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The Succession of Mao and the End of Maoism 1969-82

The Succession of Mao and the End of Maoism 1969-82. By Karla Rico and Diana Pichardo. The cultural revolution aimed to : Change the nature of the chinese people . Liberate the masses through class struggle directed against revisionists whithin the party . Embrace Mao ´s thought

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The Succession of Mao and the End of Maoism 1969-82

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  1. TheSuccession of Mao and theEnd of Maoism 1969-82 By Karla Rico and Diana Pichardo

  2. The cultural revolutionaimedto: • Changethenature of thechinesepeople. • Liberatethemassesthroughclassstruggledirectedagainstrevisionistswhithintheparty. • Embrace Mao´sthought • After Mao, what? • Mao choseLin Biao in theNinthCongress in 1969 Background

  3. Lin Biao –Minister of Defence (PLA) • Theparticipation of the PLA in thepolitburoincreasedfrom 19 to 45 % • Linbiao´ssuccessmeanttheend of the cultural revolution–peoplethoughtherewegoagain • Political control brokeout • EconomicDisaster • Forceagainstforce (militarization of upperlevels) • Ambitiousaristocrataimedtorebelagainsttheleaderstooverthrow new dynasty • New dynasty TheMilitarization of thechinesePolitics

  4. A Quick look at history (Notquick at all)

  5. Afterthedefeat of theQingDynstyfollowedtheunsuccessfullrise of Yuan Shakai

  6. China entered a warlord era in 1916- 28 because no onemanagedtoretain control afterthelastdynsty. • SunYatsen and ChiangKai-ShekfoundedtheWhoampoaMilitaryAcademywith Soviet advisorstosupportthe KMT.

  7. 1925- SunYatsendies and struggleforpoweris won byChiangKai-Shekduetohismilitary base. Chiang sets up theNationalistgoverment.

  8. The CCP wasinstructedby Soviet advisorstocooperate • withthe KMT in ordertobringtheend of thewarlord era • Chiangmanagedto rule and turnedagainstthe CCP in 1927. • Itwasthenclearto Mao theneed of hisownmilitaryforce. • He remainedbeingthechairmanship of the MAC • (Militaryaffairscomssion)

  9. GaoGangtriedtobecomeMaossuccessor in the 1950s and failed • Lin Biao (previoussupporter of Gang) now rose tothepolituburobringingwithhim 7 of the 10 PLA marshals.

  10. Anotherdemonstration of theimportance of themilitarywastheLushanConference. • DefenceministerPeng de HuaichallengedMaosGLF • He waspurged and automaticallyreplacedbyMaosrighthand: Lin Biao • Lin Biao wasloyaltomaosthought and thatwasy Mao feltsafe. • Mao alwayseforcedthe idea of partyoverarmybut at thispointthe PLA wasneeded • Thewaytheyweregoing, themilitaryhadgainedtremendouspowerbybeingtheonlyinstitutionthat Mao trusted–Wasthistobecomeanarmyoverpartyrelation?

  11. Thefall of lin biao

  12. By 1968 Mao hadproclaimedthe Cultural Revolution as a greatVictory 1969 wasseen as the new beginning Cultural Revolution = thestruggleforpoweramongthe elite members of thepartytoseewhohadtherighttoshapethefuture

  13. Thereconstruction of theparty • Lowerlevels of thepartyhadbeendismissed so • members of the PLA quicklyrised • Mao´sfiftycharacterpolicycalledforparty • reconstructionsince 1967 • Th progresswasslow. From 1969 to 1970 only • 45 of thenations 185counties had set up party • commetees. • Young rebelswereintegratedtotheparty and • Old cadres dismissedwhichdidnotplease Mao

  14. RebuildingtheStateStucture • Mao proposedhis ideas forthematterthe 8 of March • 1970 in which he saidthat: • Thereshould be a fourthnationalpeoplescongress • Abolishthe position of head state • Aginst Ultra leftistcampaign • Lindisagreedonthelastone he thoughtthat: • Mao should resume the head office • He neededthereassurance of beingcalledMaos • Successor, he should be Head of state • Mao thoughtLinwastooold he neededacandidate as • Well : Zhang Chunqiao

  15. Thisreallypissed off Lin Nowweknow he alwaysthought Mao wasnot trust worthy since he wasalwaysreadytoknifehisclosestcolleges Now he fletstrongerwithhismilitarycolleges in thearmyto force Mao to concede he had a new ally: Chen Boda who choseLinfearingMaos anti leftistcapaigns.

  16. Mao refusedthe position as head officerforfourth time and saidthatanyonewhowanteditshouldtakeit • LinreassuredhissupportforMaosthought • No one at thegroupmeetingproposedLin as head state • Chenwrotebulletins in which he saidthatanyonewhoopposedMaosassumption of thestatechairmanshipwasopposingmaosthought • All parto of Lins plan Nationalcc´sSecondPlenum

  17. Itdidnt quite work in Lins favor • Mao figuredallthe plan out • Chenwasorderedtomakeselfcriticism • Reminder of Maosabilitytomanipulatetheparty

  18. Wethertheyshouldsign a sino-soviet pactor a sino-americanpact Linthoughtthat China wasstrong Enoughto stand ontheirown Mao thoughtthat, although he didntFullytrsutthe soviets theyshould be Abletobuy some time tostrenghten The PLA withdiplomacy Therewas a sino soviet pacts and a sino American pact signed as a resultsigned in 1970 Disagreementoverforeignpolicy

