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PEBC. INVESTIGATING THINKING STRATEGIES. Suzanne. editor. Stevi. Co-author. Who keeps you awake at night?. Self-assess. Mix and Mingle. Annotate the agenda. The increasing specialization of literacy development. Disciplinary Literacy. Intermediate Literacy. Basic Literacy.

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Presentation Transcript


  2. Suzanne

  3. editor

  4. Stevi

  5. Co-author

  6. Who keeps you awake at night?

  7. Self-assess

  8. Mix and Mingle

  9. Annotate the agenda

  10. The increasing specialization of literacy development Disciplinary Literacy IntermediateLiteracy Basic Literacy Timothy & Cynthia Shanahan, Teaching Disciplinary Literacy to Adolescents: Rethinking Content Area Literacy

  11. Thinking Who are we as thinkers?

  12. What is text?

  13. Choice of text • Poem • Chart • Article (psychology) • Scientific article • Multimedia

  14. When and how does it serve us well? And when and how does it not serve us well? Why fear? What is the role of fear?

  15. Why fear? What is the role of fear? • When and how does it serve us well? And when and how does it not serve us well?

  16. Leave Tracks of Your Thinking

  17. Choice of text • Poem • Chart • Article (psychology) • Scientific article • Multimedia

  18. Strategies of Proficient Thinkers Strategy: intentional plan s that enable readers to make meaning.

  19. Monitor for understanding

  20. Activate, Utilize, Build Background Knowledge

  21. Ask Questions

  22. Draw inferences Aha!

  23. Determine Importance

  24. Create sensory images

  25. Synthesize parts to create a whole

  26. If proficient readers do these things with automaticity …

  27. So Teachers can … Become aware of how WE use these strategies (metacognition)

  28. And model

  29. Asking questions

  30. So now let’s experience this as learners!

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