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Conjugaison !!!. Les VERBES en ER. You have learned the meanings of some common French verbs; now you need to know what to do with them in order to be able to say what you want to say. STEP 1: Take off the “ ER ” ending of the verb. Example: parler parl __

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  1. Conjugaison!!! Les VERBES en ER

  2. You have learned the meanings of some common French verbs; now you need to know what to do with them in order to be able to say what you want to say. • STEP 1: Take off the “ER” ending of the verb. • Example: parlerparl__ • STEP 2: Add on the ENDING which agrees with the subject. Use the BOX: NOTES: Steps to Conjugation

  3. Examples: 1. Je---CHANTERSubject: Je (I)---Verb: Chanter (to sing) • Step 1: Je CHANT__ (We took off the “ER”) • Step 2: Add on an “E” because that is the ending that is used for the JE form. • Now we have: Je chante. This means: I sing/am singing/do sing 2. Tu—REGARDER la télé. Turegardes la télé. This means You watch TV/You are watching TV/You do watch TV. Your turn!!! Conjugate the following verbs: a. Nous---danser=

  4. b. Elle—écouter de la musique= c. Vous—nager= d. Sophie—étudier= e. Paul et Marc—aimer les filles= f. Je—téléphonermesamis= g. Nous—jouer au golf= h. Nous—voyager à Paris= i. Les filles—préparer le dîner=

  5. THE CORRECT ANSWERS ARE: • a. Nous dansons. • b. Elle écoute de la musique. • c. Vousnagez. • d. Sophie étudie. • e. Paul et Marc aiment les filles. • f. Je téléphonemesamis. • g. Nous jouons au golf. • h. Nous voyageonsà Paris. • i. Les fillespréparent le dîner. Check your answers to the samples

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