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Contributor Session on Smart Mobility Performance Measures

Contributor Session on Smart Mobility Performance Measures. Session Objectives. Clarify the Performance Measures and their applications Evaluate effectiveness through case studies Provide feedback on appropriateness, clarity and consequences. ®. ®.

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Contributor Session on Smart Mobility Performance Measures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Contributor Session on Smart Mobility Performance Measures

  2. Session Objectives • Clarify the Performance Measures and their applications • Evaluate effectiveness through case studies • Provide feedback on appropriateness, clarity and consequences

  3. ® ® Smart Mobility Performance Measures (part 1) 3

  4. ® ® Smart Mobility Performance Measures (part 2) 4

  5. Case Studies • RTP with SCS (SB 375 Sustainable Communities Strategy) • Context Sensitive Design • Corridor System Management Plan

  6. Case #1: RTP + SCS • Coordinate transportation (RTP) and land use planning (SCS) to achieve: • acceptable levels of travel accessibility • regional economic vitality • cost-effective infrastructure investments • minimal environmental impacts, induced travel • Conformity with AB32 and SB375 6

  7. Case #1 Comparison of Alternatives

  8. Case #1 Comparison of Alternatives

  9. Case #1 Smart Mobility Performance

  10. Case #2: Context Sensitive Design • Arterial creates barrier and economic disincentive through established community • Goal to improve safety and convenience for travelers and affected community and sustain community value 10

  11. ® ® Comparison of Alternatives 11

  12. ® ® Case #2Illustrative Performance Evaluation 12

  13. Case #3: Management of Freeway Corridor • 50-mile transportation corridor exhibits: • traffic congestion • lack of parallel roadway capacity • transit facilities approaching ridership capacity • incomplete HOV network • gaps and barriers within the bicycle network 13

  14. Difference in Performance Measures • Compared with CSMP, Smart Mobility measures emphasize safety and service for all modes of travel • Smart Mobility measures consider growth and travel inducement impacts of highway capacity increases, and • Resulting growth in emissions relative to climate law.

  15. Three Questions • Are performance measures understandable and relevant to the evaluation? • Are the measures effective in determining which project alternative is most consistent with Smart Mobility principles? • Are there any biases in the set of measures to be corrected through revision to individual measures or the entire set?

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