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Construction Experience and Application of the HEP DataGrid in Korea

CHEP2003, UC San Diego Monday 24 March 2003. Construction Experience and Application of the HEP DataGrid in Korea. Bockjoo Kim (bockjoo@chep12.knu.ac.kr) On behalf of Korean HEP Data Grid Working Group. Outline. Korean Committe HEP Experiments Development of Korean HEP Data Grid

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Construction Experience and Application of the HEP DataGrid in Korea

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  1. CHEP2003, UC San Diego Monday 24 March 2003 Construction Experience and Application of the HEP DataGrid in Korea Bockjoo Kim (bockjoo@chep12.knu.ac.kr) On behalf of Korean HEP Data Grid Working Group

  2. Outline • Korean Committe HEP Experiments • Development of Korean HEP Data Grid • Goals of Korean HEP Data Grid • Hardware and Software Resources • Network • CPU’s • Storages • Grid Software – EDG testbed, SAMGrid • Achievements in Y2002 • Prospects in Y2003

  3. Korean Institutions and HEP Experiments • 12 Institutions are active HEP participants • Current Experiments: • Belle/ KEK, K2K/KEK, • Pheonix / BNL, CDF / Fermilab • Near Future Experiments • AMS / ISS (MIT, NASA, CERN) : Y2005 • CMS (CERN, Europe) : Y2007 • Linear Collider Experiment(s) Space Station (AMS) 2005 JapanKEK (K2K/Belle) EuropeCERN (CMS) 2007 USBNL (PHENIX) US FNAL (CDF) Korea CHEP Space Station (AMS) Other Korean HEP institutions (Korean DataGrid Related Experiments Only)

  4. Development of Korean HEP Data Grid • Grid Forum Korea (GFK)’s formed in 2001 and thus KHEPDGWG started • Korean HEP Data Grid approved by KISTI / MIC(GFK) on March 22, 2002. • NCA supports CHEP with two international networking utilization projects which are closely related with the Korean HEP Data Grid : Europe and Japan/USA  Networking • KT/KOREN-NOC supports CHEP with PC clusters for networking • Companies like IBM-Korea, CIES agreed to support CHEP 50TB Tape Library and 1TB +Servers)  INDUSTRY • CHEP itself supports HEP Data Grid with its own research fund from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)  MOST and CHEP • Kyungpook Nat’l Univ. supports CHEP with spaces for the KHEPDGWG • KOREN/APAN supports Korean HEP DG with 1 Gbps bandwidth of CHEP to KOREN (2002) • l networking (one is CHEP and the other is in Seoul) is under discussion • Hyeonhae/Genkai APII (GbE) for HEP (beteewn Korea-Japan) project is in progress • 1st International HEP Data Grid Workshop in Nov 2002

  5. Goals of Korean HEP Data Grid • Implementation of the Tier-1 Regional Data Centerfor the LHC-CMS (CERN) experiment in Asia. The Regional Data Center can be also used as regional data center for other experiments (Belle, CDF, AMS, etc.) • Networking • Multi-leveled (Tier) hierarchy of distributed servers (both for data and for computation) to provide transparent access to both raw and derived data. • Tier0 (CERN) – Tier1 (CHEP) : ~Gbps via TEIN • Tier1(CEHP) – Tier1(US and Japan) : ~Gbps via APII/Hyeonhae • Tier-1 (CHEP), Tier-2 or 3 (participating institutions): 45Mbps ~ 1 Gbps via KOREN • Computing(1000 CPU Linux clusters) • Data Storage Capability • Storage 1.1 PB Raid Type Disk (Tier1+Tier2) • Tape Drive ~ 3.2 PB • HPSS Servers • Software: Contribute to grid application package development

  6. Korean HEP Data GridNetwork Configuration (2002) • Network Bandwidth between institutions • CHEP-KOREN: 1 Gbps (ready to Users) • SNU-KOREN: 1Gbps ready for test • CHEP-SNU: 1Gbps ready for test • SKKU-KOREN: 155 Mbps (not yet to Users) • Yonsei-KOREN: 155 Mbps (not yet to Users) • File Transfer Tests: • KNU-SNU, KNU-SKKU : ~50 Mbps • KNU-KEK, KNU-Fermilab : 17 Mbps(155Mbps,45Mbps) • KNU-CERN : 8 Mbps (10 Mbps)

  7. Distributed PC-linux Farm • Distributed PC-linux Clusters (~206 CPU’s so far) • 10 sites for testbed setup or/and tests • Center for High Energy Physics(CHEP): 142 CPU’s • SNU: 6 CPU’s • KOREN/NOC: ~40 CPU’s • CHEP to KOREN: 1 GbE test established • Yonsei U, SKKU, Konkuk U, Chonnam Nat’l Univ, Ewha WU, Dongshin U: 1 CPU each • 4 sites outside of Korea : 18 CPU’s KEK,FNAL,CERN, and ETH

  8. PC-Linux Farm at KNU

  9. Storages and NetworkEquipment CHEP/KNU 48 TBStorage and network equipment

  10. 48 TB S10 L12 S10 L12 Storage Specification • IBM TAPE LIBRARY SYSTEM-48 TB (13~18/Nov/2002) • 3494-L12 7.6 TB • 3494-S10 16 TB • 3494-L12 7.6 TB • 3494-S10 16 TB • Raid Disks • Fast T200: 1 TB • Raid Disks: 1 TB • Disks on Nodes (4.4 TB) • SW: TSM (HSM) • HSM Server : S7A 262Mhz, 8Way, 4GB Memory

