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Food Safety For Food Co-ops

Food Safety For Food Co-ops. Cindy Brison, MS, RD UNL Extension in Douglas and Sarpy Counties. Reviewed By:. George Hanssen, Food Division Administrator for The Nebraska Department of Agriculture

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Food Safety For Food Co-ops

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  1. Food Safety For Food Co-ops Cindy Brison, MS, RD UNL Extension in Douglas and Sarpy Counties

  2. Reviewed By: • George Hanssen, Food Division Administrator for The Nebraska Department of Agriculture • Jere Ferrazzo, Supervisor of the Food and Drink Section for the Douglas County Department of Health • Nancy Urbanec, Extension Associate, UNL Extension in Douglas and Sarpy Counties

  3. Food Borne Illness • A disease transmitted to people by food • Caused by microorganisms • Foods that allow microorganisms to grow are called • POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS

  4. Potentially Hazardous • "Potentially hazardous food" means a food that is natural or synthetic and that requires temperature control because it is in a form capable of supporting: • The rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms

  5. "Potentially Hazardous Food" • Includes an animal food (a food of animal origin) that is raw or heat-treated; a food of plant origin that is heat-treated or consists of raw seed sprouts; cut melons; and garlic-in-oil mixtures that are not modified in a way that results in mixtures that do not support growth

  6. Foods That Cause Food Borne Illness • Meat, poultry, pork ,fish, tofu, dairy products and eggs • Things that are re-hydrated • Beans, rice, oatmeal • Anything grown in the ground or on the ground • Potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, lettuce, garlic, celery, mushrooms, melons, tomatoes, herbs, sprouts

  7. Statistics • Tomatoes and melons have caused more incidences of salmonella in the last two years than eggs and poultry

  8. Almonds and Salmonella • All almonds are now pasteurized (September 2007)—even those labeled raw—with gas, heat, steam or chemicals • Also blanching and oil roasting • Only 5% of all almonds in the US are consumed raw • California produces 100% of the US’s almonds and 80% of the worlds almonds

  9. USDA Nutritional Database • How do roasted almonds compare nutritionally with natural almonds? What about blanched vs. natural almonds? To learn more about a specific almond form, visit the USDA Nutrient Database and search under the term "almond." You can choose the form you are interested in at http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/.

  10. Fermented Foods • Bacteria can still grow in acidic environments if handled inappropriately • Example—improperly canned pickles

  11. Garlic—Handle With Care • Garlic and oil mixtures may grow botulism bacteria • When making garlic in oil mixtures: • Make a small amount • Keep it in the refrigerator when not in use • Discard after one week

  12. Ways Foods Become Unsafe • Cross-contamination • Time-temperature abuse • Poor personal hygiene • Improper cleaning and sanitizing

  13. Cross-contamination • Letting raw foods drip on ready to eat foods • Touching ready to eat foods with your hands • Accidentally storing chemicals near food items

  14. Time-Temperature Abuse • Danger zone---41°-135° • Four hours • Bacteria doubles every twenty minutes • Grows the best at room temperatures • Continues to grow in the refrigerator and freezer

  15. Eggs and Safe Handling • Hard boiled eggs are still potentially hazardous and must be stored at 41° or lower • Eggs are porous, and should not be washed, as chemicals can be absorbed

  16. Eggs • To warm up eggs for a recipe: • Run under warm water for a few minutes to bring it to room temperature • Do not let it sit out on the counter

  17. Poor Personal Hygiene • Dirty uniforms • Poor hand washing • Smoking and eating around food • Not taking off aprons before using the bathroom • Not keeping hair covered

  18. Improper Cleaning and Sanitizing • Not using the correct chemicals • Not mixing the chemicals correctly • Not washing, rinsing and air drying food contact surfaces between use

  19. Who Is More Likely to Get Sick • Anyone eating raw or undercooked foods • Anyone with reduced immunities • Small children • The elderly • Anyone sick—colds, on medications, cancer • Pregnant women • Alcoholics, anorexics, transplant patients

  20. How to Prevent Food Borne Illness Http://www.Fightbac.org

  21. Personal Hygiene • Clean Clothes • Shower daily • Short nails • No polish • Band-aids and gloves for cuts • Minimal jewelry

  22. Don’t work when you are ill • Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling food • Wear gloves when handling ready to eat foods • Use non-latex gloves to prevent allergic reactions • This does not replace hand washing

