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Structure and Properties of Eccentric Digraphs

Structure and Properties of Eccentric Digraphs. Joint work of Joan Gimbert Universitat de Lleida, Spain Nacho Lopez Universitat de Lleida, Spain Mirka Miller University of Ballarat, Australia Frank Ruskey University of Victoria, Canada

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Structure and Properties of Eccentric Digraphs

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  1. Structure and Properties of Eccentric Digraphs Joint work of • Joan Gimbert Universitat de Lleida, Spain • Nacho Lopez Universitat de Lleida, Spain • Mirka Miller University of Ballarat, Australia • Frank Ruskey University of Victoria, Canada • Joe Ryan University of Ballarat, Australia

  2. Eccentric Digraph of a Graph eG(u) – the eccentricity of a vertex u in a graph G v is an eccentric vertex of u if d(u,v) = e(u) The eccentric digraph of G, ED(G)is a graph on the same vertex set as G but with an arc from u to v if and only if v is an eccentric vertex of u. Buckley 2001

  3. A Graph and its Eccentric Digraph

  4. Eccentric Digraphs and Other Graph and Digraph Operators • Converse • Symmetry (eccentric graph) • Complement

  5. Eccentric Digraphs and Converse For converse, just change direction of the arrows. Let G be a digraph such that ED(G) = G, then • rad(G) > 1 unless G is a complete digraph, • G cannot have a digon unless G is a complete digraph, • ED2(G) = G

  6. Symmetric Eccentric Digraphs For G a connected graph ED(G) is symmetric  G is self centered (Not true for digraphs See C4, K3 K2 for examples) For G not strongly connected digraph, ED(G) is symmetric  G=H1H2 … Hk or G=Kn→(H1 H2 …Hk) Where H1, H2…are strongly connected components

  7. Eccentric Digraphs and ComplementsThe symmetric case ED(G) = G when G is self centered of radius 2 G is disconnected with each component a complete graph

  8. Eccentric Digraphs and ComplementsThe symmetric case The Even Cycle ED(C6) = 3K2 ED2(C6) = H2,3 C6 C2n ED(C2n) = nK2 ED2(C2n) = H2,n

  9. Eccentric Digraphs and Complements • Construct G– (the reduction of G) by removing all out-arcs of v where out-deg(v) = n-1 G G–

  10. Eccentric Digraphs and Complements • Construct G– (the reduction of G) by removing all outarcs of v where deg(v) = n-1 • Find G–, the complement of the reduction. G G– G– For a digraph G, ED(G) = G– if and only if, for u V(G) with e(u) > 2, then (u,v), (v,w)  E(G)  (u,w)  E(G) v,w  V(G) and u≠ w

  11. An Eccentric Digraph Iteration Sequence

  12. An Eccentric Digraph Iteration Sequence

  13. An Eccentric Digraph Iteration Sequence G t=3 ED(G) ED2(G) ED3(G) p=2 ED4(G)

  14. Isomorphisms For every digraph G there exist smallest integer numbers p' > 0 and t' 0 such that EDt'(G)  EDp'+t'(G) where  denotes graph isomorphism. Call p' = p'(G) the iso-period and t' = t'(G) the iso-tail. Period = 2 Iso-period = 1

  15. Questions • How long can the tail be? • What can be the period? • What about the iso-period? • Iso-tail?  Theorem (Gimbert, Lopez, Miller, R; to appear) For every digraph G, t(G) = t'(G)

  16. Finite – so there are digraphs that are not eccentric digraphs for any other (di)graph. How long can the tail be? Digraphs containing a vertex with zero out degree are not EDs Theorem: (Boland, Buckley, Miller; 2004) Can construct an ED from a (di)graph by adding no more than one vertex (with appropriate arcs).

  17. Characterisation of Eccentric Digraphs Theorem (Gimbert, Lopez, Miller, R; to appear) A digraph G is eccentric if and only if ED(G–) = G G G– ED(G–)

  18. What can be the period? Computer searches over digraphs of up to 40 nodes indicate that for the most part p(G) = 2 Theorem: (Wormald) Almost all digraphs have iteration sequence period = 2

  19. Period and Iso-period Recall p(Km Kn) = p(Km,n) = 2, t(Km Kn) = t(Km,n) = 0

  20. Period and Iso-period p(Hm Hn) = 2, t(Hm Hn) = 1

  21. Period and Iso-period

  22. Period and Tail of Some Families of Graphs • Define Eccentric Core of G, EccCore(G) as the subdigraph of ED(G) induced by the vertices that in G are eccentric to some other vertex. G ED(G) EccCore(G)

  23. 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3

  24. 3 K2  K4 K2  K4 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 K2 C4 K2 C4 3 2 3 3 2 3

  25. R = The Cayley graph with generators (01)(23)(4567) and (56)(78)

  26. A digraph G of order 10 such that p(G) = p'(G) = 4 and t(G) = t'(G) = 1

  27. The graph C9 and its iterated eccentric (di)graphs

  28. Eccentric (di)graph period for odd cycles Sequence A003558 in Sloane’s Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences p(C2m+1) = min{k>1: m(m+1)k-1 =  1 mod(2m+1)} In particular, m = 2k, p(C2m+1) = k+1 Sloane’s A045639, the Queneau Numbers

  29. Equivalence classes induced by ED for n = 3

  30. Open Problems • Find the period and tail of various classes of graphs and digraphs. • What can be said about the size of the equivalence class in the labelled and unlabelled cases?

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