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Testbenches Digital Electronics Design

Testbenches Digital Electronics Design. my_file= file handle. file name and type and mode. write buffer. write to file. Test benches , Text IO. Text IO routines are part of VHDL. TextIO is suitable to use in testbenches to read stimuli from a file and write results on a file.

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Testbenches Digital Electronics Design

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  1. TestbenchesDigital Electronics Design Digital Electronics Design

  2. my_file=file handle file name and type and mode write buffer write to file Testbenches, Text IO • Text IO routines are part of VHDL. TextIO is suitable to use in testbenches to read stimuli from a file and write results on a file. • Write procedures:write(….) -- write to buffer writeline(…) -- write to file • Read procedures: • read(…) -- read from buffer • readline(…) -- file to buffer process variable text_line: line; variable out_data: integer:=0; file my_file: text open write_mode is ”textfile.txt”; begin for i in 0 to 10 loop write(text_line,”counter=”); out_data:=out_data+1; write(text_line, out_data); writeline(my_file, text_line); end loop; wait; -- stop process end process; declare buffer Digital Electronics Design

  3. read mode loop until end of file file to buffer from buffer to variable Testbenches, Text IO process variable text_line: line; variable in_data: character; file my_file: TEXTopen read_mode is ”crc.txt”; begin while not endfile(my_file) loop readline(my_file, text_line); read(text_line, in_data); if in_data=’1’ then -- ascii insig<=’1’; elsif in_data=’0’ then insig<=’0’; else assert false ….. end if; end loop; end process; • Text IO routines are part of VHDL. TextIO is suitable to use in testbenches to read stimuli from a file and write results on a file. • Write procedures:write(….) -- write to buffer writeline(…) -- write to file • Read procedures: • read(…) -- read from buffer • readline(…) -- file to buffer Digital Electronics Design

  4. Test benches, File IO, General File IO can be used to write and read data elements. One element is written or read for each write or read command. The file pointer is incremented for each write/read command. The type of file and the mode must be declared in the file- declaration. process subtype byte is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type storage_array is array (0 to 255) of byte; variable storage: storage_array; variable index: natural; -- natural ={0 to highest int} type load_type is file of byte; file load_file: load_type open read_mode is ”bytefile”; begin index:=0; while not endfile(load_file) loop read(load_file, storage(index)); index:=index+1; end loop; wait; end process; Digital Electronics Design

  5. Composite Data Types • Subtypes • subtype short is integer range 0 to 255; • subtype byte is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); • Arrays • type ROM_type is array (0 to 31) of byte; • variable ROM: ROM_type; • Records • type time_stamp is record • seconds: integer range 0 to 59; • minutes: integer range 0 to 59; • hours: integer range 0 to 23; • end record time_stamp; • variable sample_time, current_time: time_stamp; Examples: sample_time:=current_time; sample_hour:=sample_time.hours; Digital Electronics Design

  6. Verifying the design • Use script language (Simulator Control Language) • Platform dependent (-) • Risk for same errors in the test bench as in the design ( if the designer makes the test bench) (-) • Use VHDL test bench • Platform independent (+) • Same risk for errors as SCL (-) • Can be done by system design engineer (executable spec) (+) • System level simulations • Good in finding interface errors (+) • Models used are (shall have been) verified (+) How can a component (VHDL) be verified? Digital Electronics Design

  7. Verifying the design Conclusion • Use VHDL Test bench both on behavioral and RT levels as a first step • Powerful language (compared to SCL) • Portable • Common language • Simulate on System level as a second step • If VHDL test bench can be used or not depends on availability of simulation models (for ASICs) Digital Electronics Design

  8. P 74HCx VHDL-RTL RAM EPROM System level simulations System level simulation represents the environment(Example) Digital Electronics Design

  9. A B VHDL comp ”signal gener.” VHDL comp ”logic analyzer” Test bench Verifying the design Computer VHDL ”prototype” Verification with a test bench (A and B) in the computer Digital Electronics Design

  10. Example: UART Testbench Transmit Data Processor (BFM) Data(7 downto 0) UART(UUT) Controls Receive Data Interrupts FM Reset/clock UUT=Unit Under TestFM=Functional ModelBFM=Bus Functional Model Digital Electronics Design

  11. Verifying the design. Design flow Design specification Specification level Graphical VHDL tool VHDL behavioral model Behavioral level Simulation Graphical VHDL tool VHDL (RTL) RT level Simulation A Digital Electronics Design

