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Launching the common approach to regulatory competency

Launching the common approach to regulatory competency. Outline. Key messages – why it matters Background to the common approach Detailed overview: Benefits How it works What people say How it will develop What it is and isn’t/FAQs Questions. LBRO. Why it matters.

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Launching the common approach to regulatory competency

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  1. Launching the common approach to regulatory competency

  2. Outline • Key messages – why it matters • Background to the common approach • Detailed overview: • Benefits • How it works • What people say • How it will develop • What it is and isn’t/FAQs • Questions LBRO

  3. Why it matters • A flexible and widely agreed approach to regulators’ continuousprofessional development - you should use it! • RDNA and GRIP approaches tried and tested – HSE and LBRO pilot • Users and key partners shape the evolution of the approach and its content – you should engage with it so that it supports you • Personal development which is cost-effective - workforce flexibility and maintaining scarce specialist skills • The approach provides confidence to key players: • for business; • for individual officers; • for local authorities; and • for national regulators and central government. LBRO

  4. 1. Background: A joined up approach • ‘World Class Coalition’ project • Creating a common framework and robust approach to professional standards of regulatory competence is part of this work • Government policy emphasises professional standards • Wider regulatory policy and landscape LBRO

  5. Competence vs Qualifications? • Qualifications demonstrate level of attainment... • ...but fade with time as roles change • Competencies need to remain relevant to regulatory officers’ roles • Development activity needs to be based on what skills and knowledge are required for the current or future role LBRO

  6. 2. Overview of the common approach • Written competency frameworks • Core regulatory skills, including leadership and Primary Authority • Specific knowledge sections • Self-assessment tool • self-assessment process against relevant competence frameworks • used to identify development needs • discussed with line manager • Guidance for Regulators – Information Point • GRIP supports development planning • rich source of low and no-cost development resources LBRO

  7. The Competency Frameworks: Core skills & technical knowledge In development Pollution prevention and control Product Safety Fair Trading Licensing Act (2003) Agricultural Trading Standards 1 November Animal Health and Welfare Housing Food Health and Safety Metrology Port Health LBRO

  8. Key Features of the Approach A core, generic regulatory skills competence framework Technical knowledge sections, specific to areas of regulation A means to undertake self-assessment A means to help meet development needs identified: the Guidance for Regulators – Information Point (GRIP) tool A development process for regulators and managers

  9. Major benefits • Widespread usage helps simplify the overall regulatory system • Change in regulatory culture means business more consistently experience better regulation • More effective means of supporting Continuous Professional Development for regulators and their managers LBRO

  10. Other benefits • Supports manager in managing team • Meaningful – includes attitudes, hard skills, soft skills and knowledge • Robust – widely consulted on, tried and tested • Makes use of in-house expertise LBRO

  11. LBRO

  12. Demonstration http://rdna-tool.lbro.org.uk/ http://www.lbro.org.uk/grip/index.html LBRO

  13. How it works - start with Core Regulatory Skills LBRO

  14. LBRO

  15. Don’t forget the Positive Indicators! LBRO

  16. 3. Applying the common approach Doing the assessment using the self-assessment tool (continued) • Available answer options are as follows: • I am confident and have no development need • I’m not confident, and would like some development in this area • I am confident, but would like further development in this area • I have specialist expertise in this area and could support others • This is not applicable to my current role LBRO

  17. Then work through the relevant knowledge section(s) LBRO

  18. 3. Applying the RDNA approach LBRO

  19. Functionality changes LBRO

  20. Functionality changes LBRO

  21. 3. Applying the common approach Using the self-assessment tool(continued) • When you have worked through the questions – takes about an hour on average – submit it (press submit) and your assessment report will be created. • Save this to your PC and provide your manager with a copy • Arrange your development review with your manager • The manager will require time to do an assessment of your development needs, or consider your assessment, as explained on the next slide... LBRO

  22. Doing the assessment – the manager’s role • Your role is to validate the assessment – there are 3 options: • Go through the self-assessment tool with your member of staff and do the assessment together • Complete an assessment for your member of staff (in parallel) and compare notes at the review • Go through your member of staff’s assessment report and note any areas you wish to challenge/support/discuss • Discuss at the development review meeting LBRO

  23. 3. Applying the common approach Development Review • The only variation from a normal review is that it is based on the assessment report from the RDNA process. • Use the opportunity to discuss the areas highlighted, clarify roles and skills requirements for the year ahead – the report provides a benchmark and some good hooks for discussion • The outcome of the review is an agreed set of development objectives which are relevant to the role, its requirements and the business need. LBRO

