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FJ. Photo/ & cell resp. Mitosis/ Meiosis. Genetics. DNA. Evolution. 100. 100. 100. 1 00. 1 00. 200. 200. 2 00. 2 00. 2 00. 300. 300. 3 00. 3 00. 3 00. 400. 400. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 500. 500. 5 00. 5 00. 5 00. Identify the following process:

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  1. FJ Photo/ & cell resp. Mitosis/ Meiosis Genetics DNA Evolution 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. Identify the following process: C6H12O6 + O2→6CO2 + 6H2O + energy

  3. Cellular respiration

  4. The word anaerobic means ____

  5. Without oxygen

  6. The process of the light reaction during photosynthesis produces what two molecules necessary for the Calvin Cycle? .

  7. NADPH and ATP

  8. The purpose of the Calvin Cycle is to produce what product for the plant?

  9. sugar

  10. Glycolysis is a process that occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell and it uses a series of enzymes to split glucose into 2 molecules of _________

  11. Pyruvate

  12. If there are 10 chromatids in a cell, how many centromeres are there?

  13. 5

  14. Which mitotic phase involves centromeres “breaking”, sister chromosomes separating, and the two new chromosomes moving to opposite poles of the cell?

  15. anaphase

  16. Which mitotic phase involves centrioles beginning to move apart in animal cells?

  17. prophase

  18. All body or somatic cells that come from a single-celled zygote divide by which process?

  19. mitosis

  20. Regarding mitosis and cytokinesis, what is the major difference between plants and animals?

  21. Animal cells produce cleavage furrows and plant cells, cell plates

  22. Red-green colorblindness is a sex-linked, recessive trait in humans. Two people with normal color vision have a color-blind son. Give the genotypes for the parents.

  23. XCXc and XCY

  24. A sexually reproducing animal has two unlinked genes (meaning the genes are found on separate chromosomes), one for leg length (L) and one for fur texture (F). Its genotype is LlFf. What are the four possible genotypes that the sex cells may carry?

  25. LF Lf lF lf

  26. Gray fur (G) in rabbits is dominant over white (g) and long legs (L) over short (l). What fraction of the progeny of the cross GgLl x GgLl will have gray fur and short legs? Hint: This is a dihybrid cross.

  27. 3/16

  28. What would the genotypes have to be for 2 parents to have a chance of having a baby with any of the 4 possible blood types. (For this problem, ignore the Rh factor or + and – blood types)? Daily Double

  29. IAi and IBi

  30. A particular triplet of bases in the template strand of DNA is AGT. The corresponding codon for the mRNA

  31. UCA

  32. In trying to determine whether DNA or protein is the genetic material, Hershey and Chase made use of what key fact regarding each of these molecules?

  33. Protein contains sulfur and DNA contains phosphorus

  34. Describe how many hydrogen bonds exist between the various nitrogen bases of the DNA molecule.

  35. A and T – 2 hydrogen bonds G and C - 3

  36. Which of the following enzymes works ahead of the DNA replication fork to relieve stress on the replicating DNA molecule during DNA replication?

  37. Gyrase (topoisomerase)

  38. In regards to the two strands that make up a DNA molecule, what does the term antiparallel imply?

  39. One strand of DNA runs from 5’→3’ and the other, 3’→5’

  40. In Darwin’s thinking, the more closely related two different organisms are, the more recently they shared a common _______

  41. ancestor

  42. When we say that an individual organism has a greater fitness than another individual, we specifically mean that the organism leaves more _________ than others in its species.

  43. offspring

  44. Most Swiss starlings produce four to five eggs in each clutch. Those producing fewer or more than this have reduced fitness. Which of the following types of natural selection best describes this?Direction, Disruptive or Stablilizing

  45. stabilizing

  46. A certain species of land snail exists as either a cream color or a solid brown color. Intermediate individuals are relatively rare. Which of the following terms best describes this? Stabilizing, disruptive, directional Daily Double

  47. disruptive

  48. Which hominid was the first to craft stone tools?

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