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In the womb

In the womb. Um feto de poucas semanas encontra-se no interior do útero de sua mãe. An embryo of few weeks inside the mother’s womb. It is in the beginning of his or her development. There is a long road ahead.

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In the womb

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In the womb Um feto de poucas semanas encontra-se no interior do útero de sua mãe. Ria slides

  2. An embryo of few weeks inside the mother’s womb. Ria slides

  3. It is in the beginning of his or her development. There is a long road ahead. Ria slides

  4. It is human life in its early stage of development. Ria slides

  5. He or she is connected to the vitelino bag that provides nutrients needed in the first weeks of life. Ria slides

  6. After about 8 weeks of gestation, the vitelino bag loses its function. The umbilical cord then starts to feed him or her with nutrients provided from the mother’s body. Ria slides

  7. While everything happens, he or she floats, calmly, in the uterus of his mother. Ria slides

  8. In the 16th week of gestation he already has developed the limbs. The eyes are still closed, but the hands and the feet start to move themselves, even though his mother does not yet perceive it. Ria slides

  9. Thanks to the ecografia 4D, you can see the features of the baby quite clearly, even its facial expressions. Ria slides

  10. At 24 weeks, only the lungs are not completely formed. if born at this moment, he would have a good chance of surviving. Ria slides

  11. At this stage, he already moves the arms and legs, he blinks the eyes, and sucks the fingers. Ria slides

  12. He is becoming conscious of the space that surrounds him. Ria slides

  13. As with all embryos, he passes most of the time sleeping … He even dreams ... Ria slides

  14. Pregnancy Does not Pollute the earth Ria slides

  15. Complete at nine months and is ready to be born. In 40 weeks, this is the progress of human life from the miraculous moment of conception. Ria slides

  16. The miracle of the formation of the life of a human being in the womb is almost finished … In a few days the lungs and placenta will be put in charge to signal that the hour for childbirth has arrived. Ria slides

  17. The baby still sleeps, calmly, in the womb of its mother. He does not know that he will soon abandon the placidness. Birth is only a transformation for what is inside the womb to outside … Ria slides


  19. نرجو الدفاع عن قداسة الحياة من لحظة الحبل ، والسعي لتوقيف الإجهاض في العالم كله، بالعمل والحقّ. فالقديس يوحنّأ يقول لنا : لا تكنّ محابتنا بالكلامِ أو باللسان بل بالعملِ والحقّ These images gotten through a micron-chamber introduced in the uterus of a gestate. Thanks to the modern photographic techniques it is possible to follow the fascinating process of gestation of a baby. St Charbel for Life : موقع مار شربل للحياة على العنوان التالي www.lilhayat.comhttp://marcharbel.lilhayat.com Ria slides

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