends. Expunging high school classes from middle school years…

  24. Colleges – What do I need to get in??

  25. Strong academic record • Challenging courses appropriate for their abilities all four years • Four years of “core” classes • Solid standardized test performance (SAT and/or ACT) • Extracurricular, Athletic, and Community Involvement • Well Rounded STUDENTS • “Quality vs. Quantity” How to get in…

  26. College Sounds great in four years, BUT…what can I do as a freshman??

  27. There are many options to get involved! Drama Club Japanese Manga &Anime Club Future Educators of America (FEA) Art Club Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) HOPE Club Leo Club Peace & Justice Club Step Team Latin Club Chinese Student Association Marching Band Academic Team Color Guard UNITE CLUB Jazz Ensemble Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Dance Team SOAR Club Biotechnology Club

  28. Extracurricular InvolvementThere’s something for everyone! Choral Groups Environmental Club Knitting Club Model UN Thespian Society French Club DECA Multicultural Club Art & Literary Magazine Club Spanish Club Debate Team Chess Club Muslim Student Association Newspaper FCCLA Student Council Association (SCA) German Club Technology Student Association Reading Club

  29. Athletic Involvement

  30. Is that all I need to know?

  31. EFFECTIVE Teacher Communication • CLARITY • Encourage your student to contact teachers • Teach your student how to advocate • If you have a question, communicate with the teacher

  32. Learning, attitude, and success (not grades) • Studying is not just doing homework • Music? Soft • TV? NO • Conducive studying environment • Computer in open area, not bedroom • Teach resilience • Bad grade does not mean schedule change

  33. Know the resources • Other students in class • Upperclassmen • Teacher • Counselor • Administrators • Study Groups • TALONS • BEAST

  34. Social Life Good Great kids make mistakes • Call the other parent • Invite friends to your house • Stay involved in school • Volunteer – good for you; good for us; good for students Caution: • Parties do occur • Do not contribute - you are liable • Drugs – know the signs

  35. Feb. 5-6: Lunsford Middle School • More visits to come… • High School Student to Student Q & A • February 12 • FRESHMAN EXPO • April 10 • Athletic Department TBD • Fine Arts TBD Freedom High School Counselor Middle school visits

  36. Anyone feeling overwhelmed? • Everything will be okay. • We are here to help you. • You will have four years to become an “expert” on all of this information ---and more.

  37. Before you know it…. Congrats!! Class of 2017! GO EAGLES!!

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