  12. Verifying the design. Design flow A Synthesis Test vector generation Netlist level (before layout) Simulation Place & route (layout) Netlist level (after layout) Implement in hardware Simulation Digital Electronics Design

  13. VHDL test- bench Testbenches in VHDL. Verification • There are three verification steps during development: • The behavioral model verification • The RTL VHDL model verification • Gate level verification both before and after layout • Testbenches can be used in all three steps. VITAL is a library with VHDL primitives to describe a circuit after layout. Both gate and wire delays are included VHDL model VHDL RTL model Gate level e.g. VITAL Static timing analysis can replace simulation in this step Digital Electronics Design

  14. A B Part A: Input stimuli test bench Part B: Output analysis testbench Testbenches in VHDL. Different parts Computer VHDL ”prototype” VHDL comp ”logic analyser” VHDL comp ”signal gener.” Digital Electronics Design

  15. Testbenches in VHDL. Input stimuli 1 • Generation of input signals: stim1<= ’1’ after 5 ns, ’0’ after 100 ns, ’1’ after 200 ns, ’0’ after 300 ns; reset<=’1’, ’0’ after 50 ns; • Generation of clock signal:signal clk: std_logic:=’0’; -- must be set to start value.constant period: time:=100 ns;………. clk <= not clk after period/2; -- 10 MHz clock • Synchronized inputs:process begin wait until clk=’1’; in_signal1<=’1’; in_signal2<=’0’;wait until clk=’1’; in_signal1<=’0’; in_signal2<=’1’;end process; Digital Electronics Design

  16. step ROM clock stimuli subtype rom_word is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); type rom_table is array (0 to 7) of rom_word; constant rom: rom_table:=( ”0100”, ”1100”, signal wave: rom_word; …. wave<=rom(conv_integer(step)); stim1<=wave(0); stim2<=wave(1); Testbenches in VHDLInput stimuli 2 Waveform generators: An alternative is to use a waveform generator to create input stimuli. Digital Electronics Design

  17. Testbenches in VHDL Output check • Check of output signals: • Use assert to send messages and stop simulations at errors. • Use wait until clk=’1’ to synchronize to clock. process begin if a=’1’ and b=’1’ then assert false report ”a and b violation” severity error; end if; wait until clk=’1’; end process; Digital Electronics Design

  18. Testbenches in VHDL. Different levels Class 1: Direct signal assignment. Text IO or waveform generator generates inputs. Class 2: Outputs are functionally checked with e.g. wait for 50 ns or wait until clk=’1’. Report result with assert command or special check signal. Class 3: Timing violation is tested. Can only be done on gate level simulation. Example:wait for 50 ns;if not q’stable(15 ns) thenassert falsereport ”Setup timing violation on q”severity Warning;end if; Digital Electronics Design

  19. Testbenches in VHDL. Testvectors • Testvectors are a set of input and output data that is used both for functional verification during development and for chip test during fabrication (only for ASIC). • Testvectors are handled by the testbench. • Testvectors are used both for behavioral and gate level verifications. Digital Electronics Design

  20. Testbenches in VHDL. Pull Up/Down A pull up/pull down can be represented by ’H’ and ’L’ respective. If a component has an inout pin the testbench can handle the pull up. entity test_bench is end; architecture tb of test_bench is component etuis port(enax: in std_logic; iox: inout std_logic); -- resolved!!! end; signal ena, io: std_logic; begin u1: etu port map(ena=>enax, io=>iox); io<=’H’;-- pull up ena<=’0’, ’1’ after 100 ns, ’0’ after 150 ns; io<=’0’, ’Z’ after 100 ns, ’0’ after 150 ns; end tb; entity etu is port(ena: in std_logic; io: inout std_logic); end; architecture rtl of etu is signal ena, io,a: std_logic; begin io<=a when ena=’1’ else ’Z’; end rtl; Digital Electronics Design

  21. Testbenches in VHDLBehavioural description! When writing testbenches you are not restricted to use the subset of VHDL that can be synthesised! Digital Electronics Design

  22. Signals or variables? • In testbenches ( and in VHDL-models that shall not be synthesized it’s better to use variables: • Much faster simulations • Less memory is required Digital Electronics Design

  23. DesignSynchronizing of FSMs and external events Tclk outp<='0' outp<='0' reset='1' S1 Tbitclk bitclk='1' outp<='1' outp<='1' S2 bitclk='1' bitclk='1' outp<='0' outp<='0' S3 Timer FSM bitclk clk Digital Electronics Design

