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Sociology Syllabus

Sociology Syllabus . Mrs. Franklin . Contact Information . Office: Room 318 Plan: 5 th Hour Email: eafrankl @ smsd.org Webpack : http://www4.smsd.org/andreafranklin Phone number : 993-6700. What is Sociology? . Course Description :

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Sociology Syllabus

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  1. Sociology Syllabus Mrs. Franklin

  2. Contact Information • Office:Room 318 • Plan: 5thHour • Email: eafrankl @smsd.org • Webpack: http://www4.smsd.org/andreafranklin • Phone number: 993-6700

  3. What is Sociology? Course Description: Sociology is the scientific study of society and human social behavior. During the course students will discuss various topics that include: the sociological perspective, the paradigms, socialization, social organizations, social class structures, collective behavior, inequality, crime, the generation gap, and many others. In this course students will apply the three major sociological paradigms and other theories in the examination of society.

  4. Units I. Sociological perspective II. Culture III. Socialization IV. Social Interaction, Social Groups, Formal Organizations V. Social Deviance VI. Social Inequalities

  5. Required Materials- Bring to class everyday! • 3 Ring notebook/binder for assignments, readings, notes. etc. • Textbook: Sociology by John Macinois • Additional articles and handouts assigned throughout the semester

  6. Classroom Expectations 1. Be respectful of classmates and other teachers. 2. Be on time to class and be prepared for class everyday- this means being a part of classroom discussions! 3. Bring textbooks to class every day unless you told to leave them at home or in your locker.

  7. Grades & Grading Policy Grades Sociology is a discussion based class, which means positive and active contributions to class discussions are crucial to your success in this course! Each quarter your grade will be reflective of your participation on daily assignments, participation, projects, homework, quizzes, and tests. Participation will include: writing/reading assignments, respectful class discussions, current event articles and summarization, and peer/group activities. It is your responsibility to complete assignments on time. Unless you are absent, NO late work will be accepted! Grading Policy (District Grading Scale) A (90-100%) B (80-89%) C (70-79%) D (60-69%) F (59% and below)

  8. Question of the Day • Every day we will do a question of the day. Pretty simple concept: I ask you a question- you give me your honest answer to the question. Some are fun, some are hard, and some should make you think. Do not just answer what you think I want you to answer or what your classmates answered. Be yourself! I love hearing what all of you have to say!

  9. Make-up Work/Absences • If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed. All worksheets will be placed in the box labeled Sociology. Pick up any worksheets that you missed from this box. Also, district policy states you have two days for every missed day to make-up assignments. Long-term projects or assignments will still be due the day you return to class, because you have had advanced notice. Also, check Web Back Pack for assignments you may have missed. No late work will be accepted.

  10. Tardies- School Policy If you are not in the room with all of your materials when the bell rings then you will be considered tardy. Here are the following consequences if you are tardy: • 1st – Warning • 2nd- warning • 3rd- Detention and call home • 4th – Friday school referral

  11. A Little Hodge Podge Food and Drinks • Food and non-water beverages are not allowed in the classroom. Hall Passes • Passes out of class will be limited and will be used only for emergency-style situations. Please use the restrooms during passing period. In order to leave the room you must take a hall pass. Expectations: I expect you all to do well, but to do well you are going to have to work. I want you to be an active participant in class, and give your best effort. I will do my best to help make you successful , but you are going to have to do the work as well.

  12. A Final Note I am really excited for this class. I love teaching Sociology and know all of you will find something that interests you as well. You are always welcome to come and visit me before and after school. Good luck and have a wonderful and fun semester!

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