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Samples of slides on the CD: Mini Beasts

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Samples of slides on the CD: Mini Beasts

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  1. Beeplus would have been a grade many of us would have been satisfied with. However this B-Plus is nothing to do with grades but is the story of life of bees and how necessary they are to all of us. Soroptomist International Republic of Ireland with sponsorship from Boyne Valley Honey have been rolling out and education project to national schools throughout the country following a very successful pilot project.Do you know how a Bee Hotel is made? Well children who participate in this project will and so much more about the fascinating world of bees…

  2. Our partners in this venture are Boyne Valley Honey who pride themselves on being the Honey Specialists. Their pure natural honey has been enjoyed by generations of Irish families for over 50 years. They feel it’s important to educate children about these amazing insects, their life and how they influence our environment which is why they support such a worthwhile, educational project. www.boynevalley.com

  3. The Soroptimist BeePlus Project for Schools was created with the aim of raising awareness of the decline of the honeybee population. This project shows children and teachers how they can make a difference to bees and the environment. A teacher’s guidebook and pupil’s workbook are supplied. Also supplied is a CD, a packet of bee-friendly seeds for the school garden and with the kind sponsorship of Boyne Valley Honey, Bizzy Bee goody bag with mini honey pot for each pupil.

  4. The original pilot was rolled out to 10 schools and this year the project was taken on in 25 schools nationwide from Athlone to Wexford. Again the response was very positive from both teachers and pupils.

  5. Positive Teacher feedback…“The children want to grow lots of flowers in their garden, they want to put up a bee house. The children are warning their parents that gardening chemicals can kill bees”Stephanie Mc Makin, Scoil na Maighdine

  6. Children explore all there is to know about bees as well as their colonies, bee keeping and the making of honey and beeswax. There are even recipes for cooking with honey.

  7. Samples of slides on the CD:Mini Beasts

  8. Samples of slides on the CD:Different sorts of bees

  9. Samples of slides on the CD:A swarm

  10. What we achieved…Soroptomist International Republic of Ireland using our voice to promote education, empowerment and enabling initiatives.

  11. Where do we go from here?With help from Philip McCabe we hope the Beeplus Project will be presented on ‘Mooney goes Wild’ with Derek Mooney on RTE Radio 1.Marian Harkin, MEP, has offered to highlight the issue of the plight of beesand has offered to distribute the books to schools in her area.A Plus is the grade we should be awarding our hardworking bees.Without them life as we know it would not exist!

  12. Where do we go from here?With help from Philip McCabe we hope the Beeplus Project will be presented on ‘Mooney goes Wild’ with Derek Mooney on RTE Radio 1.Marian Harkin, MEP, has offered to highlight the issue of the plight of beesand has offered to distribute the books to schools in her area.A Plus is the grade we should be awarding our hardworking bees.Without them life as we know it would not exist!

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