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Submit your IRB Application Short paragraph of introductory text here.

Application – Student Version. Submit your IRB Application Short paragraph of introductory text here. Date: [prepopulated with today’s date] Applicant: [name prepopulated from LDAP] Research Advisor ID:* Title of Research:* ATTACH YOUR DOCUMENTS: IRB Application:* Consent Form:*

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  1. Application – Student Version Submit your IRB Application Short paragraph of introductory text here. Date: [prepopulated with today’s date] Applicant: [name prepopulated from LDAP] Research Advisor ID:* Title of Research:* ATTACH YOUR DOCUMENTS: IRB Application:* Consent Form:* Attach another document SIGNATURE: I verify that I am the Applicant named above and I approve the submission of this application. The first portion of the person’s Carleton email address, e.g. “jsmith” Browse… Browse… Save to Complete Later Submit to IRB Now • Carleton login required to reach this page, for identification, security and pre-population of some data. • Upon submit, email notification with web link is sent to Faculty Research Advisor.

  2. Application – Student Version – Saved for Later Completion Submit your IRB Application Short paragraph of introductory text here. Date: [prepopulated with today’s date] Applicant: [name prepopulated from LDAP] Research Advisor ID:* Title of Research:* ATTACH YOUR DOCUMENTS: IRB Application:* Upload a different file: Consent Form:* Upload a different file: Attach another document SIGNATURE: I verify that I am the Applicant named above and I approve the submission of this application. Previous answer displayed here The first portion of the person’s Carleton email address, e.g. “jsmith” Previous answer displayed here previousfilename.doc Browse… previousfilename.doc Browse… Save to Complete Later Submit to IRB Now

  3. Application – Fac/Staff Version Submit your IRB Application Short paragraph of introductory text here. Date: [prepopulated with today’s date] Applicant: [name prepopulated from LDAP] Title of Research:* ATTACH YOUR DOCUMENTS: IRB Application:* Consent Form:* Attach another document SIGNATURE: I verify that I am the Applicant named above and I approve the submission of this application. Browse… Browse… Save to Complete Later Submit to IRB Now • Carleton login required to reach this page, for identification, security and pre-population of some data. • Upon submit, Faculty/Staff apps go to IRB Drop Box with email notification to Melissa Thomas.

  4. Confirmation Page Versions (if “Save to Complete Later”) Your application has been saved for completion later. Your application in progress has been saved. You will soon receive a confirmation email with a link you may use to return and finish your application. Additional paragraph here with links back to related info on main IRB site. (if Student submitter & “Submit to IRB Now”) Your application has been sent to your Research Advisor for review. Your application has been saved, and we have notified your Research Advisor to review it. Once he or she approves it, your application will be forwarded to the IRB for processing. You will soon receive a confirmation email with a link you may use to return to check the status of your application. Additional paragraph here with links back to related info on main IRB site. (if Faculty/Staff submitter & “Submit to IRB Now”) Your application has been sent to the IRB for review. Your application has been saved, and the IRB will begin reviewing it Thursday by 5:00 p.m. You will soon receive a confirmation email with a link you may use to return to check the status of your application. Additional paragraph here with links back to related info on main IRB site. • Email confirmation with link sent to applicant. • If student, email notify sent to Research Advisor with link to review application online. • If faculty/staff, email notify sent to IRB that application has been added to Drop Box.

  5. Please Review Your Advisee’s IRB Application Your research advisee, [Firstname Lastname], has submitted an IRB Application for research on human subjects. Please review the advisee’s application materials and indicate whether they are approved for submission to the IRB or need to be returned to the student for further revision. Application Date: [prepopulated with submitted date] Applicant Name: [prepopulated from LDAP] Research Advisor Name: [prepopulated from submitted data] Title of Research: [prepopulated from submitted data] APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: IRB Application: Link to application document Consent Form: Link to consent form document Additional Document 1: Link to additional document 1 Additional Document 2: Link to additional document 2 Additional Document 3: Link to additional document 3 Additional Document 4: Link to additional document 4 REVIEW COMMENTS TO STUDENT (these will be emailed to student): SIGNATURE: I verify that I am the Research Advisor named above and I approve the submission of this application. Approved – Submit to IRB Revisions Needed – Return to Student • Email confirmation with link sent to applicant if revisions needed. • Email confirmation with advisor approval notice sent to applicant if approved. • Added to IRB Drop Box if approved, with email notification to Melissa Thomas.

