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US Army Corps of Engineers 2011 Flood Response

US Army Corps of Engineers 2011 Flood Response. US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ®. 2011 Flood Fight. The safety of the public is the Corps’ number one priority. We are prepared to respond and are making informed decisions based on science and engineering.

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US Army Corps of Engineers 2011 Flood Response

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  1. US Army Corps of Engineers 2011 Flood Response US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG®

  2. 2011 Flood Fight • The safety of the public is the Corps’ number one priority. • We are prepared to respond and are making informed decisions based on science and engineering. • The Corps continues to work and communicate with our partners and stakeholders, including the National Weather Service, local levee districts, OCPR, DOTD, and GOHSEP.

  3. Percent of Normal

  4. STAGES – 4 May 2011 * Would have been 62.2' if levees had held **Note: Levees protect City of New Orleans to 20.0' stage.

  5. Project DesignFlood 150,000 MISSISSIPPI R 100,000 MISSOURI R ST. LOUIS New Madrid Floodway CAIRO OHIO RIVER 2,250,000 550,000 490,000 NEW MADRID TENNESSEE RIVER MEMPHIS HELENA 540,000 400,000 MISSISSIPPI RIVER ARKANSAS CITY 2,890,000 GREENVILLE YAZOO RIVER VICKSBURG RED RIVER West Atchafalaya Floodway NATCHEZ Old River 620,000 Bonnet Carré Spillway 250,000 1,500,000 BATON ROUGE 600,000 Morganza Floodway Wax Lake Outlet 250,000 LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN NEW ORLEANS MORGAN CITY 581,000 Lower Atchafalaya Floodway ATCHAFALAYA R 1,250,000 919,000 GULF OF MEXICO

  6. Flood Fight Status Mississippi River • Phase I Flood Fight began 14 March 2011 • Currently inspecting from Old River to Venice twice per week • Phase II Flood Fight starts 4 May 2011 in the upper Mississippi sectors and 6-7 May 2011 in the remaining Mississippi sectors • Bonnet Carre is currently closed, opening will commence between 6-9May. Atchafalaya Basin • Phase I Flood Fight began 23 March 2011 • Currently inspecting from I-10 to Morgan City twice per week • Phase II Flood Fight in the Lower Atchafalaya starts 6 May 2011 • Morganza is closed. New Orleans District EOC open 7 days per week

  7. Bonnet Carré Spillway Current conditions at Bonnet Carré Opening trigger is 1.25 million cfs and rising at Red River Landing

  8. Morganza Spillway Current conditions at Morganza Spillway Opening trigger 1.5 million cfs and rising at Red River Landing

  9. Morganza Floodway Operation Timeline • D-10: EOC notifies MVN commander on NWS forecast predictions on river flows at 1.5 million cfs and rising; thus, recommending spillway operation • D-10: Gate operations are checked for functionality • D-8: MVN Commander gets input from all stakeholders. • D-6: MVN Real Estate send out notice of opening to Morganza gates. • D-5: MVN Commander requests approval from MRC President/MVD Commander • D-5: “Potato Ridge” levee is degraded.

  10. Discussion

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