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Nuclear Energy Jeopardy

Nuclear Energy Jeopardy. Created By: Greg Lavins. Nuclear Energy Jeopardy. Double Jeopardy. The most commonly used fuel for nuclear fission. Uranium-235. The refining process of uranium ore. Enrichment. Location of the fission reaction in a nuclear power plant. Reactor Core.

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Nuclear Energy Jeopardy

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  1. Nuclear Energy Jeopardy Created By: Greg Lavins

  2. Nuclear Energy Jeopardy Double Jeopardy

  3. The most commonly used fuel for nuclear fission. Uranium-235

  4. The refining process of uranium ore. Enrichment

  5. Location of the fission reaction in a nuclear power plant. Reactor Core

  6. Circuit providing cool water to the condenser Tertiary Water Circuit

  7. Uranium-238 is converted to this element in breeder nuclear fission. Plutonium-239

  8. The sum of protons and neutrons in a nucleus. Atomic Number

  9. The three particles that make up an atom. Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons

  10. Isotopes of an element differ in their number of? Neutrons

  11. The radioactive isotope(s) of hydrogen. Tritium

  12. Three existing isotopes of uranium. Uranium-238, Uranium-235, Uranium-234

  13. The two classifications of radioactive wastes. Low level and high level

  14. Nuclear waste storage area currently under construction in Nevada Yucca Mountain

  15. Law holding each state responsible for its own nuclear waste. Low Level Radioactive Policy Act

  16. Geographical feature believed to be lead to the safest nuclear waste storage. Stable rock formations or geographical stability.

  17. Solidification of nuclear waste into solid glass or ceramic logs. Vitrification

  18. Fuel generating the majority of our nations electricity. Coal

  19. Percent of our nation’s electricity generated by nuclear energy. 20%

  20. Primary reason that no nuclear power plants have been ordered for construction since 1976. Overwhelming costs

  21. This fuel will not be replaced by nuclear energy because only 3% of our nations electricity is generated from it. Oil

  22. This country has enough enriched plutonium and uranium to make over 40,000 nuclear bombs. Russia, or the former Soviet Union

  23. Scientist who hypothesized how mass and energy are related on his equation E = mc2 Albert Einstein

  24. The first country to sucessfully detonate a nuclear weapon. The United States of America

  25. The worst accident ever to occur at a nuclear power plant occurred here. Chernobyl

  26. The most serious nuclear reactor accident in the U.S. occurred here. Three Mile Island

  27. Total death toll of the Chernobyl incident. Over 170,000

  28. Double Jeopardy

  29. U-235 Uranium 235

  30. Pu-239 Plutonium 239

  31. NIMBY (disposal policy) Not In My Backyard

  32. MOX Mixed Oxide (converted plutonium)

  33. IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

  34. Top secret project to create the first atomic weapon. Manhattan Project

  35. Government policy making coal-burning power plants cleaner, thus providing more competition with nuclear power plants. Clean Air Act

  36. Policy for building nuclear power plants that is more cost efficient than custom- building. Standardizing or Standardization

  37. Agency overseeing nuclear energy useage worldwide. IAEA or International Atomic Energy Agency

  38. Legislation that put the burden of developing permanent nuclear waste storage sites on the federal government. Nuclear Waste Policy Act

  39. Fusion The process in which two smaller atoms are combined to create one larger atom.

  40. Atomic Mass Equal to the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

  41. Changing of the nucleus of a radioactive element into the nucleus of another element. Radioactive Decay

  42. Huge steel potlike structure surrounding the reactor core in a nuclear power plant. Reactor Vessel

  43. Oncogenes Genes that cause cancer

  44. The small particles orbiting the nucleus are… Electrons

  45. This process is termed… Nuclear Fission

  46. The large buildings emitting steam are called… Cooling Towers

  47. These rods used in nuclear reactors will most likely be filled with… Uranium or Uranium Pellets

  48. This process is termed… Breeder Nuclear Fission

  49. Number of water circuits in a typical nuclear power plant. Three: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

  50. Fuel generating more than one third of all air pollution in America, making nuclear energy seem desirable. Coal

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