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Integrating CLS into Academics

Integrating CLS into Academics. AiS Challenge 2001 Kick-off Conference Glorieta, NM Paula Avery. Goals. I. To present ideas that may help with the integration of technology into the curriculum. (Multi-disciplinary CLS) II. To present two examples of technology integration.

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Integrating CLS into Academics

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  1. Integrating CLS into Academics AiS Challenge 2001 Kick-off Conference Glorieta, NM Paula Avery

  2. Goals I. To present ideas that may help with the integration of technology into the curriculum. (Multi-disciplinary CLS) II. To present two examples of technology integration. III. To provide resources for technology integration.

  3. I. Why …Technology Integration? Knowing content is NOT enough. Students must use knowledge to: construct new understandings; solve problems and make decisions; manage information; and, become life-long learners. Technology can help facilitate this type of learning.

  4. NETS Standards Categories • Basic operations and concepts. • Social, ethical, and human issues. • Technology productivity tools. • Technology communications tools. • Technology research tools. • Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools.

  5. What is Technology Integration? Using technology to improve and enhance the educational process in a unique way.

  6. Type of Technology Integration • Problem-solving/Decision Making • Simulations • Web-based projects • Virtual Worlds • Current Research • Communication • Mentors • Experts • Collaborative projects • Productivity

  7. Types of Technology Integration • Web page production • Research starting point • Student publication • Project sharing • Examples • Class resources • Parent/Community involvement

  8. How…Technology Integration? • Determine an appropriate unit or concept. • Inventory your technology resources. • Develop your integration activities. • Publish your work.

  9. 1. Determine an Appropriate Unit or Concept What constitutes a good unit or concept for technology integration? • Fulfills existing curricular objectives. • Expands student learning .

  10. 1. Determine an Appropriate Unit Or Concept – cont. • “Do-able” given existing time and resources. • Not all areas will be technology-enriched. Don’t force the fit. • Activities make use of multiple technologies and applications.

  11. 2. Inventory Your Technology Resources • What is available? • What do you need to use these resources? • In-school support • Training, documentation • Time to experiment and learn • Physical access

  12. 3. Develop Your Integrated Activities • Examine your Curriculum. • Where could technology improve student learning? • Where do technology resources and ideas exist to support learning objectives? • Rewrite the lesson/unit. • Revise your goals to reflect changes due to technology infusion.

  13. 3. Develop Integrated Activities – cont. • Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making. • Investigate and apply expert systems and simulations in real-world situations.

  14. 3. Develop Integrated Use of Technology –cont. Unique use of technology bystudents: • Requires alternative instructional strategies. • Allows students to become co-learners with teachers. • Necessitates changes in classroom management style.

  15. 4. Publish • Publish your unit/lesson • SHARE!

  16. II. 5 E Curriculum Model • Engage – Pose the problem • Explore the principles and concepts • Explain • Extend • Evaluate

  17. Example - Geometry • Objective – The student will be able to recognize, explain, and apply the use of alternate interior angles and the Pythagorean theorem. • Activity – Using Shadows to Predict Time.

  18. Connection Web – Example 1 GEOMETRY Background information Physics Tutorials Alternate interior angle; Pythagorean theorem; Forensics Software Astronomy Web-based projects History Calculus Using shadows to predict time Simulations Collaboration

  19. Beating Smoky the Bear, Honestly • Lesson

  20. Connection Web – Example 2 ECONOMICS History Collaboration Laws of supply and demand Simulation Ask an expert Case study Web-based projects Civics Tutorial Business

  21. What do YOU Supply & Demand? • Lesson

  22. Summary Important question to ask yourself: What value does the use of technology add to my lesson/unit? If you can’t answer the question, then you need to rethink the use.

  23. III. Resources – Curriculum Development • NM Content Bench Marks http://sde.state.nm.us/divisions/learningservices/schoolprogram/standards/csnb.html • ISTE NETS Project http://cnets.iste.org/ • What the Student Does in a 5 E Lesson? http://www.shsu.edu/~edu_rmz/5estudent.html • Lesson Planner http://www.ncrtec.org/tl/lp/

  24. III. Resources – Curriculum Development – cont. • Educators Guide to Evaluating the Use of Technology in Schools and Classrooms http://www.ed.gov/pubs/EdTechGuide/ • New Times Demand New Ways of Learning http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/edtalk/newtimes.htm • Using the Internet to Promote Inquiry Based Learning http://www.biopoint.com/inquiry/ibr.html

  25. III. Resources – Classroom • Maryland Virtual High Schoolhttp://mvhs1.mbhs.edu/mvhsproj/coremodels/materials/index.html • ISTE Curriculum Materials http://www.iste.org/resources/curriculum/index.html • APS Technology Integration Page http://www.aps.edu/aps/teach_resources/integration.htm

  26. III. Resources – Classroom – cont. • The Gateway to Educational Materials http://www.thegateway.org/ • Web Based Projects http://www.esc20.net/etprojects/formats/9_12.html • Center for Inquiry-Based Learning http://www.zoology.duke.edu/cibl/

  27. III. Resources – Classroom – cont. • Mathematics for Decision making in Industry and Government http://mie.eng.wayne.edu/faculty/chelst/informs/index.html • Genesis Science Modules http://www.genesismission.org/educate/scimodule/topics.html • Shodor Foundation http://www.shodor.org/ • Engineering Sciences Applied Math http://www.esam.nwu.edu/research/index.html Science NetLinks http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/index.html

  28. III. Resources – Classroom – cont. • Chemistry http://chemcases.com/ • Sport! Science http://tesuque.ahpcc.unm.edu/~pjavery/si01/ • Explore Science http://www.explorescience.com/activities/activity_list.cfm?categoryID=11

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