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Presentation results Working Group # 005 Knowledge Management within Eurolib member organisations

Presentation results Working Group # 005 Knowledge Management within Eurolib member organisations. Eurolib plenary meeting 19-20 May 2011, Lisbon EMCDDA, CIJD Rapporteur/editor: Mirella Rossi (ETF)

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Presentation results Working Group # 005 Knowledge Management within Eurolib member organisations

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  1. Presentation results Working Group # 005Knowledge Management withinEurolib member organisations Eurolib plenary meeting 19-20 May 2011, Lisbon EMCDDA, CIJD Rapporteur/editor: Mirella Rossi (ETF) Members: Gesa Buttner (Council of Europe), Latifa Hamoumi (OP Lux), Andrea Puhl (Eurydice, EACEA) Eurolib plenary meeting

  2. Knowledge Management? Which kind of strange beast is that?! Eurolib plenary meeting

  3. Objective of working group # 5 Discover KM within Eurolib member organisations: what do respondents understand by KM? identification of formal KM strategies (focus and profiles) identification of informal KM practices (focus and profiles) skills and competencies needed in KM the role of librarians / information specialists in KM success stories and lessons learned (implementing KM & involvement of info professionals) Eurolib plenary meeting

  4. Methodology, results & limitations online questionnaire (IPM tool by DIGIT) remote collaboration: blog on Eurolib website, e-mails, (gmail) chat, phone consolidated reply requested (one per organisation) 17 useful replies low response rate (38%) might have been difficult to consolidate replies possible bias linked to different understanding of concepts - we tried to support respondents with additional info Eurolib plenary meeting

  5. Main findings KM: expert interaction and collaboration, but IM also receives important consideration 5+ organisations have formal KM strategies in place the majority recognises KM takes place informally typical info professionals skills and competencies identified as essential info professionals have a role to play in KM (100%) they are indeed playing a role (formal + informal KM) experiences collected: we would like to explore them in depth Eurolib plenary meeting

  6. Main recommendations Key factors for successful KM (from lessons learned and reflections): management support clear decisions on objectives over time resources should be maintained clear reporting lines meaning of KM clarified and maintained over time  to reduce misunderstanding and competition good planning of resources, risk-management Eurolib plenary meeting

  7. Other reflections KM can start without senior strategy / action program good for libraries to take the initiative but need to ensure cross-organisational approach (through executive level support) each one to use the results as best suits her/him integration of KM & IM can work quite fine Eurolib plenary meeting

  8. Places • Things • People Physical and Virtual The Knowledge Hub @ the ETF Eurolib plenary meeting

  9. Our experience A virtual working group is possible Eurolib plenary meeting

  10. Strong leader needed to keep it running and progressing Eurolib plenary meeting

  11. Good if you can get on board other enthusiastic colleagues in your organisation: they’ll help, get recognition and know Eurolib better Eurolib plenary meeting

  12. We encountered some technical problems that delayed the progress Eurolib plenary meeting

  13. Not easy to fit it into our workload  passion & enthusiasm have helped Eurolib plenary meeting

  14. We did well! Cheers! Eurolib plenary meeting

  15. Proposed follow-up WG 5 What in-depth exchange of experiences on KM How through knowledge café / knowledge fair experiences along common grid (fine-tuned questionnaire?) When Q4 2011 Who (to participate) anybody interested organisations with formal KM Who (to organise) anybody wishing to join current members: 2 confirmed interest Where expressed interest ETF (Turin) NATO Defence College (Rome) If of interest and agreed Eurolib plenary meeting

  16. Conclusions & Recommendationsfor Eurolib Eurolib is a greatnetwork of professionals!!! Keep goingwith WG and papers!  outputs, visibility Let’s try to go more 2.0 Eurolib plenary meeting

  17. Thanks to all! contributors, thinkers, listeners Our Presidency Eurolib plenary meeting

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