  6. IRB Application Pending [Name] – [Role] Application Date: [prepopulated with submitted date] Applicant Name: [prepopulated from LDAP] Title of Research: [prepopulated from submitted data] Approved by Research Advisor: [prepopulated with advisor’s approval date] APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: IRB Application: Link to application document Consent Form: Link to consent form document Additional Document 1: Link to additional document 1 Additional Document 2: Link to additional document 2 Additional Document 3: Link to additional document 3 Additional Document 4: Link to additional document 4 ASSIGN TO IRB REVIEWER Assigned Reviewer ID:* (choose one) Submit to Reviewer • This screen is reached via the IRB Drop Box or the emailed link in notification sent to IRB staff member. • “Approved by Research Advisor” field will only appear if applicant is a student. • Pulldown choices for Reviewer ID are controlled by a group defined in Reason.

  7. IRB Application in Process [Name] – [Role] In Review Closed to Applicant Editing Choose One Application Date: [prepopulated with submitted date] Applicant Name: [prepopulated from LDAP] Title of Research: [prepopulated from submitted data] Case Number: [prepopulated from submitted data] Assigned Reviewer ID: [prepopulated from submitted data] Research Advisor Name: [prepopulated from submitted data] Research Advisor Email: [prepopulated from submitted data] Approved by Research Advisor: [prepopulated with advisor’s approval date] APPLICATION DOCUMENTS: IRB Application: Link to application document Consent Form: Link to consent form document Additional Document 1: Link to additional document 1 Additional Document 2: Link to additional document 2 Additional Document 3: Link to additional document 3 Additional Document 4: Link to additional document 4 IRB REVIEWER RESPONSE: Upload IRB Case Summary:(click here for blank Summary) IRB Drop Box Status: Applicant Editing Status: Disposition (when complete): Browse… Save • This screen is reached via the IRB Drop Box or the emailed link in notification sent to IRB staff member. • Advisor fields will only appear if applicant is a student. • Choices for Drop Box Status are: In Review, Open for Comment, and Completed • Choices for Applicant Editing are: Closed to Applicant Editing, Open to Applicant Editing • Choices for Disposition: see list from Louis in project notes.

  8. IRB Application Drop Box APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED ReceivedApplicant Role Title mm/dd/yyyy Firstname Lastname Student Title of Research mm/dd/yyyy Firstname Lastname Faculty Title of Research mm/dd/yyyy Firstname Lastname Staff Title of Research mm/dd/yyyy Firstname Lastname Student Title of Research REVIEW IN PROGRESS AssignedApplicant Role Title Case Reviewer mm/dd/yyyy Firstname Lastname Student Title of Research Case # Reviewer Name mm/dd/yyyy Firstname Lastname Faculty Title of Research Case # Reviewer Name mm/dd/yyyy Firstname Lastname Staff Title of Research Case # Reviewer Name mm/dd/yyyy Firstname Lastname Student Title of Research Case # Reviewer Name OPEN FOR COMMENT AssignedApplicant Role Title Case Reviewer mm/dd/yyyy Firstname Lastname Student Title of Research Case # Reviewer Name mm/dd/yyyy Firstname Lastname Faculty Title of Research Case # Reviewer Name COMPLETED See past applications in the IRB Application Archive • In Applications Submitted, clicking on applicant name brings up the detail view of IRB Application Pending. • In Review in Progress, clicking on applicant name brings up detail view of IRB Application in Process.

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