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July 2011

Conference « Call to Europe » ° Survey realised for FEPS. July 2011. Table of content. Presentation of the study 3 Context and objectives of the study 4 Methodology 5 Sample description 6 Results 7 Feeling on the evolution of the European sentiment 8

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July 2011

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  1. Conference « Call to Europe »° Survey realised for FEPS July 2011

  2. Table of content • Presentation of the study 3 • Context and objectives of the study 4 • Methodology 5 • Sample description 6 • Results 7 • Feeling on the evolution of the European sentiment 8 • 1.1. Feeling on the evolution of the European integration sentiment within the past 10 years 8 • 1.2. The regions in which the European sentiment would have positively evolved 10 • 1.3. The regions in which the European sentiment would have negatively evolved 11 • 1.4. (assisted) justification of the decline of the European sentiment 12 • 1.5. Confrontation between survey statistics and personal feeling 15 • 1.6. Possible implications of the decline in European sentiment 16 • The axis to work on to revitalise the European sentiment 18 • 2.1. The actors « obliged » to revitalise the European sentiment 18 • 2.2. Priority of the elements to work on 20 • 2.3. Efficiency perceived for the different possible measures to revitalise the European sentiment 22 • Opinion of the European civil servants on the major choices of the EU 24

  3. Presentation of the study

  4. 1. Context and objectives of the study • The Foundation for European Progressive Studies organised on the 29th and 30th of June a reflection conference on ways to revitalize the European adhesion for the population of the European Union. • During this conference you wish to present the results of a survey realised among European civil servants working in European institutes based in Brussels. • This survey represents the feelings of this specific population regarding the evolution of the European idea within the EU population and the causes for this actual decline of the European idea. • Specifically the following elements that have been evaluated during this survey are as follows : • a feel for the evolution of the sentiment of the population towards European integration, • elements influencing negatively the European sentiment, • impact of the “eurobarometer” on the European sentiment, • accountability of the European sentiment, • elements allowing to reinforce the European sentiment, • evaluation of axis allowing to reinforce the European sentiment, • …

  5. 2. Methodology • The surveys has been realised, in most part, by Internet. We have contacted the eurocrats by phone to ask them their email address to send them an invitation email. This email contained the coordinates to access the internet site containing the survey : • To complete the sample, we have also recruited respondents directly in the vicinity of the European institutions with interviewers present every day for a week. • During these contacts, the interviewers invited the participants to give them their email address to also be invited to participate to this study. It was also possible, for those who wished, to answer the questionnaire directly with the interviewer.

  6. 3. Description de l’échantillon

  7. Results

  8. 1. Feeling on the evolution of the European sentiment 1.1. Feeling on the evolution of the European integration sentiment within the past 10 years • Q1a) Do you personally feel that in recent years most people in the European Union think that European integration has evolved within the past 10 years: Very positively evolved 22% positively evolved neither positively nor negatively negatively evolved 43 % very negatively evolved very variably depending on EU regions no opinion Total (N=231) . Administrators (N=82) Assistants(N=149) [%, assisted answers ; base : total sample : N = 231]

  9. The opinions are rather shared but decided : • 22% feel there is a positive evolution (but only 2% « very positive »), • barely 17% for the status quo, • and 43% feel there is a negative evolution (of which 12% « very negative »), • a minority (15%) nuance their appreciation of variable evolutions according to the EU region, • administrators and assistants have very similar opinions. • So the pendulum swings more towards a negative perception of the evolution of the European sentiment : it deteriorates more than it improves, although the strong convictions are not established.

  10. 1.2. The regions in which the European sentiment would have positively evolved • Q1b) In which region(s) of the EU would you say it has evolved (very) positively? Eastern Europe Germany Belgium New member countries Spain Romania Bulgaria Northern Europe Southern Europe Slovenia Italy Finland Poland Hungary Benelux DK-NA Administrators (N=15) Assistants(N=20) Total (N=35) . Administrateurs(N=15) Assistants(N=20) [%, assisted response ; base : thinks the integration sentiment is very variable : N = 35]

  11. 1.3. The regions in which the European sentiment would have negatively evolved • Q1c) In which regions of the EU would you say it has evolved (very) negatively? the base is very limited : you must therefore interpret these values with a lot of precaution Assistants(N=20) Total (N=35) . Administrators(N=15) [%, assisted response ; base : thinks the integration sentiment is very variable : N = 35]

  12. 1.4. (assisted) justification of the decline of the European sentiment Total reasons Top 15 • Q1d) & Q1d’) According to you, how can this decline of the European sentiment among the population could be explained ? Total (N=98) Administrators(N=35) Assistants(N=63) . [%, assisted response ; base : think the integration sentiment has negatively evolved : N = 98]

