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WELCOME. rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh. A SEMINAR ON “ Laxatives ” Presented by MAHARUDRA S. RAKH M. PHARM ., M.B.A E- mail: rmspharma@gmail.com PHARMACOGNOSY First year. Laxatives. Latin: L axare :- means to -loosen

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  2. A SEMINAR ON “Laxatives” Presented by MAHARUDRA S. RAKH M. PHARM ., M.B.A E- mail: rmspharma@gmail.com PHARMACOGNOSY First year

  3. Laxatives • Latin: Laxare:- means to -loosen • Laxatives are the drugs which loose the bowels (intestine) • Depending upon the intensities of drug effects they are categorized as follows- • Laxatives: suggest the elimination of soft formed stools (mild purgatives) ex. Senna, isapgol, liquid paraffin • Purgatives: suggest more fluid evaluation ex. Castor oil, aloe, rhubarb, cascara • Drastics: act intensely by irritating the mucous membrane of intestine ex. Jalap, podophyllum, colocynth • Hydrogogues: produce fluid motions ex. croton oil, colocynth • The mechanism of action of laxatives may be either bulk forming, irritant or emolllient depending upon the chemical nature of active constituent. rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  4. rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudrarakh

  5. Identification • mixes with half its volume of light petroleum ether (40 - 60°) • soluble in alcohol and insoluble in mineral oil • Uses • cathartic, lubrication, soap and textile industry, • in preparation of paints, enamel, varnishes, grease, polishes, printing ink, spirit • in preparation of ointments, creams and polishes rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudrarakh

  6. rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudrarakh

  7. rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudrarakh

  8. ISPAGHULA Synonyms: isapgol, isabgol Biological source: It consists of dried seeds of the plant known as Plantogo ovata Forskal belonging to family Plantaginaceae. Geographical distribution: In india mainly in gujarat, punjab, south rajasthan. Morphological characteristics: Colour: pinkish-grey or brown Odour: none Taste: mucilaginous, bland Shape: ovate like Size: 10-35mm length and 1 to 1.75mm in width rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  9. Chemical constituents: Contain mucilage, pentosan, sldobionic acid, rhamnose, fixed oil, and proteins Uses: Demulcent, laxative, emollinent, dysentery, in prep tablets and as stabilizer in icecream industry, in rheumatic pains rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

  10. rmspharma@gmail.com @maharudra rakh

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