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Missouri’s Foster Youth and Driving

Missouri’s Foster Youth and Driving. Efforts and Challenges of Missouri’s Residential Treatment, Group Home, Transitional & Independent Living Providers Surveys completed February 2014, in collaboration with Missouri’s public & private child welfare agencies

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Missouri’s Foster Youth and Driving

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  1. Missouri’s Foster Youth and Driving Efforts and Challenges of Missouri’s Residential Treatment, Group Home, Transitional & Independent Living Providers Surveys completed February 2014, in collaboration with Missouri’s public & private child welfare agencies Results reported out by Missouri Alliance for Children and Families

  2. Provider Thought • “Foster youth are at a tremendous disadvantage compared to other youth in the community due to their inability to access driver’s education and insurance. This creates problems for attaining employment and enrolling in higher education.” • “I would love for there to be some way to directly teach residents how to drive. I think teaching our residents how to drive would be one of the most useful skills they would be able to use once they transition out of care.”

  3. Who Participated • Missouri residential treatment, group home, transitional and independent living service providers • 43 surveys were completed • Providers surveyed serve youth in foster care legally able to obtain a driver’s license

  4. Where do the Providers Who Completed the Survey Deliver Services

  5. Do Organizations provide driver’s education for foster youth 15 to 21 years of age? • 10 of the 43 organizations reported they do teach youth to drive. A yes answer means they include youth driving practice supervised by a licensed adult. These providers made up 23% of those who completed the survey. • Of the 10 agencies who offered driving experiences, 2 paid driving schools and 8 used their own staff and company cars. • Other agencies help youth with preparation for the driver’s written test, but are not able to offer actual driving experiences directly.

  6. Driving Schools • Four high schools and a community college driving school were listed as services used to teach youth. About 40% stated the school system in their service community no longer offers driving instruction. • Three of the agencies listed private driving schools: A+ Driving School, Bi-State and Sears Driving. These services are available in limited geographical areas. • Providers who had driving services available said the Chafee Program helped with some of the cost and coordination.

  7. Provider Thoughts • “In our litigation oriented society, the liability is huge, but thanks for the effort. Perhaps trying to limit liability for foster parents and facilities may make this a more attainable goal.” • “It would be great for youth in foster care to be able to get their own insurance without the burden of foster parents having to say no.” • This is one independent living skill that is vital, yet many foster youth have barriers that prevent them from be able to learn this skill.

  8. Reasons agency do not teach youth to drive (agencies could give more than one answer) • 23% said they do not have the staff time • 27.9% said they do not have staff with the expertise needed • 34.9% said they do not have company automobiles • 18.6% said they can not afford the automobile insurance • 46.5% said their insurance company will not cover the youth to drive for learning purposes • 48.8% had concerns about liability even if the insurance provided coverage for the youth • 10% said youth are often not placed with them long enough to teach driving

  9. If concerns were addressed, would agencies be willing to teach youth to drive? • 46.5% said yes, they would like to teach youth this very important skill • 16.3% said no • 27.9% said they would prefer to help youth access and pay for other trained driving instruction providers in the community

  10. Is there affordable and adequate public transportation for youth to get entry level jobs that may require day, evening and night shifts or to attend college or technical school? • Agencies reported that in nearly all counties, there was not public transportation available for different shift work. • St. Louis, Kansas City and Springfield reported that in some areas, bussing and metro services were available, but could be challenging given the hours of operation. • Others reported youth often do not have the money to afford even low cost transportation • If the youth attend school during day hours, they may be able to use buses in other communities, such as Boone. • Others reported that in very small towns, youth could walk to work—but there are very few entry level jobs available. • Others reported that youth continue to have delays in obtaining the required paper work required to pursue a license, such as original birth certificates and social securities cards.

  11. Provider Thought • “This has been a big struggle as there is a strong desire to obtain driver’s license by the youth, but an inability to assist them in this.” • “Thanks for putting a focus on this exceptionally important need.”

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