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Polymorphic Light Eruption

Polymorphic Light Eruption. McKenzi Puzin. A common allergic reaction to sunlight or ultraviolet light that occurs in light-sensitive individuals. Description.

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Polymorphic Light Eruption

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  1. Polymorphic Light Eruption McKenziPuzin

  2. A common allergic reaction to sunlight or ultraviolet light that occurs in light-sensitive individuals. Description

  3. A common pruritic papular eruption appearing within a few hours and lasting up to several days on the skin causing swelling in the epidermis and being surrounded by white blood cells by exposure to shortwave ultraviolent light. Scientific Description

  4. Check Yourself

  5. Small red pimples and blisters appear on the skin within 1 - 4 days after exposure to sunlight. The lesions may also appear as scaly skin. • It is an itchy rash affecting people of all ethnicities. Other Signs or Symptoms

  6. The immediate cause is unknown, however, through recent studies experts believe it is an allergic reaction to ultra violet rays. Cause

  7. For the less severe day rashes, use soothing calamine lotion or Aloe Vera may also help with the burning sensation. • Medium to strong steroid creams or ointments may be prescribed by your doctor. Use 2 or 3 times a day to help clear the rash. Steroid pills may be used for more severe cases. • Some people benefit from phototherapy. Phototherapy is a medical treatment in which your skin is carefully exposed to ultraviolet light. This may help your skin become less sensitized to the sun. Cure

  8. Within minutes, blisters form where the rash originated and becomes severely itchy. • Blood can start to appear under the skin due to blood vessels popping. Worst Case Scenario

  9. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001477.htm • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=polymorphic+light+eruption&FORM=HDRSC2&adlt=strict#view=detail&id=2BD7680E5B371A776EFC63DC38CE475BA56E9301&selectedIndex=5 • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=polymorphic+light+eruption&FORM=HDRSC2&adlt=strict#view=detail&id=9F1B4E00B3C545A1C6E10BCCA8732C6F1FC1D6BB&selectedIndex=44 • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=polymorphic+light+eruption&FORM=HDRSC2&adlt=strict#view=detail&id=D997CD090F4585BE21508D78BB94757CAAE100FC&selectedIndex=36 • http://mysunallergy.com/polymorphous-light-eruption-pmle/ • http://www.ehow.com/facts_5405583_symptoms-sun-allergy.html • http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Polymorphous+light+eruption • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=ultraviolet+rays&qs=IM&form=QBIR&pq=ultraviolet&sc=8-11&sp=3&sk=IM2#view=detail&id=7B81167518025EF63C99D10D6E9AAD44C7B19E29&selectedIndex=4 • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=white+blood+cell&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=white+blood+cell&sc=8-8&sp=-1&sk=#view=detail&id=A4F5E7E9A508817FEACD8E876916E8E36EAB5D7A&selectedIndex=1 • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=sunbathers&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=sunbathers&sc=8-1&sp=-1&s • k=#view=detail&id=3508170A4706A81AEABB63969E26427A3DF28799&selectedIndex=40 • http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=polymorphic+light+eruption&qs=HS&form=QBIR&pq=poly&sc=8-4&sp=1&sk=&adlt=strict#view=detail&id=53A257EB54CB794A00FCD9EF87AD1C998E1D82C2&selectedIndex=126 Work Cited

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