  13. This question was only asked to 43% of the civil servants that feel a negative evolution of the European integration sentiment. The possible answers were proposed to them (= « assisted response »). • These civil servants see many justifications for the decline of the European sentiment; which can be classified in several main groups : • firstly, the increase in nationalisms is blamed by a civil servant out of two, • then several justifications that reconnect the idea of a gap between the (European) political spheres and the citizens; we will incorporate within this group the following justifications : • the lack of comprehension of the European projects by the European citizen, • the loss of trust towards politicians (probably co-generated by the level of national power), • the distance between Brussels and its citizens, • and probably, the absence of charismatic leaders able to incarnate, in an understandable way for the citizens, the European project. Emphasises the incapacity of the citizen to clearly understand « what is happening in Europe » and indirectly, the weak level of expectations of the European citizen towards Europe

  14. thirdly, comes a feeling of major growth imbalances between countries of the European Union, essentially originating from a feeling of expanding too fast : • expanding mentioned as such by 42% of the respondents, • major growth imbalances between countries, European zones, • having to financially support some countries of the European Union, • and also to some extent, the financial de-regularization in Europe, Sentiment of a Europe with different « speeds », which has not yet correctly integrated its enlargements • then comes the economic recession which reinforces the habit of « every man for himself » (economic nationalisms). There is more a perception of a Europe exposed to the recession rather than a Europe that creates economic tensions : • the economic recession, • the increase in unemployment, • the development of inequalities the consequences of the economic recession ... Rather than tensions generated by Europe itself • the austerity programme imposed by Brussels • Finally, the role of the media (criticism towards Europe or insufficiently didactic) is blamed by a civil servant out of four, • (the ethical debates such as the one on immigrant integration seems to – according to the civil servants surveyed – have little influence on the European misunderstandings and thus the sense of integration).

  15. 1.5. Confrontation between survey statistics and personal feeling • Q1e) Many studies and surveys, including the Eurobarometer and several other studies conveyed in European Union countries, clearly shows that there is a growing negative perception of Europe. Do these findings reflect/confirm very well (++), rather well (+), neither well nor badly (=), not really (-) not at all (--) your personal view on how people of the European Union feel about Europe? Total (N=231) 43% of the European civil servants spontaneously felt a decline in the European sentiment within the EU population. Though when we suggest results from surveys concerning the decline of the European sentiment, they are 62% to admit this decline (but the answers are nuanced : only 22% are « strongly convinced ») . Administrators (N=82) Here again results are comparable between administrators and assistants • ++ • + Assistants (N=149) • = • - • -- • ? [%, assisted response ; base : total sample : N = 231]

  16. 1.6. Possible implications of the decline in European sentiment ∑ + & ++ • Q1f) Do you personally think that this fairly marked change in people’s feeling now about the European Union is: certainly (++), probably (+), probably not (-), certainly not (--): total admin. assist. 89% 90% 89% 81% 88% 78% 78% 83% 76% 75% 80% 72% 71% 63% 75% 68% 74% 64% 65% 78% 58% 63% 63% 63% 61% 68% 56% 56% 56% 56% 50% 62% 43% 27% 28% 27% 21% 10% 27% [%, assisted response ; base : total sample : N = 231]

  17. crainte d’une accélération de facteurs qui ont causé le recul du sentiment européen • It is interesting to see that if the European civil servants do not express their feelings on the decline of the European sentiment, they are however much more preoccupied by the potential effects of this decline, and they dramatise this very strongly. Several observation confirm that : • this decline of the European sentiment is really considered to be a real problem, which might strengthen in the coming years (63% think it will strengthen), and that it cannot be easily reversed, • this decline will have to be managed very seriously by the European leaders because it puts the European development in peril via : • The risk of seeing the nationalist sentiment strengthen further (already perceived as the first cause of this European sentiment decline), • the risk of hindering the process of European integration, • the risk of seeing the European Union position weaken even more on the global scene, • the risk of hindering the economical recovery within a Europe heavily impacted by the economic recession, • and even via difficulties to implement the decision from the Lisbon Treaty, • the European civil servants are in a majority conscious of the fact that the official Europe speech lacks clarity / comprehension for the citizens : the fact that citizens are not implicated is understandable in the European civil servants’ point of view. Therefore lets make clearer explanations, in order to get a better accompaniment of the European public opinion towards the comprehension of big projects destined to build Europe and towards a better comprehension for the citizen of the benefits that the integration could generate, • The European civil servants clearly indicate the feeling that between the European politicians and the citizens, there is a very large gap that will not be easily filled.

  18. 2. The axis to work on to revitalise the European sentiment 2.1. The actors « obliged » to revitalise the European sentiment • Q2a) Do you think that efforts to stimulate positive public opinion about Europe should primarily be made by… Total (N=231) . Administrators(N=82) Assistants(N=149) [%, assisted response ; base : total sample : N = 231]

  19. The European civil servants are very comprehensive with the citizens : a minority blame them for the absence / the lack of motivation expressed by the citizen to interest themselves / to make an effort to interest themselves to European politics. • Its therefore up to the government of the member states and the European institutions to take the role of reigniting the flame, with the help of the media often judged to be too critical or miss informing the citizens on the European subject. • (We can see at this level a quasi unanimity between administrators and assistants).

