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Listening and speaking

Content. Listening and speaking. Reading. Grammar. Writing. Culture express. Listening and speaking. Pronunciation and listening skills. Conversations. Passage. English films. Watch a clip from the movie Kung Fu Panda and complete the conversation with what you hear. English films.

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Listening and speaking

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  1. Content Listening and speaking Reading Grammar Writing Culture express

  2. Listening and speaking • Pronunciation and listening skills • Conversations • Passage

  3. English films Watch a clip from the movie Kung Fu Panda and complete the conversation with what you hear.

  4. English films 1. Watch a clip from the movie Kung Fu Panda and complete the conversation with what you hear. upset 1) ________? Master Oogway: So why are you Po: I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of Kung Fu, in the history of China, in the history of sucking! Master Oogway: Probably. Po: And the Five! Man, you should’ve seen them! They totally me. Master Oogway: Totally. 2) _______ hate

  5. English films 1. Watch a clip from the movie Kung Fu Panda and complete the conversation with what you hear. 3) _________ Po: How is Shifu ever going to me into the Dragon Warrior? I mean, I’m not like the Five. I’ve got no claws, no wings, no venom. Even Mantis has those ... thingies. Maybe I should just and go back to make noodles. turn quit 4) _________ Master Oogway: Quit, don’t quit. Noodles, don’t noodles. You are too with what was and what will be. There’s a saying: Yesterday is , tomorrow is a , but today is a (n) . That is why it was called the present. 5) __________ concerned history 6) _________ mystery gift 8) ______ 7) _________

  6. English films 2. Listen again and imitate what you hear. Pay attention to your pronunciation, stress and intonation.

  7. English films Scripts

  8. English films Scripts

  9. Conversations • Conversation 1 Exercises Functional language • Conversation 2 Exercises Functional language

  10. Conversation 1 – Asking for help & responses 1.Listen to a conversation and check (✔) what the man and the woman are going to do. 1 Mary is ______ when Sandy asks her for help. A. sweeping the floor B. answering a phone call C. watering the plants ✔

  11. Conversation 1 – Asking for help & responses 2 Sandy is making a cake to ______. A.celebrate Thanksgiving B. celebrate her wedding anniversary C. celebrate Michael’s birthday ✔ 3 Sandy asks Mary to bring her the following things except ______. ✔ A. eggs B. sugar C. milk 1.Listen to a conversation and check (✔) what the man and the woman are going to do.

  12. Conversation 1 – Asking for help & responses 2.Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Sandy wants Mary to pass her a cup of milk. F 2 Sandy asks Mary to bring her a dozen of eggs from the refrigerator. T 3 Mary has helped Sandy to break the eggs into the bowl and pour some milk into it. F 4 Sandy wants to give Michael a surprise. T

  13. Conversation 1 – Asking for help & responses Scripts

  14. Conversation 1 – Asking for help & responses Scripts

  15. Conversation 1 – Asking for help & responses 3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language. (Sample) (Sample)

  16. Conversation 1 – Asking for help & responses 3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.

  17. Conversation 1 – Asking for help & responses Role play - Sample conversation Situation 1

  18. Conversation 1 – Asking for help & responses Role play - Sample conversation Situation 2

  19. Conversation 1 – Asking for help & responses Functional Language

  20. Conversation 2 – Offering help & responses 1.Listen to a conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1The party will be held on Sunday afternoon. F 2The woman believes a casual party would be fun. F F 3They would probably have Western food rather than Chinese food at the party. 4The man and the woman will meet on Wednesday to discuss the detail. T

  21. Conversation 2 – Offering help & responses 2.Listen again and complete the following sentences with what you hear. give me a hand • Would you please ______________ about the class party? • Could you help to ______________ a room for 30 people? reserve • I would like you to help me withboth _____________ • _______________. food and entertainment goes together 4 To make sure everything ______________, do you think this party should be casual or smart?

