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Dale Osborn 10:30 AM Friday June 12

Economically Efficient Transmission Design Processes for a 20% Wind Energy Scenario for the U.S. Eastern Interconnection. Dale Osborn 10:30 AM Friday June 12. 2. 3. NREL Eastern Wind Integration Transmission Study Data. 4.

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Dale Osborn 10:30 AM Friday June 12

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Economically Efficient Transmission Design Processes for a 20% Wind Energy Scenario for the U.S. Eastern Interconnection Dale Osborn 10:30 AM Friday June 12

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. NREL Eastern Wind Integration Transmission Study Data 4

  5. Transmission planning to date has been focused on meeting National Electric Reliability Corp. reliability standards. Deterministic criteria based on the loss of lines and resources ( generators). Minimum capital for transmission Not necessarily the minimum cost to the customer Energy markets added constraints that allow mainly gas generation to provide reliable service by relieving constraints by locating in higher priced areas Wind energy and other types of generation generally need transmission to gain access to higher priced areas and be able to compete. Reliability (Capacity) vs. Economic Transmission Expansion 5

  6. 6

  7. 7

  8. 20% Wind Energy Scenario Without and With the JCSP Overlay Annual Generator Location Marginal Prices 8

  9. 1 9 JCSP PROMOD outputs - July 22, 2008

  10. 10

  11. 11

  12. Joint Coordinated System Plan Overlay 12

  13. 20% Wind Energy Scenario Without and With the JCSP Overlay Annual Generator Location Marginal Prices 13

  14. 14

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