  24. Synchronization of processes • Strobe method • Compare to synchronization with timer on previous slide • Generate a strobe as a “one clock pulse” • Processes must be synchronous (have the same clock and little “skew”) • Hand shaking • To be used if the clocks are not synchronous Digital Electronics Design

  25. Synchronization. Strobe Stb<=‘1’ Stb=‘0’ synch Stb<=‘0’ Stb=‘1’ Digital Electronics Design

  26. architecture rtl of timer is signal cntr: integer range 0 to 9; begin process(reset,clk) begin if reset=’1’ then cntr<=0; bitclk<=’0’; elsif clk’event and clk=’1’ then if cntr=0 then bitclk<=’1’; else bitclk<=’0’; end if; if cntr=9 then cntr<=0; else cntr<=cntr+1; end if; end if; end process; end rtl; Design Synchronizing of FSMs and external events 1 entity timer is port(clk,reset: in std_logic; bitclk: out std_logic); end; Digital Electronics Design

  27. Synchronization. Hand shaking Req=‘0’ Process A Process B Req=‘1’ Ack<=‘0’ Ack=‘1’ Req=‘1’ Req=‘1’ Ack<=‘1’ Req=‘0’ Req=‘0’ Ack=‘0’ Ack<=‘0’ Digital Electronics Design

  28. Design. Meta stability 1 Meta stability may occur when data is changing on the clock edge. The output decision of the latch or register is arbitrary. This problem will be found when data and clock are not synchronized e.g. inputs that shall be read by state machines. When a latch/register is meta stable the subsequent circuitry can interpret the output of the latch as two different values (setup and hold time violations). clk 0 output data data 1 output clk Digital Electronics Design

  29. Design. Meta stability 2 Some FPGAs are very sensitive to Meta stability. Use synchronizing mechanism to avoid problems. & input D Q C R D Q C R D Q C R /Q rising edge pulse clk reset Digital Electronics Design

  30. Design.Synchronizing of FSMs and external events 2. FSM Synchronizer i_synch input Tclk input clk Digital Electronics Design

  31. entity synchronizer is port(clk,reset,input: in std_logic; i_synch: out std_logic); end; architecture rtl of synchronizer is begin process(reset,clk) begin if reset=’1’ then i_data<=’1’; elsif clk’event and clk=’1’ then q1<=input; q2<=q1; q3<=q2; end if; end process; i_synch<=q2 and not q3; end rtl; Design Synchronizing of FSMs and external events 2. Digital Electronics Design

  32. Xilinx Spartan FPGA 1 CLB (Configurable Logical Block) in Spartan series G-LUT FF H-LUT F-LUT FF clk Digital Electronics Design

  33. PLD structures PAL Macrocell LUT IO I1 LUT1 IO I2 FF1 IO O1 LUT2 IO Programmable LUTs and programmable routing LUT1(16*1 bit mem) LUT = LookUpTable O1= (I1 and not I2) or (not I1 and I2) 16 product terms /LUT Digital Electronics Design

  34. Xilinx Spartan FPGA 2 CLB (Configurable Logical Block) in Spartan series 16*1 RAM FF H-LUT 16*1 RAM FF Distributed RAM clk Digital Electronics Design

  35. Xilinx Spartan FPGA 3 CLB (Configurable Logical Block) in Spartan series Spartan XCS10 has 196 CLBs => max 32*196 bits = 6272 if all CLBs are used for memory. ROM is the same as RAM but the content is stored when the FPGA is programmed. 16*1 RAM FF H-LUT 16*1 RAM FF Distributed RAM clk Digital Electronics Design

  36. Xilinx Spartan FPGA 4 CLB (Configurable Logical Block) in Spartan series 16*1 RAM FF The HDL synthesis tool can infer (”dra slutsatsen”) that this shall be a distributed memory. The code must then be written a defined way. H-LUT 16*1 RAM FF Distributed RAM clk Digital Electronics Design

  37. Xilinx Spartan FPGA 5 • Two methods to include ROM and RAM • in a design: • Instancing a technology specific ROM or RAM. • Write VHDL code that is inferred (tolkad) to be a ROM or RAM. • A RAM can also be implemented as registers (not efficient) Digital Electronics Design

  38. Xilinx Spartan FPGA 6 architecture rtl of rom is constant rom_w: integer:=8; constant rom_l: integer:=4; subtype rom_word is std_logic_vector (rom_w-1 downto 0); type rom_table is array (0 to rom_l-1) of rom_word; signal rom: rom_type; begin q<=rom(conv_integer(addr)); end rtl; Inferred distributed ROM Digital Electronics Design