  20. 2.2. Priority of the elements to work on • Q2b) What do you think are the ways, for which the European Union should reinforce/lead more actions to stimulate a positive European feel? Total (N=231) . Administrators(N=82) Assistants(N=149) [%, assisted response ; base : total sample : N = 231]

  21. As a reminder, these are assisted responses : they were pre-coded in the online questionnaire, and the respondents had the possibility to tick one or several of these responses ... and they have done so : the total percentage is close to 1.000% which indicates that on average, each respondent has ticked 10 answers. Its therefore in a large number of elements that the European Union must make an effort to re-motivate the citizens. • From the ranking of the answers, we can reach the following conclusions : • the economic crisis and the growth imbalances forces, primarily – in the opinion of European civil servants – the socio-economic that they will have to work on, inform and convince, • then, on the environmental aspects that we can find – in the opinion of European civil servants – a high priority : environmental, ecology, energy … • the benefits of Europe in terms of improving competencies (education, training, teaching …) seems to also constitute – in the eyes of the European civil servants – a very supportive axis, • the security, as much « internal » (absence of conflicts / political stability, liberty of circulation, justice, …) than « external » (security, defence, fight against terrorism, ...) should also positively raise awareness for the European citizens, • the industrial development in Europe (industries, R&D, transport…) does not seems to constitute, in the eyes of the European civil servants, a prime communication axis ... • ... no more than people Europe (multiculturalism, culture, tourism), is placed within the last priorities.

  22. 2.3. Efficiency perceived for the different possible measures to revitalise the European sentiment • Q2c) The following is a list of various lines of action that could be undertaken to strengthen the sense of European integration among citizens of the European Union. Could you please, for each of these, indicate which you feel could : certainly (++), probably (+), probably (-), certainly not (--) help to achieve this ? • . ∑ + & ++ total admin. assist. 84% 83% 85% 82% 79% 84% 72% 67% 74% 69% 66% 71% 68% 71% 66% 60% 55% 63% 52% 52% 51% • ++ • + 52% 52% 51% • - • -- • ? 46% 52% 42% [%, assisted response ; base : total sample : N = 231]

  23. In this rather gloomy context of the European integration sentiment within the European population, in the most part the potential measures tested were (very) favourable to redressing the bar: • no doubt on 5 main ways : • a better communication from the European officials on their projects, • common position on foreign policies, • have common tax base to fight against social dumping, • more charismatic leaders, we are in a logic to better inform / motivate the citizens, • and the idea of a European economic government, felt like it is able to re-motivate the citizens by close to 7 European civil servants out of 10 (68%), • the austerity policies are not primarily perceived (by the European civil servants) as able to redress the adhesion of the citizens to the European project (cf. equally point 3. infra), • the European civil servants doubt the efficiency of 3 measures (to re-motivate the citizens) : • the election of a European president using a universal suffrage, • the solo-representation of Europe at the United Nations assembly, • and the idea of a European tax. • As a reminder the question concerned the efficiency of these measures to reinforce the European integration sentiment for the European Union citizens ... and not on the intrinsic efficiency of these measure in political and/or diplomatic and/or economical and/or social terms.

  24. 3. Opinion of the European civil servants on the major choices of the EU ∑ + & ++ total admin. assist. • Q3a) Finally, we would like to ask you your opinion about various subjects. Please indicate if you personally:totally agree (++), agree to some extent (+), neither agree or disagree (=), are inclined to agree (-), do not agree at all (--), with the following statements ? 73% 70% 75% given the immediate lack of solidarity towards Greece, the call into question of the Schengen Agreement, some « unilateral » decisions of the French/German tandem, you fear that the European model has entered into a lasting crisis 64% 65% 63% craignez que le modèle européen soit entré dans une crise durable 62% 65% 61% 61% 66% 59% 32% 33% 32% 31% 34% 29% 29% 30% 29% 26% 24% 28% • ++ • + 25% 28% 23% • = • - • -- 24% 28% 21% • ? [%, assisted response ; base : total sample : N = 231]

  25. On the major choices of Europe, the opinion of European civil servants are clear and distinguished : • there are choices for which « everybody » agrees : • the Euro, is without doubt (to note here the strong conviction (« totally agree » : 50%) a strong choice, • the lack of solidarity (Greece, Schengen, the leadership of the French/German tandem ...) • and the pronounced liberal character of the European Commission’s policies, • those for which a majority strongly doubt : • the cause of the actual (economic) crises is due to exogenous factors, • the capacity of the austerity measures to « cure the European ills at medium and long term », • and the bet on the auto regularisation factors of the market and policies trying to preserve the European socio-economic model, • and those for which are still being questioned (cf. the strong proportion of « no opinion ») • the efficiency of EEAS to hinder / redress the marginalisation of Europe at an international level, • the success chances of the EU 2020 strategy (compared to the Lisbon treaty), • and more pragmatically, the positive effect of the Lisbon treaty. • Overall thus, a « internal vision » of the state of the European politics is rather homogeneous.

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