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January 16, 2014 7:00pm Hartley Dodge Memorial

January 16, 2014 7:00pm Hartley Dodge Memorial. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Committee Room - Hartley Dodge Memorial Building January 16, 2014-7:00 PM REORGANIZATION MEETING AGENDA. 1. Call to order 7:09 2. Open Public Meetings Act 3. Pledge of Allegiance

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January 16, 2014 7:00pm Hartley Dodge Memorial

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  1. January 16, 2014 7:00pm Hartley Dodge Memorial

  2. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Committee Room - Hartley Dodge Memorial Building January 16, 2014-7:00 PM REORGANIZATION MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to order 7:09 2. Open Public Meetings Act 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Swearing In Ceremony – Barb Short 5. Oath of Office for reappointed Commissioners – By Councilman Pat Rowe Maureen Byrne, Bradley Cramer, Lisa Ellis, Mark Fabyanski, Mike Kopas, Russell Stern 6. Election of New Executive Board • Discussion & Nominations from the floor • Elections • Motion to amend bilaws to have co-vicechairs. • Motion: Russell, second Lisa. Unanimous. Motion to advance the slate of officers as slated. (Motion: Pat. Second Maureen. Unanimous. 7. Adjournment of Reorganization Meeting 7:19 Current Nominations Chairperson: Russell Stern Vice Chairperson: Maureen Byrne, Mark Fabyanski Treasurer: Brad Cramer Recording Secretary:Lisa Ellis Member-at-Large: Craig Erezuma

  3. MINUTESThursday, January 16, 2014 • Call to order 7:19 • Roll Call • Pledge of Allegiance • Approval of December 2013 minutes Motion: Pat, Second: Mike. Abstain Pat, Barb • Treasurer’s Report: BHD brought in?? $Net Income ??? Balance sheet ??? • Mayor’s Report: NA • Council Liaison Report: The DDC welcomed Pat. Pat introduced himself and looks forward to working with everybody. • Planning Board Report: approved subdivision Belaue and Chateau Thierry. Realogy short on parking. Removing circle and putting in 30 new spots. Sign application for Walgreens next planning board mtg.s&F to provide advisory vis a vis signage. • Zoning Board Report: DDC provided comment on TIRO application. Monday the zoning board approved Investors application. Many of the DDC requests were put into use. Thanks Eric, Craig and Russell. • Foundation Report a. Grant Request Approved, added Eric Range as a member of the Foundation 10. Discussion: Vision For 2014 a. Volunteer Recruitment/Partners: Building a list. Have 9 so far. Considering an event at Rocco’s to get volunteers in volved in all projects and events. Informal. Everyone bring a friend. Carla to print an invitation. MOTION: Set aside $no more than 3000 for a party. Motion Steve, second Pat. Brad abstain. b. Business Development: Russell –Do we as the DDC want to aggressively recruit new tenants? Put together a list of future tenants knowing that the deal really comes down to the landlord. (focus groups, business recruitment, etc) Russell began discussion about how can we help merchants avoid putting off customers and on the contrary breed more loyalty. Focus groups for interested merchants providing free advice. Brad talked about his experience hiring a “Mystery Shopper” and the report. Maureen suggested that we advise the Chamber to do such a program. Mike thinks we should partner with Chamber so that non-Chamber members can participate. Jim thinks the idea is a good one. Perhaps the ddc offers this to all Madison businesses 50/50 split. Brad will get info on Mystery Shopper, Mike to help create program. c. New Events: Marquee ribbon cutting; Sidewalk Gallery Gala, Health and Wellness Fair. Barb mentioned that Quest is partnering with Mayor on related program. Carla said Drew is initiating a wellness series. d. New Projects/new partnerships: New Movie marqui event partner with HPC. Red Carpet Affair. Old clips of Madison. Mad Rec committee. Old sport clips. Wayfinding signs including kiosks and landscaping, Wi-Fi– Craig explained how a captive wi-fi porthole can light up fields. Can target shoppers. Lots of ways to use. Public Bands for police and fire. Partner with MACA little carpet and backdrop performance space. e. How do we Improve each event? 11. Committee Reports: • Sign & Façade • Regular meeting schedule: At town Hall. • University Relations • MAD Shuttle is no longer viable beyond the grant. $80,000/year venture that is way underfunded. Corporate partners would help support financially, but expand the route in a negative way. • Town Tour: Drew is increasing international student program which will increase the Town Tour numbers. Might need some multilingual tour guides. • Public Improvement Committee: New Projects. Next meeting Thursday Jan 23, 8:30.

