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IKI10230 Pengantar Organisasi Komputer Kuliah no. 08: Multi-module Programs

IKI10230 Pengantar Organisasi Komputer Kuliah no. 08: Multi-module Programs. Sumber : 1. Paul Carter, PC Assembly Language 2. Hamacher. Computer Organization , ed-5 3. Materi kuliah CS61C/2000 & CS152/1997, UCB. 7 April 2004

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IKI10230 Pengantar Organisasi Komputer Kuliah no. 08: Multi-module Programs

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  1. IKI10230Pengantar Organisasi KomputerKuliah no. 08: Multi-module Programs Sumber:1. Paul Carter, PC Assembly Language2. Hamacher. Computer Organization, ed-53. Materi kuliah CS61C/2000 & CS152/1997, UCB 7 April 2004 L. Yohanes Stefanus (yohanes@cs.ui.ac.id)Bobby Nazief (nazief@cs.ui.ac.id) bahan kuliah: http://www.cs.ui.ac.id/kuliah/POK/

  2. REVIEW: Loop (2) • thefollowing pseudo-code: sum = 0; for ( i=0; i<10; i++ ) sum += i; • could be translated into assembly as: • mov eax, 0; eax is sum • mov ecx, 0; ecx is i • loop_start: • add eax, ecx • inc ecx • cmp ecx,10 • jne loop_start • implementasi dgn loop: (salah satu alternatif) • mov eax, 0; eax is sum • mov ecx, 10; ecx is (10-i) • mov edx, 0 ; edx is i • loop_start: • add eax, edx • inc edx • loop loop_start

  3. KOREKSI: sub3.asm (Passing Parameters via Stack Frame) push edx ; save i on stack push dword input ; push address on input on stack call get_int add esp, 8 ; remove i and &input from stack; subprogram get_int ... ; Parameters (in order pushed on stack) ; number of input (at [ebp + 12]) ; address of word to store input into (at [ebp + 8]) ; Notes: ; values of eax and ebx are destroyed get_int: push ebp mov ebp, esp mov eax, [ebp + 12] call print_int ... call read_int mov ebx, [ebp + 8] mov [ebx], eax; store input into memory pop ebp ret ; jump back to caller

  4. SubPrograms/SubRoutines/Functions

  5. Subroutine • Contoh dalam program bahasa C: int add_scale(int x, int y, int sc) { int result; result = x + sc * y; return result; } main() { int avec[3], bvec[3], cvec[3], scale; ... for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) cvec[i] = add_scale(avec[i], bvec[i], scale); ... }

  6. Use of CALL & RET in Subroutine Invocation _add_scale: ... mov eax,[ebp+16] imul eax,[ebp+12] addeax,[ebp+8] ... ret _main: ... L4: cmp [ebp-44],2 ; cmp(i, 2) jle L7 ; i < 2 jmp L5 L7: mov eax,[ebp-40] ; scale push eax ... mov eax,[eax+edx] ; bvec[i] push eax ... mov eax,[eax+edx] ; avec[i] push eax call _add_scale ... mov [edx+ecx],eax; cvec[i] ...

  7. Parameter Passing between Calling- & Callee-subroutines

  8. Passing Parameters • By Value • By Reference

  9. Passing Parameters By Value int add_scale(int x, int y, int scale) { int result; result = x + scale * y; return result; } main() { int avec[3], bvec[3], cvec[3], scale; ... for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) cvec[i] = add_scale(avec[i], bvec[i], scale); ... }

  10. Passing Parameters By Reference void v_add_scale(int x[ ], int y[ ], int z[ ], int scale) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) z[i] = add_scale(x[i], y[i], scale); } main() { int avec[3], bvec[3], cvec[3], scale; ... v_acc_scale(avec, bvec, cvec, scale); /* cvec change after the call! */ ... }