  19. If Mao wasnotgoingtocooperate, Lin Wouldsiezepowerthroughforce. • Mao launched a campaignagainstLin and hiscolleges -he wantedthemtomake a false move • Allmembershadtoreadsixprescribedbooks in ordertodifferentiatethematerialism and idealismtolaterconvictChen Boda • Mao wantedto • Throwstones–snapingLinsallies • Mixsand–addinghispeopletoinstitutionscontrolledbyLin • Dig up thecornerstone–reorganizingBeijingsmilitary

  20. He gaveordertothearmyto prepare for a coup in 1971 • Itwaspreparedby a younggroup (jointflee) ledbyLinLinguowhowas director of the air force and Lins son • Linwasnotsupportedbythe PLA members in thePolitburo (no evidence) • Linsrise? 3 options • Peacefultransactiontopower • Linbeingthrownout • Linassumedpowerahead of time (killing Mao and Zhang Lin Biaos coup

  21. Mao had a basfeelingaboutLin so he publiclydisregardedLin in a rathersadtone. • Betweenthe 8-11 of septemberthejointfleepreparedtheassasination. • Mao keptonmovingfollowinghisgreatsurvivalfeelings

  22. AfterLinLinguolearned Mao hadescapedalivealltheattemptstokillhim he sentLin and Ye to set up a rival regime in Guangdong • The plan wouldhavebeensuccessfulifitwasntforDoudou (food) Linssister • Shehad a badrelationwith Ye and triedtocommit suicide which Ye ignored 13 septemberincident

  23. ShewassenttoBeidahebyherbrothertoanalysehisfatheroptions • Tokill Mao • To set up a rival regime • Tofleetothe soviet union • Shedisagreed and insisted he should retire like a chinesesoildier. • No oneevertoldheranything so shespyedonthem • Duringherweddingtheattackhadbeenplanned so shecalledZhouEnlaitoprotect Mao • He wasneverableto stop theTrident • Ye calledfor a plane and shewasdenieditbyEnlaiwhichrisedsuspicionthattheyknew. • ThewholefamilybutDoudoufled.

  24. ZhouwenttoMaosrecidencetowarnhimpersonally • Mao said “The rain has tofall, womenhavetomarry, thesethings are immutable; letthemgo” • Mao wastransportedtothe hall where he held a meeting in which he wasntpresentduetoeithersecurityissues of embarassment of hisheir. • Thetridentfellnear Mongolia after 2 hours of journeykillingallinsidetheaircraft

  25. Mao and ZhouEnlipurgedthemilitaryleadersfromthepolitburo • Ye Jianyingtookoverthe MAC and theinvestigations of theconsipartor of the 13 septemberincident • More importantlyitimpacted Mao personally, howcould he beenwrongfor so long? Theimpact of thefall of Lin Biao

  26. Therise and thefall of thegang of four

  27. Maosmainconcernwastofind a crediblesuccessor • He wantedtorebuidtheleadership and keep China fromexpiriencinganabrubtchange of leader. • 3 groups rose • Theradicals- ultra leftistsafter cultural revolution • Thesurvivors – seniorofficials (ZhouEnlai) • Thebeneficiaries of theCult Rev.- Thosewho rose fromthepurges of the cultural rev • AlthoughZhoucertainlywasMaosnext in power he wasdiagnosedcancer and wasntexpectedtolivelong • Mao selected Wang Hongwen a junior radical Thesuccessionproblen

  28. Leftists in thepartywere at thedefensiveafterLinsdishonor • Theleftistshadcontrolledtheproduction targets annowZhouclaimed new programsshould be putinto place • 1972 Zhouimplementedagriculture and educationprogramsthatdidntpleasethe ultra leftists • He couldntremovethem as theywerebackedby Mao whodecretedthatLin Biao hadneverbeen a leftistbut he hadbeen a ultra rightist Enlaisantileftistoffensive

  29. Wang Hongwen, Zg¡hangChunqiao and YaoWnyuanwere in cherge of thedocumentsforthemeeting • A politicalreport,a revision of thepartyconstitution and thedraft of a new constitutionwerepresented • Aspects of theconstitutionwere: • Reaffirmedthe concept of the cultural revolution • Criticizingrevisionism • Partyleadershipoverotherinstitutions • Suppressingcriticism ThetenthPartyCongressAugust 1973

  30. Mao, Wang Hongwen, KngSheng, Zhang Chungqiao Li Desheng (supporters of the cultural rev) HuaGuofeng, Wu De, ChenYonggui Beneficiaries of the Cultural Revolution Radicals New central leadership Moderators Seniorofficials ZhouEnlai, Ye Jianying Zhu De, Dong Biwu (Mao supporters) SeeingtheorganizationtheRadicalshadmost of thepower and Theyneededtogetrid of theirmost formidable opponent: ZhouEnlai

  31. Underthe lead of JiangQingtheyprepared“The doctrines of Lin Biao, Confusious and Mencious” • Aimedtocriticize Biao and Confusious *Confuciousis a chinesephilosopherthatdeveloped in theQinDynasty era. He supportedtradition and belief. Meanwhile, Zhouscancergotworse and he wasunabletoleavethe hospital often. Pi Lin Pi Kong

  32. Mao hadtofingsomeonetoreplaceZhouEnlaifast. • Unfourtunatley, Wang Hongwenhad no politicalskills (marioneta) • JiangQingwasnotsuitablebecauseshewas a womanand Mao startedtocriticizeher and thegang of four. • In 1974 he proposedDengtotakoverZhous place as vice premier and tobeconechiefstaff of the MAC • Mao weakenedthegang of four • ZhouEnlaitriedtoturnaround Mao abouthisdecisiontoriseDeng • Mao responded bymakinghimvicechairman of theparty Thereturn of DengXiaoping

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