  11. Grid Software • All is globus 2 based software • KNU and SNU host one EDG testbed each and are running within Korea at the full scale • Application of the EDG testbed to currently running experiments is configured for • EDG testbed for CDF data analysis • EDG testbed for Belle data analysis (This is in progress) • Worker Nodes for the SAM Grid (Fermilab, USA) is also installed for the CDF data analysis at KNU • CHEP assigned a few CPU’s for iVDGL testbed setup (Feb 2003)

  12. EDG Testbeds EDG Test bed at KNU EDG Test bed at SNU

  13. Configuration of EDG testbed in Korea K2K CPU UI Real user RB In operation NFS BigFat Disk GSIFTP GDMP client (with new VO) KNU/CHEP SE CE VOuser Disk VO user LDAP Server @SNU NFS GSIFTP GDMP server (with new VO) NFS GSIFTP GDMP client (with new VO) MAP on disk With maximum security NFS In preparation WN grid-security VO user GSIFTP SNU SKKU In operation CDF CPU . . . Web Services: http://cluster29.knu.ac.kr/

  14. An Application of EDG testbed • The EDG testbed functionality is extended to include Korean CDF as a VO • The extension is to attach existing CPU’s with CDF softwares to the EDG testbed • Add a VO following EDG discussion list • CE in the EDG testbed is modified • Define a que in a non-CE machine • grid-mapfile, grid-mapfile.que1_on_ce, grid-mapfile.que2_on_nonce (exclusive job submission ) • ce-static.ldif.que1_on_ce, ce-static.ldif.que1_on_nonce • ce-globus.skel • globus-script-pbs-submit • globus-script-pbs-poll (for ques on non-CE) • Experiment Specific Machine (= que on non-CE) is modified • Make a minimal WN configuration without greatly modifying existing machine (pbs install/setup, Pooled accounts, mounting security) • /etc/hosts.equiv for pooled account users to submit jobs on non-CE que • References [1]http://www.gridpp.ac.uk/tb-support/existing/ [2]http://neutrino.snu.ac.kr/~bockjoo/EDG_testbed/contents/creating_queues_4_aVO.html

  15. Overview of the EDG application Local LDAP Server Authorized Users dguser for RB VO users for CDF CAF Feynman Center Fermilab LDAP Servers@ .nl and .fr VO users for CMS, LHCB, ATLAS, etc Another site • Modified CE • Q’s for EDG VO’s • Q for CDF VO UI Real user RB NFS NFS /flatfiles/SE00 GSIFTP SE Modified CE VOuser /home VO user NFS New WN GSIFTP GDMP server (with new VO) NFS GDMP client (with new VO) GSIFTP CDF VO Q EDG WN /etc/grid-security grid-mapfile NFS CDF Run2 Softwares WN PBS Server VO user GSIFTP PBS Client NFS

  16. Working Sample Files for CDF Job • JDL Executable = "run_cdf_tofsim.sh"; StdOutput = "run_cdf_tofsim.out"; StdError = "run_cdf_tofsim.err"; InputSandbox = {"run_cdf_tofsim.sh"}; OutputSandbox = {"run_cdf_tofsim.out","run_cdf_tofsim.err",".BrokerInfo"}; • Input Shell Script #!/bin/sh source ~cdfsoft/cdf2.shrc setup cdfsoft2 4.9.0int1 newrel -t 4.9.0int1 test1 cd test1 addpkg -h TofSim gmake TofSim.all gmake TofSim.tbin ./bin/Linux2-KCC_4_0/tofSim_test tofSim/test/tofsim_usr_pythia_bbar_dbfile.tcl

  17. Web Service for EDG testbed • To facilitate access to the EDG testbeds in Korea • Mailman python cgi wrapper is utilized • EDG job related Python commands are modified for web service • At the moment, login is possible through a proxy file • Logged user can see the user’s Job ID’s • Retrieved job output remains at the web server machine

  18. Web Service for EDG testbed Job submission by Loading jdl Login by Loading Proxy List of JOB ID’s to get output • Job Submission Result Page • Job Status can be checked • Submitted Job can be cancelled

  19. SAM Grid SAM Grid Monitoring Home page DCAF (DeCenteralized Analysis Farm) in KNU for SAM Grid

  20. What KHEPDG achieves in Y2002 • Infrastructure • 206 CPUs/ 6.5 TB Disk/ 48 TB Tape library + Networking Infrastructure • HSM system for tape library • KNU and SNU host one EDG testbed each which is running within Korean in full scale andaccessible via web • KNU installed SAMGrid (US Fermilab products) worknodes (as demonstrated at SC2002) • CHEP started discussing on collaboration with iVDGL • SNU/KNU implemented an application of the EUDG testbed for the CDF and the implementation is working • Network test is performed between Korea-US, Korea-Japan, Korea-EU, and within Korea. • 1st Internatonal HEP DataGrid workshop held at CHEP

  21. Prospects of KHEPDGWG for Y2003 More testbed setup (e.g., iVDGL’s WorldGrid) Extend application of EDG testbed with currently running experiments to, e.g., Belle Cross Grid Tests between EDG – iVDGL in Korea Investigate possibility of Globus3 Full operation of HPSS (HSM) with Grid Softwares Increase number of clusters to 400 CPU or more Increase Storages to 100 TB Participate in the CMS data challenge 2nd HEP DataGrid Workshop will be held in August

  22. Summary • HEP Data Grid is being considered for most of Korean HEP institutions • So far the HEP Data Grid project has received excellent supports from government, industry, and research institutions • EDG testbeds and its application are operational in Korea, and we will expand with other testbeds, e.g., iVDGL WorldGrid • 1st international workshop on HEP Data Grid was held successfully in November 2002 • CHEP will host 2nd international workshop on HEP Data Grid in August 2003

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