  11. Implementation of Passing Parameters • Via Register • Via Stack

  12. Passing Values via Registers _main: mov esi,[Scale] mov edx,0 L1: mov ecx,AVEC mov eax,[ecx+4*edx] add ecx,4*3 mov ebx,[ecx+4*edx] call _add_scale add ecx,4*3 mov [ecx+4*edx],edi inc edx cmp edx,3 jb L1 _add_scale: mov edi,esi imul edi,ebx add edi,eax ret

  13. Passing References via Registers _main: mov eax,AVEC mov ebx,BVEC mov ecx,CVEC mov esi,[Scale] call _v_add_scale ... _v_add_scale: mov edx,0 L1: mov edi,esi imul edi,[ebx+4*edx] add edi,[eax+4*edx] mov [ecx+4*edx],edi inc edx cmp edx,3 jb L1 ret

  14. Use of Stack • To pass parameters • due to limited number of registers • most HLLs use it as “standard” mechanism, known also as calling conventions • assembly programs/modules need to use these conventions to be able to communicate with HLL programs • data are accessed from the stack directly instead of via POP instruction: mov eax,[esp+4] ; esp as pointer or, Intel has provided EBP register for this purpose mov ebx,[ebp+4] ; ebp as pointer • To store local variables func() { int x, y; ... }

  15. Stacks as Storage for Local Variables

  16. Stack as Storage for Local Variables • Local variables live only as long as its function/ subroutine, where these variables reside, live (i.e., from the time the function/subroutine is called, until it returns execution to the calling program) • Accordingly, memory allocation for local variables does not need to be for the duration of the whole program: • Stack is the convenient location for this temporary storage • Local variables are allocated on the stack, by extending the stack-frame used whenever a subroutine-call takes place (where return-address is placed)

  17. General Form of a Subroutine subroutine_label: push ebp; save original EBP value on stack mov ebp,esp; new EBP = ESP, needed to access ; parameters passed by the calling program sub esp,LOCAL_BYTES; = # bytes needed by locals ; subprogram code mov esp,ebp; deallocate locals pop ebp; restore original EBP value ret

  18. Example: calc_sum.c void calc_sum( int n, int *sump ) { int i , sum = 0; for ( i=1; i <= n; i++ ) sum += i; *sump = sum; }

  19. Example: calc_sum.asm cal_sum: push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 4 mov dword [ebp - 4], 0; sum = 0 mov ebx, 1; i = 1 for_loop: cmp ebx, [ebp+12]; is i >= n? jnle end_for add [ebp-4], ebx; sum += i inc ebx; i++ jmp short for_loop end_for: mov ebx, [ebp+8]; ebx = sump mov eax, [ebp-4]; eax = sum mov [ebx], eax; *sump = sum mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret

  20. General Form of a Subroutine using Enter/Leave subprogram_label: enter LOCAL_BYTES, 0; = # bytes needed by locals ; subprogram code leave ret • bandingkan dengan: subroutine_label: push ebp; save original EBP value on stack mov ebp,esp; new EBP = ESP, needed to access ; parameters passed by the calling program sub esp,LOCAL_BYTES; = # bytes needed by locals ; subprogram code mov esp,ebp; deallocate locals pop ebp; restore original EBP value ret

  21. Passing Parameters via Stack Frames

  22. Passing Values via Stack Frames (1/2) int add_scale(int x, int y, int scale) { int result; result = x + scale * y; return result; } main() { int avec[3], bvec[3], cvec[3], scale; ... for (i = 0; i < vec_length; i++) cvec[i] = add_scale(avec[i], bvec[i], scale); ... }

  23. LEA Instruction • Load Effective Address • LEA REG,MEMLOC ; REG  MEMLOC • LEA EAX,[VAR1] ; EAX  VAR1 • MOV EAX,VAR1 • LEA EAX,[EBX+ESI] ; EAX  [EBX] + [ESI] • Bandingkan dengan: • MOV EAX,[VAR1] ; EAX  [VAR1] • MOV EAX,[EBX+ESI] ; EAX  [[EBX] + [ESI]]

