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FYS 4250 REPETITION PART 1. What is a sensor?. Image: Grimnes, Høgetveit. Biomedical Engineering Education & Advanced Bioengineering Learning: Interdisciplinary Concepts.

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  1. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet FYS 4250 REPETITION PART 1

  2. What is a sensor? Image: Grimnes, Høgetveit.Biomedical Engineering Education & Advanced Bioengineering Learning: Interdisciplinary Concepts. ”A sensor is a mediator able to convert one or more measurands or physical variables into an equivalent signal variable of another type of quantity within a frame of a given unity” Pallàs-Areny, Webster, Sensors 2001

  3. More definitions.... Image: Grimnes-Høgetveit.Biomedical Engineering Education & Advanced Bioengineering Learning: Interdisciplinary Concepts. • Sensor system: ”comprises the total signal path from the measurand to the observer and includes all sensing, conditioning and real-time processing elements in the path” • Electrode: ” An electrode is an electrochemical cell converting charge carriers from ions to electrons or vice versa. An electrode is only a half-sensor in the way that two electrodes are necessary in order to apply a current or read a potential difference in living tissue” • Probe: A ”probe is a broader concept than a sensor. A probe is often comprising multiparameter sensors (e.g. temperature) and may be held by the operator and be equipped with switches and level adjustment facilities. Example: Ultrasound probe” Source: Grimnes-Høgetveit.Biomedical Engineering Education & Advanced Bioengineering Learning: Interdisciplinary Concepts.

  4. Pressure transducerand Wheatstone bridge Image: Grimnes-Høgetveit.Biomedical Engineering Education & Advanced Bioengineering Learning: Interdisciplinary Concepts.

  5. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Piezoelectric transducer C=εA/x

  6. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Photomultipliers

  7. FYS 4250 Chapter 4 The origin of biopotentials

  8. Membrane potential • Nernst equation for potassium K (Nor - Kalium): across a cell membrane with active channels pumping K ions into the cell.

  9. Dipolesin theaxon

  10. Neural velocity

  11. The heart

  12. Atrioventricular-block

  13. Ectopic beat

  14. Tachycardiaflutter= increased regular frequency

  15. flimmer (norsk) =fibrillation (eng) == uregelmessig rytme

  16. Ischemia

  17. FYS 4250 Kap.5 Biopotential electrodes

  18. Metal / electrolyte = electron / ion transitions

  19. Ag / AgCl Non-polarizable electrode

  20. Electrode polarization +skin + deeper layer

  21. Stimulation electrodes

  22. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet FYS 4250 Kap.6 Biopotential amplifiers

  23. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Einthoven triangle

  24. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Wilson central terminal

  25. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Augmented leads

  26. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet ”Driven right leg”

  27. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Biopotentail amplifiers

  28. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet

  29. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet FYS 4250 Kap.7 Blood Pressure and Sound

  30. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet The circulatory system

  31. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Typical blood pressures

  32. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Invasive blood pressure measurement

  33. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Harmonic analysis, Fourier

  34. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Heart sounds

  35. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Stethoscopes, spektrogram

  36. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Non-invasive blood pressure

  37. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Ultrasound measurement

  38. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Bloodpressure, oscillometric

  39. Fysisk institutt - Rikshospitalet Non-contact tonometry

  40. FYS 4250 Kap.8 Measurement of Flow and Volume of blood

  41. Indicator-dilution method

  42. Elektromagnetic flowmeter

  43. Electromagnetic flowmeter waveforms

  44. Quadrature-suppression flowm.

  45. Plethysmography

  46. Plethysmography curve

  47. FYS 4250 Chapter 9 Gas Instrumentation

  48. Figure 1 Airways with larynx, trachea, bronchi and alveoles

  49. Figure 2 Lung volume parameters Equation 1 Compliance C = ΔV / ΔP [L/Pa, L/cmH2O]

  50. Equation 2Poiseuille [Pa/m3/s = pressure / flow rate]

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