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SEL3053: Analyzing Geordie Lecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project

SEL3053: Analyzing Geordie Lecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project. 1. Overview

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SEL3053: Analyzing Geordie Lecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project

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  1. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 1. Overview The submitted project is an analysis of the Tyneside Linguistic Survey part of the Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English (DECTE) using the concepts and techniques covered in the module. A detailed account of what the project entails is given in what follows.

  2. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 1. Overview As with assessed work for any other module in the School of English, there is a minimum standard for acceptable work --in the present case, this means adequate coverage of material and correct design and conduct of the research project; adherence to the minimum standard will get a mark in the 2:2 range. Projects that show positive engagement with the material get better marks in the 2:1 / 1 range in proportion to their degree of engagement, where 'engagement' means (i) relevant reading additional to what is presented in the module lectures, (ii) demonstration that the material is well understood, and (iii) well-motivated interpretation of results together with clear, well-structured, and literate documentation .

  3. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 1. Overview Work must be handed in between 10am and 4 pm on Thursday January 9th,  2014; see the School Undergraduate Handbook, “Handing in Submitted Work” for further details"! It is sufficient to submit a printed copy of the project --there is no need to hand in an electronic version.

  4. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification The project addresses the following research question: Is there systematic phonetic variation in the Tyneside speech community as represented by the Tyneside Linguistic Survey speakers in the Diachronic Electronic Corpus of Tyneside English (DECTE), and , if so, does that variation correlate systematically with social variables? The aim is to formulate a hypothesis in answer to this question by cluster analyzing the phonetic interview transcriptions of all 64 Tyneside Linguistic Survey (TLS) speakers included in DECTE and correlating the cluster result with the social data for the TLS speakers.

  5. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification The following materials should be used: 1. The 64 phonetic transcriptions, software for abstraction of a data matrix from the phonetic transcriptions, software for document length normalization and dimensionality reduction, and a vector of variances for the variables of the data matrix. These are all available for download from the module website at: http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/hermann.moisl/sel3053/materials.htm. Also included here are detailed instructions on how to use the software. 2. The social data for the 64 TLS speakers included in NECTE. This is given on the module website at: http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/hermann.moisl/sel3053/corpusmaterials.htm 3. The vector plotting and cluster analysis procedures in the SPSS statistical software. Instructions in how to start SPSS and use these procedures are available from the module website at: http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/hermann.moisl/sel3053/spss.htm

  6. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification The project should be conducted using the methodology presented in lectures 1-16 of this module, and, as such, detailed familiarity with and understanding of the content of these lectures is essential. The sequence of steps in that procedure, in brief, are: i. Collect all necessary materials, both textual and software, in a single directory on your file system. ii. Use the data creation software to construct a data matrix. iii. Determine how many phonetic variables to retain by plotting the variance vector supplied in the downloadable materials. iv. Using the matrix editing software, normalize the data matrix for variation in interview length and eliminate non-essential variables. v. Cluster analyze the transformed matrix. vi. Correlate the cluster tree with the speaker social data supplied on the module website.

  7. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification Thereafter, the conduct and results of the project must be presented in a document written in the light of Lecture 17. How to write a research paper. It should include the following components: 1. A Title 2. An Introduction that succinctly states the general aim of the project and outlines the structure of the discussion. 3. A Motivation section that explains why one would want to undertake the kind of study described in the Introduction. Why, for example, is the study of linguistic variation interesting / useful in general? Why would one want to know if linguistic usage correlates with social factors, again in general? How are hypotheses about (socio)-linguistic variation generated?

  8. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification 4. A detailed statement of the Research question section that briefly describes the research domain, Tyneside English, describes the sample of linguistic usage on which the study is based, that is, the TLS speakers in NECTE, identifies the level of linguistic analysis, that is, phonetic, and briefly outlines the nature of phonetic transcription and the characteristics of the NECTE / TLS transcription scheme, and states the specific research question that the study aims to answer; this is given above.

  9. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification 5. A Methodology section that describes how the analysis will be conducted: data creation (what data is and how it is represented), data transformation (normalization & dimensionality reduction, and why they may be necessary in principle), cluster analysis (what it is, and a brief account of how it works).

  10. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification 6. An Analysis section in which the methodology described in (5) is applied to the NECTE / TLS phonetic transcriptions: Creation of the initial data matrix, reporting its size. Transformation of the initial data matrix, reporting the effects of transformation on it. Cluster analysis of the transformed matrix using the three hierarchical methods described in the module, showing the cluster tree for each.

  11. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification 7. An Interpretation section in which the cluster structure of the three trees is correlated with social data for the NECTE / TLS speakers, and, on that basis, a hypothesis is stated in answer to the research question.

  12. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification 8. A Conclusion that succinctly summarizes what has been done.

  13. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification NOTE! All honours-level work (stage 2 and 3) is marked by two people. The module leader will also convene a meeting of all tutors to make sure that there is consistency in marking practice across the module. The School has five external examiners based in different Universities. It is their job also to check that marking is fair across the whole School, and one of them will be allocated as the external examiner for this module. This way we maintain national standards, fairness and consistency.

  14. SEL3053: Analyzing GeordieLecture 18. Outline of requirements for submitted project 2. Detailed specification NOTE! Plagiarism, which is the unacknowledged copying from someone else whether the source is printed, electronic or another student's work, is a disciplinary offence and will be penalised. For guidance, please see the section "Acknowledgement of Sources" in your Stage and Degree manual.

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