  22. Conversation 2 – Offering help & responses Scripts

  23. Conversation 2 – Offering help & responses Scripts

  24. Conversation 2 – Offering help & responses 3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language. (Sample) (Sample)

  25. Conversation 2 – Offering help & responses 3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.

  26. Conversation 2 – Offering help & responses Role play - Sample conversation Situation 1

  27. Conversation 2 – Offering help & responses Role play - Sample conversation Situation 2

  28. Conversation 2 – Offering help & responses Functional Language

  29. Passage 1.Listen to a passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

  30. Passage 1 What is the passage about? A The symptoms (症状) of depression. B How to stay physically healthy. C How to deal with depression. ✔ 2 How many suggestions does the speaker mention in the passage? A Four. B Five. C Six. ✔ 1.Listen to a passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

  31. Passage 2.Listen again and check (✔) what you hear. To make one feel good about himself, the speaker suggests the following ways: ✘ A do some shopping; ✔ B help others; ✔ C learn new things; ✘ D travel around; ✘ E watch movies; ✔ F stay with your family; ✔ G smile; ✘ H climb mountains.

  32. Passage Scripts Good morning, everybody! Today I’m going to share with you what we can do to deal with our unhappiness, depression and stress. When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, there are many ways to make you feel good about yourself. Here are some simple suggestions: First, look in the mirror and say to yourself, “I’m a special person and there’s no one in the world like me. I can do anything.” It may not sound so good, but it really works! Second, do something nice for someone. Helping others always makes people feel good.

  33. Passage Scripts Third, learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate your own room or learn how to swim? Go for it! New challenges are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished. Fourth, stay with your family. We all need family time. Building connections with family members can lift your spirits effectively. The last and simplest suggestion: Smile! Listen to what Lord Byron once said, “Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine.” Look for the good things in your life; you’ll see how wonderful it can be.

  34. Passage 3.In recent years, more and more people are suffering from depression. Despite its bad effects on people’s life, it has not been taken seriously by many. Work in groups to design a poster to call for people’s attention. Discuss what images or slogans you will use to catch people’s eye. Choose one person to report your group’s ideas to the class.

  35. Passage • Our slogan is “Caring for Your Mind.” The background of our poster is green, because the color green makes people feel natural, peaceful, and refreshing. There are three groups of people on the poster. One group consists of friends; another group is composed of a doctor and a nurse; and the third group includes father, mother, a daughter, and a son. These groups mean that when you feel depressed, you can always turn to your friends, family members, and doctors.

  36. Reading • Passage A Teens and peer pressure • Passage B The world of art students

  37. Teens and peer pressure Passage A • Lead-in • Text study • Exercises

  38. Passage A – Teens and peer pressure Lead-in • Extended reading • Pre-reading questions • Video appreciation

  39. Passage A – Teens and peer pressure Lead-in - Extended reading 拾穗的少年 席星荃 拾穗的少年,是收获季节的田野上的一道风景。 少年行走于收获时节的大地之上,手握一把金色的谷穗,他不断地弯腰俯向大地,拾起沉甸甸的谷穗。太阳照着他,旷野的风吹着他,天上白云悠悠,鸟儿在草丛里啼叫。少年行走着,寻找着遗失的谷穗。也许你觉得这很有诗意,甚至有某种象征的意味包含其中吧。 在经历了大饥荒的六十年代里,活跃在广袤的原野上的少年拾穗者人群中,有我的身影。

  40. Passage A – Teens and peer pressure Lead-in - Extended reading 其实,那时少年拾穗的动机和农民一样的具体、普通——为了吃饭。吃饭,这是最古老而永恒的欲望,少年已经懂得了这一点。他是从父亲的眼睛里懂得的,是从母亲的祈祷里懂得的,更是从刚刚经历的大饥荒里亲身体验到的。饥饿使他早早地体验到了苦难,尝到了情感的滋味。他知道,吃,管着人世的一切,牵连着人间的恩怨悲欢。少年拾起谷穗,就是拾起父辈失落的梦想、辛酸或欢乐。稚嫩的少年一穗一穗地拾起它们,稳稳地触摸到其中的沉重。 我们这些饱受了饥饿折磨的孩子们散布在田野里,顶烈日,忍饥渴,勤勤恳恳地奔走着,心里充满了快乐。这不仅仅因为使人活命的粮食,更因为人生早春有太多的美丽;美丽伴着向往,伴着渴望,使未来如云霞绚烂。而拾穗仿佛是一个演习,以最直接的形式将人生的美丽与生命的欢乐体现出来,使生活像歌谣一样美妙。 但是拾穗者需要分散开来,大部分时间里拾穗的少年是孤单的。他行走在田野中,也是行走在孤独里。孤独的风景有一种催化作用,少年的情感和思想破土而抽芽,在风里,在阳光下,变绿,长高。拾穗,是少年心灵的跋涉,是他走向成熟的人生中的一段孤旅。