  39. Required Xilinx Spartan FPGA 7 architecture rtl of ram_test is type mem_type is array (7 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)); signal mem: mem_type; begin q<=mem(conv_integer(addr)); process(clk, we,addr) if (rising_edge(clk) then if we=‘1’ then mem(conv_integer(addr))<=d; end if; end process; end rtl; Inferred distributed RAM Digital Electronics Design

  40. Xilinx Spartan FPGA 7 Inferred distributed RAM Digital Electronics Design

  41. Lab assignment 4 • Design a CRC generator • Design a testbench to test the CRC generator • Use input data from a test and the testbench to verify the design. ser_in CRC generator crc_ok clk reset_n Digital Electronics Design

  42. D QCR D QCR D QCR D QCR D QCR D QCR D QCR q0 & crc_ok Lab assignment 4 X1 0 1 4 Q4 5 11 ser_in =1 D QCR D QCR Q11 Q15 clk reset Q4 =1 X1 12 13 14 15 X1 Q15 =1 Q11 q15 Digital Electronics Design

  43. Lab assignment 4. CRC entity crc is port(clk,reset,ser_in: in std_logic; crc_ok: out std_logic); end; architecture rtl of crc is signal crc_reg: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); begin p1:process(clk,reset)-- synchronous process for shift register end process; p2:process(crc_reg) -- combinational process for crc_ok end process; end rtl; Digital Electronics Design

  44. Lab assignment 4. CRC testbench use std.textio.all; entity crc_tb is end; architecture behav of crc_tb is -- declare component crc -- declare signals constant period: time:= 100 ns; begin -- instantiate component crc as U1 -- clock and reset generation process file crc_file: text open read_mode is ”G:\VHDL\crc.txt”; variable text_line: line; variable inchar: character; begin -- read file and control input to crc end process; -- continues on next page Digital Electronics Design

  45. Lab assignment 4. CRC Testbench -- continues from previous page process begin -- count 48 pulses to crc -- assert to display crc_ok end process; end behav; Digital Electronics Design

  46. constant period: time:=100 ns; begin reset<=’1’, ’0’ after period/4; clk<=not clk after period/2; …… …… end behav; readline(..); read(..); wait until clk=’1’; clk reset Lab assignment 4. Testbench Digital Electronics Design

  47. stop simulator Lab assignment 4. Testbench Syntax: assert <condition> report <message> severity <error_level> An assert message is sent if the condition is not met if crc_ok=’1’ then assert false report ”crc ok” severity failure; else assert false report ”crc not ok” severity failure; end if; Digital Electronics Design

  48. VHDL Test bench problem ARCHITECTURE behav OF tb_exempel IS component tt_buffer is port(rd: in std_logic; out_buffer: inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end component; signal rd: std_logic; signal out_buffer: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); BEGIN u1: tt_buffer port map (rd,out_buffer); process begin rd<='1'; wait for 500 ns; rd<='0'; wait; end process; process begin wait for 1 us; out_buffer<="10101010"; wait; end process; END behav; - tb_exempel -- joal 2003-10-07 -- Abstract: To demonstrate how multiple drivers can be -- generated in a test bench and -- how to avoid problems with that LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL; -- *********************************************** LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL; ENTITY tb_exempel IS END tb_exempel ; Digital Electronics Design

  49. VHDL Test bench problem ARCHITECTURE behav OF tb_exempel IS component tt_buffer is port(rd: in std_logic; out_buffer: inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end component; signal rd: std_logic; signal out_buffer: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); BEGIN u1: tt_buffer port map (rd,out_buffer); process begin rd<='1'; wait for 500 ns; rd<='0'; wait; end process; process begin -- out_buffer driver in this process must have a start value – otherwise ’U’ is used and can't be resolved!!!! out_buffer<="ZZZZZZZZ"; wait for 1 us; out_buffer<="10101010"; wait; end process; END behav; - tb_exempel -- joal 2003-10-07 -- Abstract: To demonstrate how multiple drivers can be -- generated in a test bench and -- how to avoid problems with that LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL; -- *********************************************** LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.ALL; ENTITY tb_exempel IS END tb_exempel ; Digital Electronics Design

  50. VHDL Test bench problem Before code corrected rd out_buffer UUUUUUUU 10101010 After code corrected rd out_buffer 01010101 10101010 1 ms Digital Electronics Design

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