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WHAT CAUSES THE SEASONS AND ASSOCIATED CHANGES IN INSOLATION?. September 21. December 22. June 21. SUN. March 21. WHAT DO WE KNOW SO FAR?. March & September 21. N. Sun on horizon z = 90°. Noon z = Lat. Arctic C. S U N. Cancer. Equator. Sun overhead z = 0°. Capricorn.

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  2. September 21 December 22 June 21 SUN March 21

  3. WHAT DO WE KNOW SO FAR? March & September 21 N Sun on horizon z = 90° Noon z = Lat Arctic C. S U N Cancer Equator Sun overhead z = 0° Capricorn Antarctic C. Sun on horizon z = 90° S Gainesville, 29.5°N Southampton, 52°N Perth, W.A., 32°S Zenith Angle at noon on these two days is exactly equal to a location’s Latitude.

  4. September 21 December 22 June 21 N SUN S March 21

  5. June 21 N Sun on horizon z = 90° S U N S Cancer Equator U Sun overhead z = 0° N Antarctic s Sun on horizon z = 90°

  6. June 21 N Sun on horizon z = 90° S U N S Cancer Equator U Sun overhead z = 0° N Equator: z = 23.5° Antarctic s Sun on horizon z = 90°

  7. WHERE IS THE SUN OVERHEAD (z=0) AT NOON? June 21 N Sun on horizon z = 90° S U N S Cancer Equator 23.5°N U Sun overhead z = 0° N Antarctic s Sun on horizon z = 90°

  8. WHAT IS NOONTIME Z IN GAINESVILLE? June 21 N Sun on horizon z = 90° S U N S Cancer Z = <29.5° = 29.5 – 23.5 = 6° Equator U Sun overhead z = 0° Lat = 29.5° N Antarctic s Sun on horizon z = 90° Small Zenith Angle: Sun CloseTo Overhead – Higher Proportion of Solar Constant – More Energy – HOT!

  9. WHAT IS NOONTIME Z IN SOUTHAMPTON? June 21 N Sun on horizon z = 90° S U N S Cancer Z = <52° = 52 – 23.5 = 28.5° Equator U Sun overhead z = 0° Lat = 52°N N Antarctic s Sun on horizon z = 90° Small Zenith Angle: Sun CloserTo Overhead – Higher Proportion of Solar Constant – More Energy – WARM!

  10. WHAT IS NOONTIME Z IN PERTH, W.A.? June 21 N Sun on horizon z = 90° S U N S Cancer Equator U Sun overhead z = 0° Lat = 32°S Z = >32° = 32 + 23.5 = 8.5° N Antarctic s Sun on horizon z = 90° Large Zenith Angle: Sun Further From Overhead – Lower Proportion of Solar Constant – Less Energy – COOLER!

  11. September 21 December 22 June 21 N SUN S March 21

  12. WHERE IS THE SUN OVERHEAD AT NOON? December 22 N Sun on horizon z = 90° S U N S Arctic Z = >0° = 0 + 23.5 = 23.5° U Sun overhead z = 0° Equator Capricorn N 23.5°S Sun on horizon z = 90° s

  13. WHAT IS ZENITH ANGLE AT GAINESVILLE? December 22 N Sun on horizon z = 90° Z = >29.5° = 29.5 + 23.5 = 53° S U N S Arctic U Sun overhead z = 0° Equator Capricorn N Sun on horizon z = 90° s

  14. WHAT IS ZENITH ANGLE AT SOUTHAMPTON? December 22 N Sun on horizon z = 90° S U N Z = >52° = 52 + 23.5 = 75.5° S Arctic U Sun overhead z = 0° Equator Capricorn N Sun on horizon z = 90° s

  15. WHAT IS ZENITH ANGLE AT PERTH, W.A.? December 22 N Sun on horizon z = 90° S U N S Arctic U Sun overhead z = 0° Equator Z = < 32° = 32 - 23.5 = 23.5° Capricorn N Sun on horizon z = 90° s


  17. BOTTOM LINE March and September: Z at noon – Lat.

  18. BOTTOM LINE March and September: Z at noon = Lat. Summer (Jun. in N, Dec. in S): Z at noon = Lat -23.5°

  19. BOTTOM LINE March and September: Z at noon = Lat. Summer (Jun. in N, Dec. in S): Z at noon = Lat -23.5° Winter (Dec. in N, Jun. in S): Z at noon = Lat +23.5°

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