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Egypt. by Lauren Roelke. The Land. Location- Northern Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea Landforms- Three Pyramids, Great Sphinx Water Systems- Dams and canals from the Nile to water crops, and use for drinking

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  1. Egypt by Lauren Roelke

  2. The Land Location- Northern Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea Landforms- Three Pyramids, Great Sphinx Water Systems- Dams and canals from the Nile to water crops, and use for drinking Natural Resources- Iron ore, phosphate, limestone, manganese, talc, zinc, asbestos and gypsum. Wax, honey, papyrus, and water from the Nile.

  3. Climate/Vegetation Climate- Desert; hot, dry summers with temperate winters Native Wildlife- Nile crocodiles, camels, lions, leopards, Egyptian mongoose, cheetah, hippos, etc. Vegetation- Lotus, papyrus, wheat, barley, lentils, chickpeas, etc.

  4. Government Political Leaders- National Democratic Party (Mohamed Hosni Mubarak), National Progressive Unionist Group or Tagammu (Rifaat El-Said), New Wafd Party (MahmoudAbaza), Tomorrow Party (Moussa Mustafa Moussa) Type of Government- Republic Life Expectancy- 72.12 years Population- 78,866,635

  5. History and Current Events Circa 2613-2589 BC- Sneferu. Two pyramids are built at Dashur, including the Bent Pyramid and the middle pyramid. Circa 2558-2553 BC- Second pyramid as well as Great Sphinx are built in Giza. Current Event- Egypt is a transit country for women trafficked from Eastern European countries to Israel for sexual abuse, and is a source for children trafficked within the country for commercial sexual exploitation and domestic servitude.

  6. Economy Industries- Textiles, food processing, tourism, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, hydrocarbons, construction, cement, metals, and light manufacturers. Exports- Crude oil, petroleum products, cotton, textiles, metal products, and chemicals. Literacy Rate- 71.4% Currency- Egyptian Pound

  7. Culture Traditional Clothing- Loose fitting dresses and shirts (gallibaya). Women wear face veils (bur`a ) and a long wrap worn for modesty (melayaluf). Men wore trousers (sserual), full length modest coat (kaftan) and turbans or skull caps. Traditional Foods- shish kabob, eggplant, tomato, okra, cabbage, grilled pigeon, lamb and chicken. Language(s) Spoken- Mostly Arabic, and Nubian. Religion(s)- Mostly Muslim Architectural Styles- Pyramidal, temples for gods, columns mainly on the insides of walls.

  8. Places to Visit Tourist Attractions- Great Pyramids, Great Sphinx, Pyramids of Giza, Cairo, Valley of the Kings, etc. Significant Historical Sites- Great Sphinx, Cairo Citadel, Pyramids of Giza, Valley of the Kings/Queens, etc.

  9. Works Cited "Ancient History Timeline." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. <http://library.thinkquest.org/10805/timeline.html>. "CIA - The World Factbook -- Egypt." Welcome to the CIA Web Site Central Intelligence Agency. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. <https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/eg.html>. "Egypt Currency Converter - Currency Exchange Rate." GMT: Greenwich Mean Time - World Time / Time in Every Time Zone. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. <http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/africa/egypt/currency.htm>. "Egypt: Let the Festivities Begin: Egyptian Food." Egypt Travel, Tours, Vacations, Ancient Egypt from Tour Egypt. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. <http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/food.htm>. "Egypt." Plan Australia. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. <http://www.plan.org.au/ourwork/southernafrica/egypt>. "Egyptian Architecture - History for Kids!" Kidipede - History and Science for Kids - Homework Help for Middle School. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. <http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/egypt/architecture/egyptarchit.htm>. "Egyptian Traditional Clothing." Raqs - Middle Eastern Dance - with Kashmir. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. <http://raqs.co.nz/me/clothing_egypt.html>. "Languages of Egypt -." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Egypt>. "Natural Resources of Egypt." World Map, Map of the World. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. <http://www.mapsofworld.com/egypt/natural-resources/>. "Wild Egypt - An Online Safari." Egypt Travel, Tours, Vacations, Ancient Egypt from Tour Egypt. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. <http://www.touregypt.net/wildegypt/>.

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