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生物科技新知介紹 Biotechnology

先導型通識「生活中的生命科學」 第 4 單元. 生物科技新知介紹 Biotechnology. 神經科學研究所 王培育老師. 本著作除另有註明外,採取 創用 CC 「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2.5 版 授權釋出. Gregor Mendel Deduced Laws of Inheritance. Garden pea experiment by Mendel. 花藥. 雄蕊. 柱頭. 花柱. 花絲. pistil 雌蕊. 胚珠在子房中. DNAinfo.

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生物科技新知介紹 Biotechnology

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  1. 先導型通識「生活中的生命科學」 第 4 單元 生物科技新知介紹 Biotechnology 神經科學研究所 王培育老師 本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣2.5版授權釋出

  2. Gregor Mendel Deduced Laws of Inheritance

  3. Garden pea experiment by Mendel 花藥 雄蕊 柱頭 花柱 花絲 pistil雌蕊 胚珠在子房中 DNAinfo.

  4. Garden pea one-trait (單一性狀) and crosses studied by Mendel P xP F1 F2

  5. The units of inheritance are alleles of genes • Traits (性狀) are controlled by alleles (對偶基因) • Found on homologous chromosomes at a particular gene locus Wiki Pr. Dr. Raynal

  6. Molecular biology Cellular biology Behavior/psychology Wiki Nevit Dilmen WikiDhorspool

  7. Central dogma of molecular biology: DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein Cytoplasm Transcription Cellmembrane rRNA/Protein-complex

  8. DNA analysis • Knowledge from DNA replication • DNA isolation • DNA sequencing • DNA amplification (PCR)

  9. DNA isolation 政治大學蘇品諺 past now 政治大學蘇品諺

  10. DNA sequencing Flickr jurvetson Wiki Abizar

  11. DNA amplification PCR (polymerase chain reaction) Wiki Ygonaar

  12. PCR machines WikiMmparedes Wiki Agesworth past now

  13. WikiBlaz Nemec Making gel Wiki Bensaccount

  14. WikiJeffrey M. Vinocur

  15. Real-time PCR Wiki Ygonaar

  16. DNA can be cut and connected by restriction enzyme (限制酶) and DNA ligase (連接酶)

  17. Delivery of DNA into cells Virus Injection Transformation Projectilegun

  18. Genetically modified mice

  19. RNA analysis CELL TYPE Red blood Muscle Pancreatic GENE TYPE Housekeeping ✔ ✔ ✔ Wiki user: CopperKettle Hemoglobin ✔ ✔ Insulin ✔ Myosin Wiki Sponk

  20. Reverse transcription (RT) -PCR Wiki Filip em

  21. Microarray Wiki Jennifer Grants and Marie Morimoto

  22. Wiki MrMatze

  23. Protein analysis

  24. Antigen vs. Antibody

  25. Preparation of Antibody Wiki user Mei.huang

  26. Protein analysis -western blot Wiki Bensaccount

  27. Protein analysis - ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) WikiJeffrey M. Vinocur

  28. Protein analysis -Immunostaining Wiki Swharden Wiki Itayba

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