  24. 3. Applying the common approach Identifying development solutions – the GRIP approach • Does it always have to be a training course? • HSE experience – marked reduction in demand for training courses since introduction of this approach • Provides CPD points • Reflective practice, learning logs LBRO

  25. The GRIP Tool Identifies resources to help regulators meet their development needs in a cost-effective way Mirrors the RDNA skills and knowledge sections Provides links to 12 types of content Contains information on learning methods other than formal training LBRO

  26. 3. Applying the common approach Development Planning • Agree your development objectives with your manager (as described earlier) • Use GRIP to help you identify the best means of meeting development needs • Produce a development action plan (suggested approach and template provided in your briefing pack) • Agree this with your manager • Agree to review with your manager at key points in the year. LBRO

  27. 3. Applying the common approach Development Planning – the manager’s role • Agree development objectives with your staff member (as described earlier) • In doing this, think about the overall requirements of the service plan and the skills, knowledge and experience of the team • Support your member of staff in identifying solutions if you can – eg is there another member of the team you could coach? Could you give the staff member a new project? • Agree one or 2 milestones in the year to review progress. LBRO

  28. 3. Applying the common approach: Overview of process • Carry out process in line with your organisation’s development process • Agree period in year for self and manager assessments of team members using RDNA • Carry out above and base development reviews on this – agree development objectives for year ahead • Identify how to meet these objectives – GRIP will help – and agree development action plans • Track and review throughout the year – try reflective practice? LBRO

  29. What people say – cost-effectiveness and clarity “We now use the RDNA approach as a support to individual development planning and to identify development needs for the service in our annual management review and business planning. It is a more efficient, targeted way to identify development needs, enhance professional development and maintain and demonstrate competence with limited funds in the current economic environment. Officers have found it to be a straightforward and clear system to use, and managers welcome having a recognised competency framework for the first time.” Tim Nicholls, Head of Environmental Health Brighton and Hove Council LBRO

  30. What people say – supporting professional standards “We were keen to support the development of the competency framework by being part of the pilot work because competence has always been important to public health professions. It’s an ever-changing world in which we are expecting more and more from our staff. Developing an approach that is relevant and easy to use will help us identify priorities for professional development and support us in maintaining the high standards that we aim for – and are expected from us.” Graham Perry, Head of Public Protection, Monmouthshire Council LBRO

  31. What people say – new ways of working “Two of the biggest challenges I faced at the outset were how to achieve integration and harmonisation of different regulatory functions and professional disciplines. For these reasons we were keen to be involved in the RDNA pilot, after which we concluded that the approach provided a key tool to support culture change and a more structured and consistent approach to continuous professional development. We will be rolling out the use of the RDNA approach across the service over the next year.” Allan Hampshire, Head of Regulatory Services, Cornwall Council ‘We think the RDNA approach can support our new service as we develop new ways of working, particularly through a consistent, strengthened approach to training and development across the environmental health, trading standards and licensing professions.’ Steve Jorden, Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services LBRO

  32. What the professional bodies say “CIEH has been involved in the development of RDNA since its inception within health and safety in early 2006. We whole-heartedly support the expanded RDNA and see it as a hugely valuable development. We have already taken steps to ensure that RDNA and our qualification framework are fully joined up and that use of RDNA by CIEH members is reflected via the awarding of CPD hours”. Tony Lewis, Head of Education for CIEH “TSI sees RDNA as a hugely valuable development and we are committed to supporting its roll-out and use. We will be seeking to ensure that RDNA and our qualification framework are fully joined up and that use of RDNA by TSI members is reflected via the awarding of CPD points”. Phil Owen, Director of Services (professional standards), TSI LBRO

  33. How it will develop • New knowledge modules • Maintenance - RDNA sections and GRIP • User feedback mechanisms • Linking training provision with GRIP • Remains a collaborative product involving all key players • Web/social media offers significant scope for future development LBRO

  34. FAQs • What about disclosure of self-assessments? • What’s the point – there’s no money left for training? • Learning tool or assessment against a standard? • What if my authority or manager doesn’t support its use? LBRO

  35. Any questions....? rob.powell@lbro.org.uk / 07980637686 philip.preece@lbro.org.uk / 07500027470 LBRO

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