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CHROMATOGRAPHY AP BIO LAB #4A. Image by Riedell. http://www.valemount.com/joel/lightoptics/images/colour6.jpg. PLANT PIGMENTS. http://members.aol.com/diaspore/vhouse/biology/projects/photosynthesis/woida/meaning_of_light.html#question_1. CHROMATOGRAPHY.

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  1. CHROMATOGRAPHYAP BIO LAB #4A Image by Riedell http://www.valemount.com/joel/lightoptics/images/colour6.jpg

  2. PLANT PIGMENTS . http://members.aol.com/diaspore/vhouse/biology/projects/photosynthesis/woida/meaning_of_light.html#question_1

  3. CHROMATOGRAPHY USE PENCIL not pen, to mark starting line !!!!! Image by Riedell

  4. ADD PLANT PIGMENTS Image from Biology Place: http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/lab4/deposit.html

  5. PLACE IN JAR Image by Riedell IMPORTANT:Make sure tip of paper is touching solvent Make sure pigment line is ABOVE solvent Put lid on jar !!!!!!!!

  6. Important Don’t let solvent front run off end of paper ! http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/labbench/lab4/pigsep.html

  7. Marker Chromatography Image by Riedell

  8. Distance pigment migratedDistance solvent front migrated Rf = Image by Riedell

  9. PLANT PIGMENTS Carotene is orange yellow Xanthophyll is lemon yellow Chlorophyll a is blue green Chlorophyll b is yellow green. Image by Riedell

  10. Factors that affect movement of molecules during chromatography • ___________of molecule in solvent used (better it dissolves… farther it will move) Solubility SOLVENT used: Chlorophyll: 9:1 Petroleum ether : acetone Markers: water

  11. Factors that affect movement of molecules during chromatography 2. _________of molecule (bigger molecules move slower) Size http://elvis.phys.lsu.edu/svoboda/post/figs/SumoWrestler.BMP

  12. Factors that affect movement of molecules during chromatography Attraction to media 3. _______________________ used (EX: Attraction of molecules to paper) Lots of different kinds of chromatography http://courses.cm.utexas.edu/jrobertus/ch339k/overheads-1/ch5_mol-seive.jpg http://www.cofc.edu/~kinard/Applets/GasChromatographFID.gif

  13. Factors that affect movement of molecules during chromatography 4. __________allowed to run Time Longer time = More separation http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/581259/2/istockphoto_581259_big_time.jpg

  14. CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE Image from Biology AP Edition by Campbell & Reece published by Pearson Benjamin Cummings

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