  41. Passage A – Teens and peer pressure Lead-in - Extended reading 我常常伫立在田野里出神,心里无名地感动着。田野被收获后,呈现着裸露的坦荡与字静,显露着疲惫的幸福感。她像生育过后的妇女,怀着安详。天格外高远,地格外广袤。山淡淡地蓝着,在远远的天边;水静静地暖着,亮着。孤立的田野之树清高脱俗,在一片裸露的土黄背景里绿得极鲜亮,像田野里举起的静止的旗。农夫和牛走了,天地静而空阔。这时候,拾穗少年缓缓而行的身影成为高天远山之间的点睛之笔,成为风景的灵魂。——不,也许正是风景塑造了乡下少年的灵魂。有谁不是在某种风景里长大的呢?只是风景不同而已。灵魂有了这样美而静、广而远、高而深、所来久远的生长天地,得了清风爱抚和艳阳暖照,它的眼睛能不格外清澈吗?骨骼能不分外挺拔吗?而心呢,必会宽容、博大、仁慈而悲悯。 拾穗这种人类行为有一种古老的意味。让上学的少年想想古代的诗篇,他们就知道,唐代的人,汉代的人,甚至更久远朝代的人都这样在田野上走过,寻觅过,希望过,沉思过,也孤独过。就这样,一代一代地走过去,走到今天,走到他这一代。人类离不开田野,今后的人们还要在田野上走下去,一直走到永恒……

  42. Passage A – Teens and peer pressure Lead-in - Extended reading 以上描述了我此刻的回想,其中也许有岁月之手温和的色彩。如果真是那样,我会更高兴,因为每个拾穗少年都爱恋着田野与早期岁月。我当然知道实际的情形是艰苦的,艰苦不能使乡下孩子成为大人物,但一样伴随着他们的成长,使野孩子变成勤谨沉默的农夫。 遭遇苦难是不幸的,然而苦难会给你一些补偿,特别是多艰人生的时刻,它总是成为你内在的自信与顽强。

  43. What is peer pressure? Peer pressure is the strong influence that friends of our own have upon us. As we grow, we will feel pressure by our peers to make choices that we don’t really like or that are unsafe. Peer pressure is often thought of as something that only affects young people, especially teenagers. In fact, peer pressure impacts people of all ages, and in various aspects of their lives.

  44. College students pressure

  45. Study economy emotion job

  46. College students are often obsessed by peer pressure from their classmates or schoolmates. Facing others’ hard work and good performance in academics, whether to find a boyfriend (girlfriend) or not and other aspects, many students feel great pressure. Besides, since graduates lack experience and competition among graduates grows more bitter and bitter, most college students have much difficulties in looking for good jobs.

  47. Passage A – Teens and peer pressure Pre-reading questions Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 1. Most of your friends use Apple products like iPhone and iPad, but you don’t have one. 2. Traveling abroad during the summer vacation becomes increasingly popular among students, but you can’t really afford it. 3. Many of your classmates prefer to go to expensive coffee houses when they want to drink coffee, but you’ve never been to such places. How would you feel in the following situations? What would you do? And why?

  48. Passage A – Teens and peer pressure Pre-reading questions Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 1. Most of your friends use Apple products like iPhone and iPad, but you don’t have one. I don’t think it’s a big deal. First, I don’t like Apple products. Second, Apple products are so expensive, and I can’t afford to buy one. How would you feel in the following situations? What would you do? And why?

  49. Passage A – Teens and peer pressure Pre-reading questions Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 2. Traveling abroad during the summer vacation becomes increasingly popular among students, but you can’t really afford it. I think traveling abroad during the summer vacation is a good chance to broaden my horizons. If I can’t afford it, I may feel pitiful but not sad. Meanwhile, I will learn from my friends about their experiences and read relevant books to enrich my knowledge. How would you feel in the following situations? What would you do? And why?

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