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Real time hydrologic flood forecast based on SAIH and weather radar data in Spain

Real time hydrologic flood forecast based on SAIH and weather radar data in Spain. ANGEL LUIS ALDANA VALVERDE Dr. Civil Engineer Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos (Hydrographic Studies Center)

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Real time hydrologic flood forecast based on SAIH and weather radar data in Spain

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  1. Real time hydrologic flood forecast based on SAIH and weather radar data in Spain ANGEL LUIS ALDANA VALVERDE Dr. Civil Engineer Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos (Hydrographic Studies Center) CEDEX-Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (Center for Studies and Experimentation on Public Works) JUSTO MORA ALONSO-MUÑOYERRO Dr. Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos Dirección General de Obras Hidráulicas (General Direction of Hydraulic Works and Water Quality) Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (Ministry of Environment) SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  2. SAIH Project SAIH: Automatic hydrologic information systems (Sistema Automático de Información Hidrológica) • Control points (gauging stations): • 322 Dams • 388 Rivers • 224 Conduits • 416 Rainfall • 245 Communications • Investment (julio 2.001): • 246 M€ SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  3. Previous experiences: the library of programs for SAIH operation • Operative from 1994 to 2000 • PLU • Rainfall processor • CRAF • Flood forecasts at river gauge stations • CREM • Floods forecast and reservoir operation SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  4. Basis and groundworks for the applications currently in use IMACHI.- Analysis and hydrological calculation modular interface EDIMACHI, the development and application environment for models of forecasting and reservoir operation SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  5. Configuration of data and application directories Display and edition of basic descriptive data (appraisal curves, reservoir curves, links between elements) Display and edition of temporal data (selection, filtering and filling) Basic calculus, such as flows from curves, volumes and balances in reservoirs. Rainfall calculus that are based on rainfall gauging stations and/or, as alternative, a grid of estimated values. The grids can be obtained from the weather radar network. Display of results of calculus that have been realized by this application or by a peripheral one. Central module EDIMACHI-CEnP SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  6. Rainfall processor based on weather radar and rainfall gauge stations INM mosaic and combination of sources of information SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  7. Module EDIMACHI-SIPROP: Simulation, forecast and reservoir operation SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  8. Simulation: models and autocalibration techniques SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  9. Reservoir operation calculation SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  10. EDIMACHI-PROC Segura: flood propagation forecast at Segura river The application PROC-Segura was one of the first applications developed through EDIMACHI. SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  11. Flows Rainfalls EDIMACHI: Application cases SAIH and hydrological forecasting

  12. Más información • Web de • Modelación numérica en hidráulica e hidrologíaLaboratorio de Hidráulica • Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos http://hercules.cedex.es/hidraulica SAIH and hydrological forecasting

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