  24. Passing Values via Stack Frames (2/2) _main: L4: cmp [ebp-44],2 ; cmp(i, 2) jle L7 ; i < 2 jmp L5 L7: mov eax,[ebp-40] ; scale push eax ... lea eax,[4*edx] lea edx,[ebp-24] ; bvec mov eax,[eax+edx] ; bvec[i] push eax ... lea eax,[4*edx] lea edx,[ebp-12] ; avec mov eax,[eax+edx] ; avec[i] push eax call _add_scale ... lea edx,[4*ecx] lea ecx,[ebp-36] ; cvec mov [ecx+edx],eax ; cvec[i] ... inc [ebp-44] ; i += 1 jmp L4 L5: _add_scale: push ebp mov ebp,esp sub esp,24 mov eax,[ebp+16] imuleax,[ebp+12] mov edx,[ebp+8] add edx,eax mov [ebp-4],edx mov edx,[ebp-4] mov eax,edx mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret

  25. Passing References via Stack Frames (1/2) void v_add_scale(int x[ ], int y[ ], int z[ ], int scale) { for (i = 0; i < vec_length; i++) z[i] = add_scale(x[i], y[i], scale); } main() { int avec[3], bvec[3], cvec[3], scale; ... v_acc_scale(avec, bvec, cvec, scale); ... }

  26. Passing References via Stack Frames (2/2) _v_add_scale: ... L4: cmp [ebp-4],2 jle L7 jmp L5 L7: mov eax,[ebp+20] ; scale push eax mov eax,[ebp-4] lea edx,[4*eax] mov eax,[ebp+12] ; BVEC mov edx,[eax+edx] ; BVEC[i] push edx ... mov eax,[ebp+8] ; AVEC mov edx,[eax+edx] ; AVEC[i] push edx call _add_scale ... mov edx,[ebp+16] mov [edx+ecx],eax inc [ebp-4] jmp L4 L5: ... ret _main: mov eax,[ebp-40] push eax lea eax,[ebp-36] push eax lea eax,[ebp-24] push eax lea eax,[ebp-12] push eax call _v_add_scale add esp,16

  27. Multi-module Programs

  28. Multi-module Programs • A multi-module program is one composed of more than one object file. • tugas0a.exe: driver.o tugas0a.o asm_io.o {C library} • Combined by the linker • gcc –o tugas0a.exe driver.o tugas0a.o asm_io.o {C library} • The linker must match up references madeto each label in one module (i.e. object file) to its definition in anothermodule • Calling-module declare the called-label “extern” • Called-module declare the called-label “global”

  29. Example • AddScale.asm: global _add_scale _add_scale: ... mov eax,[ebp+16] imul eax,[ebp+12] addeax,[ebp+8] ... ret • Main.asm: global _main extern _add_scale _main: ... L4: ... mov eax,[eax+edx] ; bvec[i] push eax ... mov eax,[eax+edx] ; avec[i] push eax call _add_scale

  30. On Pop-Quiz #1

  31. No. 3 • Jika diketahui variabel X adalah sebuah integer (4 byte) dengan alamat 0xBFFE. Sistem komputernya menggunakan format Little-Endian untuk menyimpan data multi-byte dalam memori yang byte-addressable. Berapa nilai X?

  32. No. 4 • Var i = 1001b (integer 4-bit) dan j = 00010000b (integer 8-bit), keduanya menggunakan representasi komplemen-2. Hitung k = i + j! (nyatakan dalam biner) i = 1001 = 11111001 = -7 j = 00010000 = 16 k = 00001001 = 9

  33. No. 5 • Perhatikan bagian program berikut: segment .data var_a dd 44332211h var_a db 11h,22h,33h,44h segment .text mov esi,var_a mov al,[esi] ; esi = 1000 , al = 11 inc esi ; esi = 1001 add [esi],al ; [esi]lama = 22 , al = 11 ; [esi]b aru = 33 add esi,2 ; esi = 1003 sub [esi],al ; [esi]lama = 44 , al = 11 ; [esi]baru = 33 ; [var_a] = 11, 33333311

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