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Project VOTE!

Project VOTE!. A Citizen Participation Campaign. Urban League Guild of Hampton Roads. At Issue: VOTER Turnout. US voter turnout in DECLINE More than 70 % of eligible voters turned out for 1902 presidential election

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Project VOTE!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ProjectVOTE! A Citizen Participation Campaign

  2. Urban League Guild of Hampton Roads

  3. At Issue: VOTERTurnout • US voter turnout in DECLINE • More than 70% of eligible voters turned out for 1902 presidential election • Less than 40% of eligible voters turned out for non-presidential races first decade 21st Century

  4. Why People Don’tVOTE! • No interest in politics or voting • Don’t believe vote counts • No transportation to the poll • Can’t take time off from work or school • Bad weather

  5. More Reasons Why People Don’tVOTE! • Long lines at polls • Don’t trust • politicians • Don’t like candidates • Don’t have time to • follow issues • Happy with the way • things are

  6. Why Bother to VOTE! • The US has had a long and difficult equal voting rights history • Today, with fair laws, ALL citizens over age 18 can VOTE!

  7. 1789 US Constitution permitted WHITE MEN with land to VOTE!

  8. 1830’s Non-land owning white men can VOTE! 1865 – 1868 Constitutional amendments end slavery and grant blacks citizenship

  9. 1870 15th Amendment Black men can VOTE!

  10. VotingRights Resistance • Grandfather Clause • Literacy Tests • Poll Taxes • Intimidation • Violence • Murder 1868-1971

  11. Black Women and theVOTE! African American Women and theVOTE! • Shut out of the suffrage • movement, Black women • formed their own clubs • Black clubs invited to • 1913 suffrage March • on Washington • Asked to march in BACK of • procession • Ida B. Wells-Barnett took a • stand against white • resistance

  12. 1920 19th Amendment US women gain VOTING Rights

  13. 1947 Legal challenge wins VOTE! for ALL Native Americans

  14. VotingRights More Resistance. More Laws. 1964 Civil Rights Act 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 1965 National Voter Rights Act 1966 Poll Tax Unconstitutional

  15. 1971 26thAmendment 18 year olds get VOTE!

  16. Consider This • America ranks 35th in voter turnout among democracies • Voters have equal power regardless of income, education, race, or gender • Voters with little or no education and limited income vote at rates half of those of their wealthier and educated counterparts

  17. Your Choice! VOTE Have a say about the quality of your life and community NO VOTE Have NO say about anything of lasting value

  18. Don’tForget! • Who you vote for matters. Local, state and national representatives make decisions that directly impact the quality of your life • Your vote does not guarantee that your views will always be represented. • It’s important to stay in contact with your representatives and to VOTE!

  19. And, RememberThis! • Your vote does not guarantee a win for your candidate • A No Vote guarantees that your thoughts, views and concerns will never be addressed

  20. It’s Time To TakeAction! Registration & Election Info Your local Board of Elections Local Elected Officials Your local City Hall VA State Elected Officials House of Delegates www.dela.state.va.us Senate of Virginia www.sov.state.va.us

  21. TakingAction! Congressional Elected Officials US House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 202.224.3121 Switchboard www.house.gov US Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 202.224.3121 Switchboard www.senate.gov Voter Restoration Rights Info Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth PO Box 2454 Richmond, VA 23218-2454 804.692.2531 www.commonwealth.virginia.gov

  22. ContactUS! Urban League of Hampton Roads Urban League Guild of Hampton Roads Project VOTE! 3225 High Street Portsmouth, VA 23707 Phone: 757.627.0864 Fax: 757.966.0613 www.ulhr.org Whitney M. Young, Jr. Executive Director National Urban League 1961-1971

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