  4. 12. Ad Hoc Committee Reports a. Taste of Madison- Vintner year. Madison is the only NJ location. Typically this means that we add an additional 100 tickets. Vintners have exclusivity agreement. Amrish considering bringing beer and spirits. Apr. 7 b. Farmers Market – June 5-October 16, 1-6pm Expanding Buy Fresh, Give Fresh to be weekly. DDC can support FM by taking a week or two and doing the deliveries. c. May Day: Mara, Suzy, Leslie are in!!!!!! d. Bottle Hill Day: Saturday, Sept. 27. Fireworks Friday or Saturday. e. Art Banner Gallery: Planning for next season. Aiming for 12-14 artists. Deb Starker is beginning marketing. Pre-bid session with artists at May Day party to create excitement. 13. Assistant Borough Administrator’s Report a) Madison Magazine: Put out by Village Profile 7500 copies. Goes to hotels, schools. They sell the ads and give us 15% the proceeds. Time for a new edition. Goes to print Sept. Ready Nov. Motion to support. Pat. Second Lisa. CEO council: Barb presented– Goals and mission. Stakeholder collaboration. Biannual meeting next week. Keynote speaker encouraging social responsibility. Sen. Dick Codey. Bucky Pizarelli. Internship program at Drew funded by CEOs. 14. Old Business Sidewalk map: Craig, Mike and Russ will mark and rank places that need work. Cook Plaza: Carmen speaking with landscapers. 15. New Business a. Approve 2014 Meeting Schedule: Passed Unanimous b. Promoting reduced cost of merchant parking permit. Council dropped the cost. Jim wants to lead the charge to get merchants off the street and into the lot. 16. Invitation for discussion from the public 17. Adjournment 9:04 OUR NEXT MEETING: THURSDAY, February 21 at 7:00PM HARTLEY DODGE MEMORIAL

  5. Minutes  Thursday, December 19, 2013 1. Call to order: 7:07 pm 2. Roll Call: __X Carla Brady __XMaureen Byrne _X_Ben Cahill _E_Robert Conley __X_Bradley Cramer E__Lisa Ellis __X_ Craig Erezuma __X_Mark Fabyanski __XPeter Flemming _E_Gary Herzog _X_Larry Jasen _X_Michael Kopas __X_Wayne Lejewski X__Robert Landrigan _X_Eric Range _X_Russell Stern _E_ Carmen Vacchiano E Stephen Whitehorn _E_Marsha Ann Zimmerman 3. Approval of 2013 minutes as edited Motion: BEN CAHILL, Second: MIKE KOPAS (TWO ABSTENTIONS) Invitation for discussion from the public: 5. Treasurer’s Report: Brad Cramer submitted the financials. Bottle Hill Day $37,000 with potential of $2000 more. Farmers Market $3000

  6. 6. Old Business: Marquee refurbishment. Need to have a written agreement between cinema and borough detailing how the marquee will be restored. 7. New Business: DDC gave presentation to Borough Council on DDC projects and interests. Eric made a motion that the DDC formally request that the Borough set aside $50,000 to improve the sidewalks and driveway at Waverly Green Parking lot. Russ Stern made a motion, and Larry Jasen seconded. Craig Erezuma spoke to Bob Vogel; he has available funds to start the repairs. We need to map out where the repairs need to be made. Larry Jasen suggested that the sidewalks be extended to Giralda Farms. Unanimous approval. 8. Foundation Report: meeting to follow this one 9. Open Nominations for 2014 Executive Board Chair: Russell Stern (Nomination Eric, second Brad) Vice Chair: Maureen Byrne (Nomination Maureen, second Wayne); Steve Whitehorn (Nomination Mark, second Carla); Mark Fabayanski (Nomination Brad, second Eric) Treasurer: Brad Cramer (nomination Eric, second Maureen) Secretary: At Large: Craig Erezuma (Nomination Ben, second Eric) 10. Adjournment: 7:30

  7. 2014 DDC Meeting Schedules 2014 MONTHLY BOARD MEETINGS Third Thursday of Each Month 7:00pm • Jan. 16 • Feb. 20 • Mar. 20 • Apr. 24 (Note: 4th Thurs.) • May 15 • Jun. 19 • Jul. 17 • Aug. 14 • Sep. 18 • Oct. 16 • Nov. 20 • Dec. 18 2014 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS Tuesday week prior to DDC meeting, 8:15am • 1/7 • 2/11 • 3/11 • 4/8 • 5/6 • 6/10 • 7/9 • 8/5 • 9/9 • 10/7 • 11/11 • 12/9

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