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Cannibalization effects between innovation communities’ members

Cannibalization effects between innovation communities’ members. Alexey Barykin Dmitry Karabanov National Research University– Higher School of Economics Moscow, Russia. WIP. Open innovation framework. Closed paradigm. Open paradigm. Income. Sell of IP. New source of income. Spin-offs.

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Cannibalization effects between innovation communities’ members

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  1. Cannibalization effects between innovation communities’ members AlexeyBarykin Dmitry Karabanov National Research University– Higher School of Economics Moscow, Russia WIP

  2. Open innovation framework Closed paradigm Open paradigm Income Sell of IP New source of income Spin-offs Issuing licenses “IP outsourcing” economy Costs

  3. The new venue for research Open vs Closed innovation paradigm + Complex products and services + Innovation communities + Cannibalization = Is there a link between the level of your BM “openness” and the possibility to face cannibalization effects inside an innovation community? H1: There is a positive correlation between a sum of innovation community members’ business model levels and the number of cannibalizations events inside that innovation community.

  4. Innovation communities - theory • Consists of organizations • The relations are formalized a) in paper (manifest, agreement, etc) ; or b) by setting up a non-commercial joint venture • More than one member of a community is represented by commercial organization • The mission of a community is to foster members’ competitive advantage based on the open innovations • Combined market share does not lead to monopoly (not state owned corporations, cartels, etc.)

  5. Innovation communities - practice Communities inside Russia • Pollock association • Regional bank association • Constructors association • Branding agencies association • Other… • National association of power element manufacturers “RUSBAT”

  6. BM level determination Business model concept BM type Innovation process IP management Company openness index Community parameters

  7. BM level scoring process

  8. Cannibalization • An increase of a community member’s market share without a respective increase in total community market share • National economy downturn • An increase of rival communities’ share • Lack of opportunity to grow organically • Loss of technological competitive advantage

  9. Further research questions • Conducting a set of semi-structured interviews with IC management to determine cannibalization effects took place • Broadening the sample by discovering and analyzing more innovation communities in Russia • A longitudinal study of BM openness index change and members’/community market share • Excluding statistical “noises” from the market share fluctuations • Development of non-linear BM level intervals

  10. Q&A

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