  23. Hand Washing • Hot water (at least 100° F) • Soap (not bar soap) • Friction for at least 20 seconds • Rinse • Dry with disposable towels • Turn off water and open bathroom door with towel • Dispose of towel

  24. When to Wash Your Hands • Before preparing or eating food • After going to the bathroom • After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has gone to the bathroom • Before and after tending to someone who is sick • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing • After handling an animal or animal waste • After handling garbage • Before and after treating a cut or wound

  25. Sanitizing Gels • Use after hand washing • Recommended for use if soap and water is not present • Over use of antibacterial gels may cause anti-biotic resistance

  26. Food Service Regulations • When dealing with food—hand washing with soap and water is the best for killing certain types of bacteria

  27. Lotion • Lotion is not recommended after hand washing in food service • Can leave a moist environment for bacterial growth

  28. Transportation and Delivery

  29. Temperature Danger Zone • 41° to 135° • Bacteria grows best at room temperature • Keep potentially hazardous foods hot or cold • 4 hours is the limit

  30. Delivery Vehicle • Refrigeration is the best • Using coolers with ice and gel packs • Dry ice for frozen items • Vehicle must be clean and sanitary • Items that the food is stored in must be cleaned and sanitized • Coolers • Crates • Containers

  31. Food delivery person must practice good hand washing practices • Delivery vehicle cleaned out frequently • Dollies and other transportation items must be cleaned also • No cross contamination of perishable versus fresh

  32. Sanitizing Delivery Equipment • Coolers should be washed, rinsed, and sanitized between each use • Use a solution of 1 tablespoon of unscented bleach to 1 gallon of water in a spray bottle • Allow it to sit for two minutes before wiping with a disposable towel • Solution needs to be checked with test strips • Possibly re-mix every four hours while in constant use

  33. Peroxide and Vinegar • Cannot be used as a food service sanitizer • Cannot be tested for strength • Does not have a test strip • Per the Nebraska Department of Health • Produces another type of acid if mixed that is not totally safe

  34. Delivery Trucks • Should be kept between 50°-70° if all perishable foods are kept in coolers/freezers • If the truck is refrigerated—then below 41°

  35. Transportation • Items that are frozen must stay at 0° or lower • Items that are cold must stay at 41° or lower • Fresh fruits and vegetables must be handled appropriately, as should dry goods

  36. Delivery Equipment • Must be able to hold the appropriate temperature for the entire length of trip • Ice, dry ice, gel packs, and freezer packs are all appropriate • Sanitize reusable frozen items between uses • Best practice—keep a thermometer in the cooler • More ice when temperatures are warmer

  37. Delivering Produce • Items like squash, onions, potatoes and garlic are considered shelf stable until cut or cooked, and can be delivered in non-refrigerated containers • Sliced melons and tomatoes must be kept at 41° or lower

  38. Receiving

  39. Receiving • All frozen items should be received frozen at 0° • All cold items should be received at 41° or lower • Eggs and shellfish can be received at 45°

  40. Receiving and Storing • Items should be unpacked and stored as soon as possible • Time in the temperature danger zone is cumulative • Do not accept any foods that have been time-temperature abused

  41. Reject Food Items If: • The packaging is broken • They leak • Cans are swollen • There are large ice crystals on the box • There are signs of pests • Dry goods are wet or damaged • Food is expired

  42. Receiving Fresh Meat • Beef, lamb, and pork • Bright in color • Cold or frozen • Firm and springs back when touched • No sour odors • No off colors

  43. Receiving Fresh Meat • Meat must be processed in a USDA or state approved facility and properly labeled for sale to the public

  44. Receiving Fresh Poultry • Cold fresh poultry should be packed on crushed, self-draining ice • Frozen • No discolorations or dark wing tips • Firm and springs back when touched • Not sticky • No unpleasant odor

  45. Receiving Fresh Fish • Fresh on crushed, self-draining ice • Frozen • Bright red gills, shiny skin, bulging eyes • Flesh springs back when you touch it • Mild ocean or seaweed odor—not fishy

  46. Receiving Fresh Shell Eggs • Cold • Clean, unbroken shells • Not dirty, cracked, or smelly • Clean “farm fresh eggs” with a clean cloth and fresh water • Sometime a brush can be used to clean any adhering soils

  47. Receiving Dairy Products • Cold or frozen • Typical flavor • Uniform color, texture, smell • No mold, nothing expired

  48. Storage

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